The identitarian and xenophobic populism today flourishing throughout Europe is not a reaction or alternative to...

>The identitarian and xenophobic populism today flourishing throughout Europe is not a reaction or alternative to neoliberal policies, but its extension. As recently pointed out by Quinn Slobodian, exponents of Alternative für Deutschland and the Austrian far right have close ties with the famous Mont Pellerin Society, the global intellectual hub of neoliberalism.

>The flat tax promoted by Italy’s Salvini-Di Maio government is another example of the connivance between the ideas of the (center-left and center-right) neoliberal bloc and those of the identitarian right. Their common aim is to allow capital to circulate and to block the road to human beings. The Europe desired by Salvini and Orban is an identitarian extension of neoliberal Europe, not its opposite.

And here I had hoped the Right has finally gotten at least something right.
Motherfuckers can't even get a proper anticapitalist Fascism going.

Attached: 1543607800667.png (512x512, 269K)

Other urls found in this thread:–Piven_strategy

our government is actually kind of lefty on economics.
the flat tax is the exception

>anticapitalist Fascism
Are you retarded? Italian facism was a capitalist movement.

>Everything is a psyop
>Everyone is controlled opposition
>All happenings are false flags
>All channels are honeypots
>No one knows who is working for
>No one knows who is giving the orders

Attached: Itsallsotiresome.jpg (682x529, 44K)

The idea is that the 20th century had three ideologies (communism, fascism and "liberalism" aka capitalism) of which only one survived.
Mussolini was originally a socialist, after all.

this is actually the scariest post I read on Jow Forums all week.
Would've been perfect if you'd replace that last two with

>No one knows who is working for who
>No one is giving the orders

National Socialism considered itself a third position distinct from capitalism and marxist socialism. Fascism was Italy's merger of state and corporate power. It wouldn't work without capitalism. Liberalism is just marxism dressed up by crypto-communists.

>Liberalism is just marxism dressed up by crypto-communists
Not the America "liberalism" of the Democrat Party. The historical liberalism and how it's used in places like Europe.
but even for retarded American "liberalism", the idea that it has ANYTHING to do with Marxism is laughable.

>Not the America "liberalism" of the Democrat Party
Yes, the very same. People like the Clintons are devout followers of Saul Alinsky.

This. Why do Americans live in their own private world isolated from the rest of planet earth?
user could you please define marxism and communism? how does it relate to neoliberals in the US?

Attached: aratakareigen3.jpg (460x479, 40K)

>user could you please define marxism and communism? how does it relate to neoliberals in the US?
Communism is a disgusting, irreligious, inefficient system that leads to cultural decline and is an effective way to destabilize countries and displace people. Marxism is a theory of utilizing socialism to convert a capitalist nation into communism. Neoliberals are Alinskyites (pic related). They are interested in creating a socialist state using the highlighted principles.

Attached: Alynskyites.jpg (736x788, 154K)

>Marxism is a theory of utilizing socialism to convert a capitalist nation into communism

Yes, that is Karl Marx's theory in the communist manifesto. Socialism is used to convert capitalism to communism.

Attached: transition.png (864x735, 61K)

Attached: first phase.png (887x773, 70K)

Karl Marx's theory is in Das Kapital and other associated writings.
Liberalism has nothing to do with it and, in actually, is virtually opposite of it.

lol@ those highlights
Actually reading that is nice. You just highlighted key words ("socialism", "from capitalism") like a literal retard.

hey where are these screenshots from?
I wanna read this

>Liberalism has nothing to do with it and, in actually, is virtually opposite of it.
Did you see the article in ?
Liberalism is exactly what is described by Saul Alinsky. Are you trying to deny that Saul Alinsky's principles aren't socialist, or that the democrats don't focus specifically on those issues mentioned in the article?

www dot marxists dot org/archive/lenin/works/1917/staterev/ch05.htm
We can both do this, but it's pointless.

The future of the world economy is Islamic.

I don't know who the fuck is this Alinsky guy even is.
I just know two broad and general points:
• Liberalism is openly and happily capitalist, operates by a neoclassical conception of economics (inc. marginalism aka "you are paid what you're worth"), works via methodological individualism, and is milktoast "reformist" in the weakest sense possible - i.e. more brown/women CEOs.
• Marxism is convinced capitalism should/will be overthrown, operates by a classical conception of economics (inc. surplus value theory aka "your boss screws you of the full worth of your work"), is obsessed over class, and is fundamentally transformative - i.e. no more CEOs.

Let me help you out.
The truth is weirder because its more about greed and thinktanks than a general conspiracy.
Instead its more likely a general rubbing of hands and shaking hand with .gov to make more money than a large conspiracy.

