CNN poll : Only 6% approve of Trump

This is fucking embarassing.

>CNN's most recent poll showed President Trump with a staggering 6% approval rating. More and more people from Trump's base are abandoning him due to his increased racist remarks, criminal activities, and just his plain unpleasantness.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I abandoned him because he did nothing about immigration and now we are going to become a minority in our own nation. Pray to god this country ends with balkanization.

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This is why I had to get off the retarded trump train.

thank you for the link


"""polls""" amrite fellow pedes

i only trust metamussen polls

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holy shit!!! 94% of people support Trump.

A thread made by shills, for shills.

CNN also said Trump had a 90% chance of losing the election.
It's National Enquirerer tier.


That's how we've gotten where we are today, fool.

The bumpstock ban was the tipping point for me. You're going to hear him talk shit about the Fed. I hate the fed, but if he was going to do something about it, he'd stop tweeting and request congress to order an audit.

more total bullshit wow spectacular

newfag trying to fit in


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>CNN's most recent poll

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>Breaking news, CNN reports Trump has now moved into negative, yes negative approval. We have invited one of the nations top quantum physicists to help explain this phenomena.
>Thanks sally, it's quite simple really. We live in a reality constructed by the archons who exist in a hyperplane intersecting our conscious level of being, and they are colluding with the Russians

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I supported Trump because he was going to build the wall, but now I feel like there is a better chance a Democrat will build it so I'm supporting Cory Booker in 2020.

The jew york fuck broke his campaign promises. I know most Jow Forums drank from the well, but its time to find another candidate to please our chaos god.

A pro-2nd amendment democrat from some flyover state would be my choice to back in the next election. Cowboys and Indians vs Bankers and elitists.

>implying CNN has actual polls
>implying they just don't make shit up

get fucked nigger

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We are probably going to end up that way anyways. After Trump leaves office in 2020, there will be a second recession that will rival the likes of the Great Depression. Which would end up causing a lot of younger whites to be angry over the lack of jobs. The Dems will blame it on him as a result. America isn’t like Brazil where everyone is a mixed mutt. Racial tension in this nation is growing rapidly.

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>A thread made by shills, for shills.
It's funny when they reply to each other or don't know about ID's and they reply to themselves.

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Oh wow, you really thought this one through.


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>Trump leaves office in 2020

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Gee guis I love Jews now, Hitler is bad, and I'm voting Hillary in 2020 just because you posted this thread.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. Something something nuclear codes.

>A pro-2nd amendment democrat

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>6% approval
Were they polling their own approval numbers?

I just wanted to watch a show about cool 80's cars, not have feelings

Looks like you need a hug.

Mah bumpstock reeeeeeee

Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve

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lol fuck off u fucking paid shill

Id like to think that shilling will never work here just because its too hard to compete with the trolls.

But no one died from gas?

Democrats wants to nuke American citizens. Enemy of the people

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>Id like to think that shilling will never work here
Because once you learn the truth you can’t unlearn them. But all it takes is one truth and lies are exposed for ever

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Trump is shit(like our Zeman)but it was lesser of two evils compared to Clinton(like our Drahoš).

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it helps when you have a foreign nation hacking and altering the election results in your favor

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1. Poll is bullshit.
2. For those of us that have stopped cheerleading him, that's not why.

Fuck off nigger.


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>foreign nation hacking and altering the election results in your favor
Sauce please. What was hacked? Trump won Michigan, we have mechanical voting machines with paper ballots. How do you “hack” something that’s not connected to internet and has no electrical circuits? Maybe you are projecting

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