To help James and his dad, please visit the following website for more information.
To help James and his dad, please visit the following website for more information.
What is wrong with the system nowadays.
I'm not really going to accept what the father says at face value. However, if it's true, his best option is to unironically kill the mother.
Alternatively, James might actually be a little faggot and it could all be for nothing.
Sadly might just be best to let it happen and then have him kill himself at age 12. Let him be a martyr
This is the woman.
Actually, it isn't. This woman is testifying as an expert witness in family court cases all over the country:
Wait who is Diane ehrensaft?
Any information on the actual mother? I'm in San antonio for a spell I could take a look into it.
Fuck off shill
She will lose.
>Children are too young to know what sex with another person is
>It is illegal for them to be exposed to it
>They are old enough to make decisions that will affect their ability to have sex with another person and make a family of their own in the future tho.
This whole thing is messed up, not just this case.
More on Diane Ehrensaft. This is from an article the Genecis clinic's page links to:
"...If these kids had followed Ehrensaft’s methods, Zucker said, they could have been wrongly sent down a track of hormone therapies and surgeries.
At the time of the interview, most doctors in the US agreed with Zucker. But in the eight years since, a huge shift has happened, says Ehrensaft, who now runs a gender-affirming clinic at the University of California, San Francisco. “You ask me now, and I say ours is absolutely the ascendant and increasingly predominant model for treating gender-nonconforming children, accepted throughout the world.
Since 2011, Ehrensaft’s clinic has seen about 100 children under 12. The kids are encouraged to choose from a huge array of gender labels, such as “gender hybrid,” “gender fluid,” “gender smoothie,” “gender Tesla,” and “gender Tootsie Roll pop." ... “Our clinical observation to date is that this is a very well-working model,” Ehrensaft said.
But she’s the first to admit that the approach hasn’t been tested in the long term. No study has yet looked at whether young kids who socially transition continue to thrive as transgender adults."
>people organize and do something about this one case
>over 100 million american boys have genitals mutilated in the name of the kike
>still legal
>barely anyone cares
Nice outrage reddit
My sides
>Marry a white woman who is a doctor and who wants to have kids with you
>Fast forward a few years
>You two are divorced and she's turning your son into a tranny
Shit. I think I'm going with a foreign bride if I ever marry. Fuck American women.
Jow Forums I CANNOT stop being a paypig to black women and white women who fuck blacks. save me from myself
It's something about knowing the technological singularity WILL be hijacked by BLACKS and FEMINISTS and nothing can be done to stop this travesty
Individual 1 is going to be impeached and jailed and there is nothing I can do about it but pay more money to get my little paypig high to jamal and sandra
I've been meme'd
child abuse