Attached: brazilsocietyfuture.jpg (1301x1597, 886K)

>not naming any names

>Liberalism is openly and happily capitalist
Liberalism is anything but capitalist, and I've already highlighted why. You have nothing to back up this claim of yours either.
>Marxism ... operates by a neoclassical conception of economics
It doesn't follow economics at all, except to weaponize them to destabilize countries. Take Venezuela for example. What happened when their country collapsed? People left to neighboring countries where they will eventually push for the same things there. This is the domino effective capitalism fears.

>Liberalism is anything but capitalist, and I've already highlighted why
You actually did not.

>You have nothing to back up this claim of yours either
It happily incorporates into itself the basics of capitalist ideals ("economic freedom", individualism, private property, "rule of law").
Beyond that, we see it in action. Liberalism is the ideology that brought you everything from the abolishment of feudal restrictions on mercantile activity back in the 18th century, to the market-fundamentalist privatizing neoliberal strand of the past 40 years. Wherever liberalism goes, so does the opening of new markets, economic deregulation, and private ownership of the means of production.

>It doesn't follow economics at all, except to weaponize them to destabilize countries. Take Venezuela for example
Wow. These couple of sentences are like and death spiral from "oh no..." to "full retard" with every additional word.

also, you misquoted me, retard. Marx was a classical economist. Neoclassicalism only emerged in the 1890's-1910's.

>You actually did not.
I did, you choose to not read. Feel free to scroll up and read the article anytime.
>It happily incorporates into itself the basics of capitalist ideals
It's all about destroying capitalism and building dependency to the state, as explained in the clipped newspaper article above.
>I still don't have arguments to come up with, better try again with ridicule

Attached: idwH9gQC.png (842x792, 82K)

Ne·o·clas·si·cism (nēō-klăsĭ-sĭzəm) 1. A revival of classical aesthetics and forms, especially: a. A revival in literature in the late 1600s and 1700s

Why do I need to name your cousins? Every seed of a person here will occasionally
All you have to say is
>"isn't it interesting that half the "white" cast is jewish while watching a movie.
>or to a devout christian boomer watching fox news. a jew is give opposing arguments. say I wish him a happy hanukkah.
Dont worry I have no issue with israel taking land from people who cant cultivate it.
I have no issue with admitting superiority. but using a genocide to make yourself sacrosanct will fall on deaf ears once the guilty population does not exist.
You cannot make spics and arab children feel guilty about muh holocaust.

Land of Lustrous is unironically the most redpilled anime I've ever seen

That article doesn't say or mean shit.
Even if it did, it could not singlehandedly dismiss a pattern stretching across centuries.
I mean shit, do you even listen to yourself? How can an ideology proudly declaring itself to be about "small government" be about "building dependency to the state"?! What fucking retarded bizzaro-world definition of 'liberalism' (or 'capitalism', for that matter) are you operating with here?

You are a mouthbreathing idiot jumping through hoops (pretty impressive hoops, it must be said, seeing how you apparently comb through Leninist writings) just to somehow associate a mainstream word you think incorporates things you dislike with a fringe word you think incorporates things you dislike.
I have to go to sleep soon, but I am willing to bet all my shekels that had we continued going down this retardation rabbithole, you'd eventually reveal that it's all something or other about "saving the white race". Not because I'm a stupid leftist who reflexively things that anyone who disagrees with me is a racist, but because I've been on this ride before. Neither liberalism nor marxism are really things you actually care about or even comprehend - they are both just big bad words you associate with the dreaded "lefties".

>I still don't have arguments to come up with, better try again with ridicule
I bet there's a fancy academic word for a sentence that describes itself.

Please don't speak of shit you are ignorant of.

Get the fuck out of here, kike, NONE CARE!

in what way

Attached: 1533996740650.png (1280x720, 792K)

>That article doesn't say or mean shit.
Are you just using google translate? I can understand if you can't read the image.
>Please don't speak of shit you are ignorant of.
You're linking me revisionist history.

What a fucking mad cunt salvini is. Forcing the rich to pay the same tax as the poor. It will take generations to recover psychologically.

>What's more powerful than being the highest billed taxpayer
>Not paying it

Regarding the article: just a quick google for "garret geer" and lookie what I found:

>You're linking me revisionist history.
Then what is the "real" history, poindexter?

Attached: Untitled.png (672x617, 50K)

Rich people ought to contribute more.

You are more informed than most
Adam smith spawned the justification of open trade.
Many countries resisted it. Britain would come in with the barrel of ship cannons and say open trade.
A few countries resisted and instead used the nationailst system, aka american/german system that was the system until ww1.
They used tariffs and promoted industry

It wasn't Smith, it was mostly Ricardo and Mills.
People have a very wrong image of Adam Smith.

interesting. They're removing identity for the sake of profits but are willingly ignoring the knock on effect of a generation of people LOSING THEIR IDENTITY. They think they'll survive that if it happens to the whole world? playing with fire.

