>Be a hyper-Nationalist >Invade Poland

What did he mean by this?

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>begged for danzig because poles were slaughtering Germans
>All access denied, reports of mass chaos

>What did he mean by this?
Polaks are pale niggers

He was hyper-imperialist you Moron. He envisioned deportation of all Slavs to the east of the Urals. Never believe the honorary Aryan horse shit.

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Wasn't Poland part of Lebensraum?

What’s a fake Jew?

I know this board believes in S U P E R I O R GERMAN ENGINEERING and UBER GERMAN INDUSTRY which could do no wrong but the truth is, if you put all your money into war equipment you eventually have to go to war and make sure investment is returned.
He wanted easy prey so he went for Poland, marching along with commies. He got paid dearly from jewish wealth and polish slave labor.

Nah Czechoslovakia was supposed to be the easy prey Hitler had the idea to fight. But Britain and France cave in. The air superiority in 1938 for the Germans would of made the battle of Britain a joke.

no matter the reason Poland at that time was too big of a strategic point to ignore.
>i invade France, Poland honors alliance and makes the French war a 2 side war
>i invade Poland French fries and Bongs are too lazy to help em.
>if i ever would want to invade Russia Poland is a well developed country with roads and rails to sipport an invasion also its the shortest land route between berlin and moscow

Poland sided with the (((Anglos))) and the Jews, which means Poles would have attacked Germany from the back if Germans had invaded France. Germans had to get rid of that inconvinience so they invaded Poland first, its simple as that

>>begged for danzig because poles were slaughtering Germans
He asked for a corridor to Danzig, not for Danzig. Danzig was administrated by an englishman for the Society of Nations.

I mean other thing to consider was that Poland was a safe bet. He militarised Rhine, took Austria and Czech/Moravia and what League of Nations did? Nothin.

If Charlemagne didn't let the Church go from a dwindling pile of embers to the HRE; which was so large it caused the reactionary foundation of Sweden and Norway hundreds of miles North, Poland would have easily been assimilated by Germany, along with France and Italy.

>>begged for danzig because poles were slaughtering Germans

Spotted the stormnigger.. As early as 1920 Hitler wrote about Drang nach Osten (pushing east) demanding that land and territory (colonies) for the sustenance of our people, and colonization for our surplus population. In other words the Poles being meanies to Germans wans't completely untrue, but it was a overblown myth to sustain the pathological racism of the National socialists who designated Poles as subhumans long before.

Even in a Machiavellian scenario you invade a country, secure the safety of your people and then prop up local collaborators -- the nazis never opted for such measures; they pursued a direct policy of complete ethno-cultural genocide; even with Danzing secured in German hands they outlawed the teaching of Polish language in rural schools -- this shows that it wasn't about security, it was never about security, it was a case of one group genociding another group of Europeans.

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1. He didn't want a situation where USSR takes whole Poland and hangs on his back when he's dealing with UK/France
2. He needed fuel which was provided by Romania
3. Even back then blitzkrieg on UK was impossible

>western (((Poland))) is german majority for last 600 years
>becomes (((Polish))) after ww1 for 20 years
>(((Poland))) aggressively annexes land from every central power; absurdly holding unto lands they by every right have no claim and are of different ethnic groups.
>annexes part of Lithuania
>annexes part of Czechoslovakia
>annexes part of Ukraine
>backstabs Germany even though Germany is responsible for their national sovereignty; freeing them from Russian rule which lasted centuries

oy gevalt why are they invading peaceful poland we dindu nuffins we are amazing democrazy totally not autocratic warmongers who just happened to be on the losing side so we can look like victims. no our population wasn't 30% Jewish prior to ww2. oy vey! you're being a revisionist!

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>realize that nation is bondage by blood and not about arbitrary patches of land
transcend my friend

at this point i shouldnt be suprised that a mongrel would have the slightest idea how cultures and countries work. and saying that an event from more that 1.1 k years ago had any influence on what happend borders on Amoeba lvl of intelegence

Hitler wasn't a "white nationalist", he was a german nationalist and basically all neo-nazis are retards.

What a fucking bait

>western (((Poland))) is german majority for last 600 years
false,read a book nigger
>becomes (((Polish))) after ww1 for 20 years
false, Poland has existed since 966 until 3 powers took over us.

