This map shows how perfect world would look like

this map shows how perfect world would look like

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what does this timeline look like?

How's Poland doing right now?

he's right you know

get back to work Janusz

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im drinking beer right now, you mad?

No, as long as the toilet is clean you've earned the beer.

how is your debt?

i like it

What does the HDI of Al-Andalus look like?

wow, didnt think we left one polish jew alive
and he is a Jow Forumsack also, good Thing those dont reproduce

>drinking alcohol

enjoy your bitch titties retard

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Why the Gypsy reserve though? They should all be deported back to India at the very least.

It's the one where in 2018 Poland got butthurt and decided to draw a picture in MSPaint

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how would you deal with lithuanian and ukranian apes though? Keeping them forcefully in some reserves and ghettos would be extremely costly. We should buy Madagascar and export all of them there together with jews desu.

We always knew you were a bunch of kikes.

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im benching 225lbs with beautiful chest

I approve

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what do you think?

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thanks user
that was entertaining

>not caliphate

i like it

glad to hear it croatian brother

Looks pretty good. Can Canada get a piece? We’d accept ownership of Northern Ireland if it’s not too much trouble. What are the little white counties adjacent to the French Caliphate?

On day a big belly and big mushy titties will take over my igorant friend. Drink only wine if you rally have to drink alcohol

i will do everything for my Canadians friends

probably the best map ive seen on this shitty board

>I’m drinking estrogen right now

duude 100% manly man here

Doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers. Pretty good desu.

>that Moment you realize that nobody likes Poland

Attached: Polandpart.png (408x360, 23K)

Too far. Deport them to “Ghetto for Jews” within the Kingdom of Jerusalem. It would be a good fit.

>destroyed Russia
>Fucking treacherous Pol---
>notices Germany is literal water
Destroy Serbia while you're at it, I don't give a fuck as long as Germany ceases to be a thing.
Based Pole.

Attached: clap clap.gif (364x362, 637K)

but you are liked by niggas and refugees

Great Polish Empire

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I like this

What a fucking autist lmao

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So the Belgians will just continue to be gay?

and still better off than you, now go wash my car Wörk macht frei

as a polish american i see nothing wrong here

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Like this.

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well, you failed there, hans. just like with everything you start. you are a nation of losers and underachievers. prepare for your gdp getting rekt by 50% in the next years. haha


get rekt pussyboi

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Thanks brother. We need need a cheap source for potato imports. Grocery prices are killing us over here. Long live GNCP and her glorious and eternal empire!

saved for future generations.

>literaly cant think of a good comeback
we raped the poles too hard and the russian rape genes didnt do any favours either
>too pussy to Show his flag on an anonymous board
wow Looks like a badass over here

How are your reperations?

10/10 Nostradamus tier visionary prediction

>perfect world
>two countries have taken over by muslims
i am disappointed


still too fucking pussy to Show your flag
i guess youre a 56% untermensch

islam is good for pussies in france and cucks in sweden.

literaly just a polish jew subhuman trying to do d&c and the kiddies are biting

They weren't taken over, they were given away. That's hardly the Muslims' fault, is it?

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Look how cute. Almight fantasies of Pooland always funny.

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germans doesnt exist and Poles are the only ones left with germanic blood running in their veins
get rekt pusiboi

Attached: Europe-The-new-Germans-1440x1170.jpg (1440x1170, 164K)

>gay country
>neighboring islamic state
i give it 3 months max

>power fantasies

poland lacking 100 years behind as usual

Holy shit this kraut actually made me kek.

Never thought I’d say that, Will wonders ever cease??

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>boasts about being a mutt
>boasts about having german blood as he attempts to insult a german

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yeah, we murdered 20% of your failed genetic stock, then we occupied you for 5 years with god knows how many rapes in between, and then the Russkies literaly raped 50% of your eastern parts, when "liberating" you

yeah, i guess theres more german genes in you then polish by now

what the hell is this nigger shit

just post the in store prices

I approve

All these butthurt germans
You will get what you deserve in the future just wait

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nuking germany is good. german women are the main reason why europe is turning into a muslim caliphate. they are the ones protesting for mass immigration. also i'm polish subhuman myself so who cares.

the Money you owe us ?
or will we get the stolen cars back ?

Keep dreaming, shithead, that's all you can do lol.

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Hey Russia user, are we frens?

What the fuck
Go back to Ukraine kike

More like extermination and i'm being generous

have you ever spoken with a Wo man ?
if they take a broke Refugee over you, then have done something very wrong

or youre another kike shill, wouldnt surprise me in this thread

you have to buy ammo from us first woiciek

You've never lived in an Islamic country. They are even more degenerate than people here. There will be no problems (beyond rhetoric) with their gay neighbors and crossborder rendezvous will be legion

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I'm fine with this compromise. Give them a taste of their own medicine.

based polak

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>chimped out causing his country to become cucked shithole and biggest antifa headquaters in the world
>still proud of it 70 years later
you did great hans

i mean yeah
its better to be a european mutt than a cuck fucked by niggers, arabs. being displaced and dominated by them everyday

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neck yourself, onion.

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I won't waste my money for ammo to kill krauts..
The fate called isalm will make the world this favour

It was based at the beginning
But right now you're embarrassing yourself kid

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Nice photo.

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>cucked shithole
meh it isnt bad, the only guys hating Germany are the NEETS on here
If a looser hates your Country, thats really not a bad sign

sure hans

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oh yeah dude, as if nazis didnt want Islam instead of christianity

Here are in store prices at a normal grocery store for non organic: 39 cents US per pork chop. Or about one minute’s worth of my wages after tax. Your country is third world.

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Keep butthurting sprat.

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Hitler was a jew, with a mission to destroy europe so yea obviously

why are you shifting the topic to me? you fail to see who the enemy is my friend.

for me it's this one

Peak europe

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of course you would think everything is aflame
guys like you dont go anywhere and believe idiots who want to sell you a fake Picture of the world
If you ever go out of your house....but i guess youll rather lap up their bullshit
Subhumans telling Subhumans how the world runs, that never goes well

ok, have fun

I dunno user, but I bet there's loads of horrid sausages and pickled things.

muslim kids will throw rocks at you in your 70s on your way to work to pay for their welfare