Race War Now

Student posts polite post about being concerned about being one of the few white people left in his city, gets racially abused by Asians/Arabs

Have we become the racially abused minority?

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Other urls found in this thread:

cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/Race War Us Against Them.html

>having a fetish for dogs
lmfao t. dog eater

Accelerationism is the way to go. Dems are insane, but we cannot undo this decay, so let's speed it up while you're young and fit. I'm confident I'll be alright when things go to shit. Can't speak for others though. I honestly think we should ban guns and make it illegal to be white. Seriously. Let's get this show on the road already.

He apologized multiple times.
Fuck him

You can't show weakness around animals.

There's no point in talking to most leftists any more than it makes sense for a Saxon peasant to talk to a viking raiding his village. They agree with us on the alt-right that the country is being transformed but say that it's a good thing.

Absolutely, but most people still don't get that yet. The overton window is real.

shit. fuck those chinks. ever go to Flushing, NY? looks like china

>>I would never vote for Trump
That’s the most frustrating thing about white people to me. They’re too fucking nice, it’s honeslty disgusting. Pathological empathy is gonna whip us out, he’s absolutely right with what he says, cities in Canada are basically foreign countries now but despite this he still says that he doesn’t want to be the “bad guy”. Absolutely pathetic, Canada is legitimately the most anti white western country in the world and the only reason why it got this bad is because white Canadians ARE the nicest white people in the world.

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Member white man, the odds are 10 to 1 against you. Think you can get a 11/1 kd? If so, we win. If no, we lose.

These people are gonna hunt us down like dogs if we don't fight back.

They will turn the entire government against whites and institute racist tax policies and make whites pay for some puppet government chocked full of useless diversity hires.

Theyre all completely right, canadians are mutts with no culture.
Doesnt mean that dog eating gooks and goat fuckers have any right to talk.
The first inhabitants of north america were europeans tho.

yes. we tried to warn you, but you canadians were too busy trying to look politically correct and distance yourselves from "racists".

now youre drowning in chinks who believe that its their country and have the right to be a racist shithead to white canadians.

I feel likes theres a split. There are those who hate leftist white cucks like that, but i kinda feel bad because they'll eventually feel the consequences of "enrichment" too... like this guy. They're still OUR people, know what I mean?

yeah theyre naive cucks. they hate against "racists" and end up surrounded by chinky choos and regret not listening to us. its our duty to open the eyes of people like little chucky.

Like, do I feel bad for Europe and Leafcucks? Or do I still try to protect them, despite their self-harming actions?

I feel like we need to protect ALL of our own, right?

yes absolutely. you can only help someone so much though, help those who want your help first.

Friendly reminder to get a firearm license.


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>you stole the country from natives
>so that means we get to also steal more of it from natives
these immigrants really hate first nations people

When will white people learn that only non-whites have a culture? smdh

Whites have been the global super minority for the last 30 years. We were always minorities but the African problem made it far, far worse.

>chinks talking about stealing things in general

"You stole this country"

>Proceeds to move to, and live in it anyway because of free shit

did you try to warn us before or after you voted in (twice) the gay muslim black communist president who opened your southern border?

New Chinese vassal state lookin' good. I'm fucking pumped for the future man. China's going to dominate over the Western world and the Jews will try to send us to war. I'll join the army and ride my Arjun battletank into Chinese territory and serve in WWIII. EPICCCCCC COMMIES HERE I COME MOTHERFUCKING SONS OF BITCHES BASTERD BITCH LASAGNA

We're just doing what the First Nations couldn't, silly gweilo

Calm down Rakesh.

He just got a nice dose of redpill there.

>makes me think
>i would never vote for somebody like trump
>i WOULD LIKE to preserve my heritage and culture
It's already too late with that kind of passive mindset. You need to be wayy more militant already at this stage.

It's a leaf Pekka, they can only do left-liberalism.

Are those Vz-58s?
Or am i retarded?

He is super blue-pilled as fuck and never going to amount of anything with that kind of moderate conservative attitude.

Here's what his Chinese coworkers think:

The whole narrative is rigged to prepare a hard genocide on whites once the soft one has finished of the majority of the white population. Non-whites are becoming increasingly openly aggressive towards whites on an existential level.

