Attached: hb8.jpg (657x657, 95K)
Nicholas Walker
Evan Richardson
What happened to that lad and his girlfriend? Still on trial?
Oliver Morris
Why are you posting edgy cartoons that look like they were done by a 14yo?
Hudson Ross
Daily reminder:
The past is gone forever, the conditions that allowed the stability and cohesiveness of our society to exist as it did are no longer present and we can never return to those days. Those who dream of some magical ethnic purge don't seem to be in possession of the facts of the situation as it is now and as it shall be in only 25 years when in terms of school age children the British natives will for the first time in their history be outnumbered, and more frighteningly in around 40 years when they will be outnumbered in terms of men of fighting age.
This of course does not take into account that the entire political establishment, law enforcement, the media, the intelligence services, the judiciary, academia, the armed forces and every other institution of power and influence along with a sizable portion of our own people already have their guns aimed squarely at us. We are the enemy, we are the ones who stand in the way of progress, we are racists, Nazis, bigots, thugs, scum and we are the enemies of the people and as such we need to go.
When they send the first Pakistani recruited Regiments (Which are being formed right now thanks to our Pakistani Home Secretary) and when the ISIS/Al Nusra sleeper cells are all unleashed against us most of the rest of the world will look on in rapture as they stand and cheer and clap and rejoice at the sight of us being slain upon the ground our forefathers tended and tamed.
Mason Bailey
Christian White
So brace yourselves, it's time to get real, they are coming for you and they are playing for keeps, they have all the power, all the weapons and soon they will have the numbers, right now tax payer funded foreign mercenary brigades rape our children while they wait impatiently in every town and city, they are battle experienced, armed to the teeth, extremely well organised, highly motivated and eager to strike. So while we sit here typing hate speech on a honeypot website, as our ip's, home addresses, names and whatever else they can extract are being collected, lists are being drawn up in readiness for the real DOTR and Somalian machete specialists and SAS trained Afghan & Iraqi Commando's are literally chomping at the bit to come and take what they believe is their divine right as promised to them by their God.
Know that while the enemy prepares within our midst most of Britain sleeps, the Saxons wrath shall never be awakened, and besides the time for that has long since passed.
Luis Bell
girls on bail and lad is in prison till their trial next year i think
Nathaniel Cox
to bait you into moaning
William Ramirez
Kill yourself Hohol diasposhit
Noah Sullivan
Stop moaning you're always moaning, you're not happy unless you're unhappy
Leo Wright
those are some hefty fucking fingers
Christopher Lopez
i wonder if they have that havana club shite in my waitrose
Ethan Cruz
Lmao Slavs universally support lads like that you subhuman fat loser
Gabriel Edwards
> in around 40 years
stopped reading there. shit is going to hit the fan in europe long before the the shitskins outnumber us.
Josiah Hughes
why do you pretend to drink alcohol?
Josiah Long
GTFO, Turk
Colton Cooper
I'd send my son to a National Political Institute of Education if he was that gifted at 14 yo (except the AK shit, gotta have a talk about that)
Aiden Sullivan
Good thing brave Johnnys like you are about to die fighting Russia
Oliver James
Grayson Carter
Asher Williams
i just really want to be like my role model eddie
Noah Ramirez
bet you've never even seen a gun or an axe you pussy-o
Jeremiah Lewis
Probably because you’re a retard
Hudson Butler
i aint fighting no russians
british army can kiss my hairy fucking arse
Benjamin Butler
your "country" takes half an hour to drive across, that's really not saying much
Camden Reyes
I'd tell you to gtfo in turn but you are already in Bongistan shitting up the place, so thank you for your service
Owen Cruz
Oh yes you fucking are, bigot
Ian Allen
You probably forgot that Russian nationalists hate your gypsy kind. No more Putin, no more protection of Serbia from Bosnia and Croatia. Get ready to swallow 700,000 buckets of Slav cum lol
William Clark
couldnt find it on the waitrose website but i did find it on the tescos site
Joshua Sanchez
Parker Perry
Jason Kelly
A rake's progress, 2018. The most problematic thing is it stopped being a feminist in 2016.
Oliver Robinson
Its good stuff lad.
Brody Campbell
Probably because you’re a retard
Jacob Miller
they can fuck off
id rather go to prison.
i aint fighting other whites whilst niggers and muzzies roam free in this country
Michael Hall
Depends. If you're driving in the morning hours
when all the leeches (like your fellow countrymen) come in to take our tax-money it'll take you about 5 hours. Otherwhise about half an hour, sure, shortest way "across" though.
Jackson Carter
what station we listening to lads oi oi
Ethan Lee
can I have a rundown on the two quares in the link , they look slavs or poles
Bentley Sanders
I wonder, does ONA do any sort of activism in and around the UK?
Jordan Torres
>Russian nationalists
You mean the retards that look like they belong on a Nazi propaganda poster labeled "untermensch"
Oh noes
William Torres
You just need to train the slag an then beat the shyte out of her
Tyler Long
Anyone remember this? Naive or completely disingenuous.
Daniel Wright
What's ONA?
Jonathan Gray
this from a serb kiddie fiddler kek
Andrew Gutierrez
Listening to KMFDM. Always makes me feel a little better after a shitty day
Easton Hill
How do we fix the Norf?