>(((Poland))) aggressively annexes land from every central power; absurdly holding unto lands they by every right have no claim and are of different ethnic groups.
We mainly took what was ours

>annexes part of Lithuania
majority polish town and suburbs

>annexes part of Czechoslovakia
That's correct

>annexes part of Ukraine
We tried to work something out with their leader but red army took over and all we could do was fight

>backstabs Germany even though Germany is responsible for their national sovereignty; freeing them from Russian rule which lasted centuries

Why do I even bother responding to such piece of shit,it's pretty clear you've never even touched a history book
What the fuck do I do with my life, trying to put some sense into stupid brainless mutt

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>western (((Poland))) is german majority for last 600 years
in fact silesia and pomerania stayed majority polish all the way until world war 2
>(((Poland))) aggressively annexes land from every central power; absurdly holding unto lands they by every right have no claim and are of different ethnic groups
Poznan, Kraków and Lwów were all polish cities with polish population and they were under the polish control for half a millenia
pic related, map showing the lands under direct polish control based on years

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Germany had been cut in two after the Treaty of Versailles. The Soviet Union was on the march across Eastern Europe after WWI. Germany's East Prussia was indefensible, and its economy unsustainable without a Polish rail/customs corridor between Germany and East Prussia. Poland, with Britain encouraging them, refused to make any deals with Hitler.

And after Hitler carried out the Anschluss with Austria, and demanded and received the Sudetenland from Czechoslovakia. Poland believed that Hitler would then turn to demand all German-majority lands in Poland(or lands previously majority-German prior to WWI). So the Poles decided to basically ethnically-cleanse what was "West Prussia" of ethic-Germans.

Hitler didn't want war with Britain, but Britain gave Poland a war-guarantee for mutual defense. So Hitler makes a deal with Stalin. Hitler would basically take back West-Prussia that it lost in WWI, and Stalin could take the rest of Poland, and Britain wouldn't dare go to war with both Germany and the Soviet Union to defend Poland.

Britain declares war on Germany and allies with Stalin. Stalin then places roughly six-million troops on its Western border while Germany is fighting in France, the Low-Countries, and during the Battle of Britain. Stalin is waiting until "The Western countries" exhaust themselves fighting against each other, and then the Soviet Union would march across Europe.

Hitler preemptively invades the Soviet Union in Operation Barbarossa, but gets bogged-down by an unusually-early winter. Loses WWII.

They fought the saxons for over 3 decades and they barely managed only by extreme bloodshed and teutonic brutality as the typical germannigger.

Could easily assimilate marshy woody terrain with based warlike people. Sounds so plausible.

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The world is ruled by "power". While Hitler wanted nationalism, he realized that a nation incapable of defending itself couldn't be a nation. The "power" of a nation depended mostly on its access to the natural resources necessary to feed its industry.

The point of Lebensraum was to bring Germany to parity with the massive resources of the United States and the Soviet Union.

For that matter, the point of colonialism was about maintaining favorable access to resources/commodities which would be shipped back to the "industrial countries" to feed the industry/economy there. But colonialism also meant creating overseas colonies, interventionist foreign policy, and mingling populations. Which undermined nationalism.

The overarching goal of Hitler was actually "Autarky" or "self-sufficiency". Once they had as much resources as every other power, they would never be threatened by any other power, nor dependent on any other power.

But Hitler didn't as much want to conquer territories, as he wanted to create a "sphere of influence". He wanted to surround himself with nationalist governments like his. But Germany would be the greatest power in it. And over time they would feel "Germany hegemony", where they would likely learn German for trade reasons(like most countries speak English).

Over time, German-hegemony in Central and Eastern Europe, would eventually lead to a kind of super-state, similar to the European Union, which was large enough to resist the need for further "global" economic integration. Which hypothetically meant no need for immigration, no overseas colonies. And it would be powerful enough to effectively wall itself off from the rest of the world. Which meant the "German Realm" would be the home of "white people" basically forever(IE 14/88).

Of course, it wouldn't have happened anyway. Since Lebensraum wouldn't have had the oil reserves necessary for a modern economy. And would have had to have expanded into the Middle-East. So it was always going to be a failure.