Russian SKS, Finnish M78 Valmet, VZ 58, Type 81

hopefully he doesn't get fired and destroyed for questioning his enrichement. g'luck brotha

>slowly changing into hitler dot jay peg
It's gradual. When he realizes that being white makes him the enemy, is the original sin, he'll change.


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>help us rape you goy

Are you pussy leafs allowing chinks to speak to you like that? We need to invade now before Canada becomes a chink colony.

>Pathological empathy
I don't think it's empathy. Read the responses. he isn't intuiting what they're feeling about him, he's doing the opposite. They want him dead, broke etc and think it's funny, and he's projecting good motives and being a nice guy onto them. It's certainly pathological, but his failure to read the room/country is what's going to do him in.

Most indians I meet nowadays are more ‘aussie’ than a huge amount of white people. They actually really try to integrate (from what I’ve noticed) instead of forming enclaves like certain other groups. Just thought it was worth mentioning

But can you build a toilet?

students all suck the cock of the jew fuck him the shitskins will probably bash him now and that is a good thing

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Thanks, Noticed the third bottom one were a vz-58 so got confused about the other two.
Also that SKS looks darn good sadly i have yet to find one of those here on our market.

Fuck off eurofag. Lots of native white culture in NA

A good number of people here do, bunch of beta cucks up North

yeah once race war start.. all these chinks\pakis\niggers\all of them are gonna squeel like fucking pigs.

the major difference between us and them is that we can actually kill of all them. we have done it before.

whilte they even though they tried many times.. couldn't even scratch a surface at killing us

i'm just waiting until the racewar breaks out and i'm just gonna fucking read all these chink\nigger comments to them before i excecute them. of course all is gonna be civilized with the court and everything. it's not like we are barbarians.. lol

It's not a hunting rifle, why would they allow you to have one?


Holy fuck what a waste of quads, do you have any capacity to think ahead? If they "banned guns and made it illegal to be white" then Joe 6-pack would actually have to get up off his ass if he wanted to survive. The sooner the fight starts, the higher the % of the population we will still be and the better our chance at winning.

But I guess you're just too smart for that, we better keep slowly retreating until there's no way to fight back, THAT'LL show em right?


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Are frog Canadians cucked?

pajit.. larping as white is not gonna save you.

>Have we become the racially abused minority?
Yeah. Duh.

Those people are both evil and unbelievably stupid. They'll say and do anything to harm whites. They don't care if their arguments don't make sense and they don't want anything near equality, justice or fairness. It's just pure hatred and malice.

>Asian mocks white man about dogs

Paying all my debts ASAP, student loan finished in 2 months, getting an aR-15 and Five-Seven for when SHTF. Enough of Anti-White racists, NatSocs, NazBols and other pro-Whites, unite!
We'll split territories after, I want none of the American one. Give NazBols Québec, no one will make a difference there

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Can get all of the rifles on that list for sportshooting with a sportshooters permit.
Hunting not sure it certainly is possible but much harder to motivate.

yeah that's right it is because the lesser races are like children. they jump at an opportunity to gloat over anyone if it is allowed

if it is not allowed then they shut the fuck up.
they are fucking pussies innately. obedient docile cattle

the more fun is gonna be killing them

>very few people outside the US have any fucking guns
>TFW minority in your own country
>TFW the fucking government will side with the shitskins
We're fucked, Portu-bro. We're going to be overwhelmed and fucked on all sides. Face it. No one is going to help us. No one. America might have a chance, but Europe, Canada, and Australia will not be as lucky. When a race war happens, IF a race war even happens, the whites are going to be slaughtered there because all they have at best are clubs and butter knives. The shitskins are going to butcher you with guns, machetes, and bombs. Women are going to be raped and our children (if we even do have children) are going to be enslaved.

dem numbs

>It's gradual. When he realizes that being white makes him the enemy, is the original sin, he'll change.
He doesn't have that kind of time anymore. It isn't 1990 anymore. He's still trying to reason with them when both sides have already quietly agreed that this ultimately cannot and will not be settled with reason.
If a race war broke out tomorrow he'd be the guy trying to offer a rational and peaceful solution while his body gets riddled with bullets.
He has the entirely wrong mind set and there are millions like him. If he doesn't understand that this is a war for the future then he has already lost. The people he is trying to talk with are like 10 moves ahead of him. That's what it means to be blue pilled.
If 10% of them or so wake up in the next 10 years it's too little too late.

