>be orban
>be a literal gypsy that lets gypsies outbreed everyone else
>campaign against immigration when emigration is killing your country
>let putin spit on your countrymen's grave
is there a more cucked nation in Europe?
Be orban
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Well, Romania isn't doing great either, but I agree, Orban is overrated
Even our own pm is whiter than him (pic)
Jobbik was the man that needed to get elected, hungayrians are bluepilled gypsylovers
I wish we had our own Jobbik
>We, Hungarians are the most westerly of the Eastern people. If we put aside the lies about our Finno-Ugric origin, and only profess that we are the descendents of Atilla, we would suddenly find hundreds of millions ready to form a common basis for alliance. In fact, there are about two hundred million people living in the world today, who can say that they are descendants of Atilla. It is not possible, of course, to build a political strategy based on this fact alone. However, if we take a look at the countries from Bulgaria to Turkey and all the way across to Eastern Asia, we realise that we, Hungarians could have a lot of common political objectives with these countries. We come to realise that an alliance based and developed on the principles of Turanism instead of the Euro-Atlantic alliance would be more effective in serving the needs and interests of our nation.
>In a broader context, Vona suggested that a nationalistic, conservative society founded on both European and Asian (Eurasian) principles would comprise ideal statehood, in stark contrast to the neoliberal, multicultural, consumerist Western countries, which he perceives as trapped in a hopeless and perhaps irreversible decline. “We have been urging... the improvement of ... relations with Russia, China, India, Central Asia and the Muslim world,” he said on his website.
Le 33%
>According to Andrew C. János, while some Hungarian Turanists went as far as to argue they were racially healthier than and superior to other Europeans (including Germans, who were already corrupted by Judaism), others felt more modestly, that as Turanians living in Europe, they might provide an important bridge between East and West and thus play a role in world politics out of proportion of their numbers or the size of their country. This geopolitical argument was taken to absurd extremes by Ferenc Szálasi, head of the Arrow Cross-Hungarist movement, who believed that, owing to their unique historical and geographical position, Hungarians might play a role equal to, or even more important than, Germany in building the new European order, while Szálasi's own charisma might eventually help him supersede Hitler as leader of the international movement.[85]
>Ferenc Szálasi, the leader of the Hungarian Arrow Cross Party believed in the existence of a genuine Turanian-Hungarian race (to the extent that his followers went about making anthropological surveys, collecting skull measurements) that was crucial for his ideology of "Hungarism". Szálasi was himself a practicing Catholic and wavered between a religious and a racial basis for Hungarism. The unique vocation of “Turanian” (Turkic) Hungary was its capacity for mediating and uniting both east and west, Europe and Asia, the Christian Balkans and the Muslim Middle East, and from this stemmed its ultimate vocation to lead the world order through culture and example, a task that neither Italy nor Germany was prepared to accomplish. [86]
b-based Orban, right Jow Forums?
>shitty right wing populists do nothing good for their countries
Never heard that one before
Orban is literally a Soros scholarship alumni.
Sure, Gypsies are a problem. But the same is true in Slovakia, Serbia, Romania, etc. At least Orban is keeping non-white immigrants out of Hungary.
Gypsy extermination camps when?
he literally depends on gypsies to win elections
>Mr. Kamarás is doing some of the grassroots building and campaigning that is so essential for any political movement to get off the ground. His group will also have to work with experts and professionals to vet his program. As well, he will endure the uphill battle of convincing the majority population that he poses no threat to Hungary’s territorial integrity and that his plan really does help integrate the Romani. Some are incredulous. One gentleman commented on the party’s Facebook page: “Perhaps you can start by simply not voting for Fidesz, even if the party transports you by bus right to the voting booth.” Another person commented that Mr. Kamarás should not try to establish a ghetto. The party president wrote back and correctly noted that territorial autonomy and ghettoisation are not the same.
>The road ahead for Mr. Kamaras is long. He must mobilize local Roma at the grassroots level to be more engaged in civic issues and he must convince them not to vote for Fidesz, in exchange for very modest aid and bus rides to the voting booth. And he must also engage the majority population in a positive way.
>the hungarian nationalist party criticizes fidesz for not giving enough gibs to gypsies
Europe is officially then most cucked and browned nation on this planet
Based Dima.
thanks Andrei
Unification when?
just send in tanks bro, moldova isn't a country anyway
How have these people been able to stay for so long in europe, you would think they would have been kicked out centuries ago
they were nomads, they roamed, and they bred like rabbits enough to compensate for the ones dying from malnutrition
Waiting for some H*ngarians to come by.
Romania 100 GET
damn so close
Not this time kike. Hungary is based and you know it
I eat da poo poo.
This. These people are Jew pawns, nothing more. Wilders, Orban, Le Pen, all of them.