Well you can get them to contribute the same bit first and I will get them to contribute the more bit?

Good luck

Please don't be retarded enough to believe anonymous ramblings you find on Jow Forums.

But yeah, leftists have been talking about how liberals basically buy indulgences from the church of identity politics to cover for its inhumane policies for decades now.

Attached: 1537912531986.jpg (627x544, 42K)

>it wasn't in his most popular book so he didn't say it
truly redditt logic, please go back

The burden of proof has now shifted to you.
Please provide some primary sources for your retarded constructed reality.

The 8 principles Alinsky came up with are from the Cloward–Piven strategy. It's a strategy for overloading the U.S. public welfare system.

Primary sources.

>Primary sources.
I cannot arrange with you a meeting with misters Cloward or Piven. You'll just have to rely on their works.

Umm, so I guess that neolibs and neocons are the new commies.

Attached: Subversion process.jpg (1068x1285, 244K)

There is not such a thing like ONE movement. Look how many different fractions elected Trump. In Europe it is similar. Traditional right and left are conflating.

What do you think "primary sources" are, retard?

Jesus christ I don't know why I'm still here.
You're clearly an underage retard who read/heard some sort of propaganda piece you're now repeating here verbatim. Talking to you is like trying to communicate with a retarded semi-senile old man. I'm a believer in the inherent worth of all human beings, but some people are just not suitable for intellectual discussion.

What do you want from me? The Cloward–Piven is an actual thing.–Piven_strategy

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Happy Hanukkah

I do wonder if anyone ever actually derived any utility from these simplistic "plans for subversion" you keep seeing popping up on Jow Forums.
I mean, they are always so vague and generalized to the point of being meaningless. It's just a bunch of scary-sounding words tied together in ridiculous charts and lists. If I were part of a conspiratorial puppeteer reptile secret society (which I totally am not I swear), I know I would never find any of these useful at the slightest.

Compare it to something like the Powell Memo (a document written and distributed to Chamber of Commerce in 1971, including a plan for the takeover of American culture by Corporate America). That had a detailed action plan, focusing on public re-education, speaking of the establishment of what we would call think tanks, detailing when and where propaganda should be distributed (television, radio talk shows, etc.) and emphasizing exactly what sort of things and talking points need to be brought across and entrenched in American culture so that the "enterprise system" (Powell's euphemism for capitalism) could be preserved and strengthened. Those include things like the importance of "Basic Economics™" and the inseparability of "economic freedom" from both the character of the nation and the very idea of Freedom most broadly.
Now THAT is a real conspiracy and a real material for ACTUAL subversion. It's an actual historical document, too! Written by a real person with real influence and connections! Too bad right-wingers would never actually take something like that up.

Attached: PowellMemoFirstPage.png (651x888, 84K)

Now find me those "8 principles" of that Alinsky guy.
Show me how they relate to the "Cloward–Piven strategy".
Then demonstrate he has had strong influence on liberal thought, and that liberalism incorporates those "8 principles".

You're still basically retarded for thinking liberalism and marxism aren't fundamentally opposed to each other.

>I do wonder if anyone ever actually derived any utility from these simplistic "plans for subversion" you keep seeing popping up on Jow Forums.
That image is from an ex-KGB agent on how the Soviet Union effectively subverted other nations. His actual name is Yuri Bezmenov. He's a rather interesting person to listen to.
>Now find me those "8 principles" of that Alinsky guy.
You've already read them.

>That image is from an ex-KGB agent on how the Soviet Union effectively subverted other nations
Then it is not an action plan, then.

>You've already read them.
No, I read an article written in 2015 by some right-wing nobody.
Primary sources for Alinsky's "8 principles" from his own writings.
Then some connection between Alinsky to modern liberalism.
Then a callback to reality because whoever this Alinsky guy is or his "8 principles" are, they have little to nothing to do with liberalism as a whole, which is a massive movement spanning literally CENTURIES and involving hundreds of millions of people and thousands of intellectuals.

God you're fucking retarded. GTFO my thread already.

>Then it is not an action plan, then.
It's an outline of subversion process, as labeled.
So what you're saying is you haven't read the Cloward-Piven Strategy yet.

Gee user, I do not want to be the typical stormfag and stereotype you as a scheming hand rubbing merchant...but oh boy! you sure are jewing hard all over this thread.

Based and Bezmenovpilled.

Attached: Yuri Bezmenov.jpg (230x320, 24K)