Hunter Mitchell
Why is Lithuanian diaspora so retarded? You only bring shame to our country
Aaron Johnson
Stone my wife please
Robert Bennett
Get the fuck out of the EU and fortify your islands against the EU overlords.
Brandon Young
they exist here, pretty quiet though
Gavin Garcia
which city? wanna hear what its like
Austin Sanchez
I was BAOR I will go kill them in my milan platoon
Easton Campbell
You’re old and mental
David Butler
wait thought that was a radio station not some emo poofs lmfao
Nathaniel Johnson
TRAITOR /Military Police notified !
Carson Gutierrez
>can't even come up with a counter argument
You Stormtards are pathetic
Chase Watson
i bet you listen to capital
Anthony Collins
Order of the Nine Angles, a fascist "satanist" group that was formed in the UK around the 60's if i remember correctly
Jackson Brown
that was from my question
Brody Nguyen
why weren't you in dundee last night?
Ethan Johnson
Makes me moar Spechal
that you in the pic you savage mongral ape
Easton Hill
i was?
Angel Ward
Apparently they had a great deal of fun killing you cucks in Ukraine and teaming up with Croats during the World Cup to beat serbniggers up
Say hello to picousti and his refugees welcome policies, turkish slave
shut up, memeflag
Funny you go after storm front given it’s the only place in the universe mind Serbia and Greece where subhumans like you are considered European
Daniel Jackson
>pretty quiet
I know that all too well, some ONA members met up with AWD members here in FL. Intresting experience.
Jose Bell
in his Kia ?
Luke Martinez
post pics
Daniel Flores
Justin Cooper
I don't understand the generalisation of Slavs. I feel no crucial similarity in mindset with Poles or Ukrainians for instance. Those people have notably different habits, understanding of the world, values, etc. It's like to equal white British to aussies or kiwis.
Nathan Nguyen
Colton Fisher
give me your best local radio station lads
Jaxon Davis
Come on you wolves desu
Smash Neil Warnock
Turn around this shit run of defeats
Joseph Lopez
Asher Myers
As a reminder, if you thought britbongs weren't absolute degenerates.
Samuel Ramirez
we're coming for you
Benjamin Gonzalez
>local radio stations
are you retarded?
Daniel Harris
Adrian Flores
then why are you pretending to be in dundee?
Easton Gutierrez
here's the retarded one
Fuck Y*rdies
Isaiah Anderson
>killing you cucks in Ukraine
Is that why they still can't recover DPR lmao
Ukraine will soon be partitioned, enjoy watching it diasposhit
Wyatt Garcia
Ar tu kvailas?
Sebastian Torres
i mean actual radio stations you jakey
Joseph Richardson
i am souf fc
look into my faggot eyes
the eyes of faggotry
the eyes of souf fc
the eyes of islington
the eyes of cuckery
the eyes of a guardian onions boy
i am souf fc
i am the parasite within our nation
(((get my orders))) from those who shut it down
Ethan Rivera
Honest opinions on poles lads?
Couple of poles at work fucking despise niggers/pakis and do it openly. It's fucking hilarious.
Grayson Jones
She just gave Parliament to the Labour Party, didn't she?
Jason Gray
oh vey shut it down
the british know
desu oh
onions boy
shut it down
the english know
shut it down
call the bog brothers
shut it down the british know
goyim it's over
Oliver Cox
oh vey they change onions boy to onions
Jonathan Rogers
>Drew against United, City and Arsenal
Bring it on faggot
Easton Cooper
why the mutts changing ONIONS to onions? dafuq
Cameron Hughes
would swap all shitskins for poles in an instant if I could
Julian Ward
wtf i said ONIONS
Ian Moore
Map is incorrect. Hungarians, romanians and poles want a piece too
Jackson Wood
Anyway its this time of the Year for the Yearly Xmas Party Bants Meet UP !
Wed 19 Dec , 7 til late or /Clubs
Its Always a Manchester city Centre boozer
I will sort venue , as ever
for souf fc poofs too afraid after the watford Gap , that venue an train too streets too venue will have CCTV incase you chased home ,
This Year ,
There will be Karioke , and a hotpot/red cabbage supper an a raffle prize ,
If you are serious put your name down , as the last 5 yrs have been Mental and ..SOLD OUT ,
Ayden Watson
Fuck off newfag
Luke Perry
Tyler Perry
why wont it let me type it out? why does it change to onions
Xavier Wilson
ofc none of you post a radio station because none of you even own cars you fucking bunch of underage and/or neet cunts
Aaron Howard
Hunter White
GCHQ Larping this badly .. lol
I applied to join them , I failed as was too SANE
Angel Roberts
this is how it should be
Gavin Mitchell
servian, Azov and Co and Kievan thieves are both interested in keeping the conflict in the east going
Why you may wonder? Well, Kiev foolishly believes that sending off nationalistic youth there will prolong their feast in the capital, Azov and other nationalistic battalions want even more popular anger so their coup will be embraced as an act of salvation
>Ukraine will soon be partitioned
It won’t happen anytime soon you “Radical” turk putinplebboy.
Vojvodina leaving your landlocked shithole? Now THAT is likely to happen in a foreseeable future
Serb = permavictim
Romanians can have their piece in India or fucking oven lmao