One of two things happening with these culture deniers.
1. They have never left European culture, ever, to understand what it is
2. They are well aware that the culture that they are in is superior and they are hoping to break it down so that their 2nd or 3rd tier culture can be "dominant"
In any event, don't apologize for quoting the Bible, working without complaint, going to Church, having Casseroles, being a good Samaritan, or waiting your turn in line.

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Wow bro banning guns will really help us in a race war. How retarded are you?

That guy is not ready yet. He's getting a taste of it. This interaction will last with him though. He'll grow to resent those that made fun of him.

>I don't mean to be impolite eh, but I can't help notice I'm a minority now
So stereotypically Canadian

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Can you buy one from a website and pick it up at a local gun shop?

>That guy is not ready yet. He's getting a taste of it. This interaction will last with him though. He'll grow to resent those that made fun of him.
You're projecting your own feelings onto him.
it's just as likely he will feel that he was wrong and bend over even more.

Dipshit, banning guns does not make guns disappear like a magic spell. If they banned guns, we would be FORCED to fight, that's the entire fucking point. HOW can you be this stupid? Who ties your shoes in the morning?

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Us Against Them
cheekyvideos.net/murdoch/Race War Us Against Them.html

Should have never apologised

Big mistake. We must defend our ethnic and racial interests aggressively and when necessary violently
Me and my mates literally conceal carry. All be fine. We pushed invaders and will that again

Who needs a toilet when China has so many highways to be

They're designated as AR-47 (Assault Rifle 47 for people who aren't familiar with military lingo).


4 nines are cheapquads anyway because you get two chances to get quads when it rolls over to 0000. Cheapquads are gay.

>> Non-whites are becoming increasingly openly aggressive towards whites on an existential level.

I am so utterly terrified of Julia Zhou the 5'1 100lb Asian mutt, and by "terrified" I mean "confident" because I could slice her into 10 pieces within a matter of minutes then forget about it the next day.

Once upon a time, the captain and the mates of a ship grew so vain of their seamanship, so full of hubris and so impressed with themselves, that they went mad. They turned the ship north and sailed until they met with icebergs and dangerous floes, and they kept sailing north into more and more perilous waters, solely in order to give themselves opportunities to perform ever-more-brilliant feats of seamanship.

As the ship reached higher and higher latitudes, the passengers and crew became increasingly uncomfortable. They began quarreling among themselves and complaining of the conditions under which they lived.

“Shiver me timbers,” said an able seaman, “if this ain’t the worst voyage I’ve ever been on. The deck is slick with ice; when I’m on lookout the wind cuts through me jacket like a knife; every time I reef the foresail I blamed-near freeze me fingers; and all I get for it is a miserable five shillings a month!”

“You think you have it bad!” said a lady passenger. “I can’t sleep at night for the cold. Ladies on this ship don’t get as many blankets as the men. It isn’t fair!”

A Mexican sailor chimed in: “¡Chingado! I’m only getting half the wages of the Anglo seamen. We need plenty of food to keep us warm in this climate, and I’m not getting my share; the Anglos get more. And the worst of it is that the mates always give me orders in English instead of Spanish.”

“I have more reason to complain than anybody,” said an American Indian sailor. “If the palefaces hadn’t robbed me of my ancestral lands, I wouldn’t even be on this ship, here among the icebergs and arctic winds. I would just be paddling a canoe on a nice, placid lake. I deserve compensation. At the very least, the captain should let me run a crap game so that I can make some money.”

The bosun spoke up: “Yesterday the first mate called me a ‘fruit’ just because I suck cocks. I have a right to suck cocks without being called names for it!”

nice post JIDF

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>Let's shoot ourselves in the foot instead
Yeah only retards shit in their own bed.

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Once upon a time, the captain and the mates of a ship grew so vain of their seamanship, so full of hubris and so impressed with themselves, that they went mad. They turned the ship north and sailed until they met with icebergs and dangerous floes, and they kept sailing north into more and more perilous waters, solely in order to give themselves opportunities to perform ever-more-brilliant feats of seamanship.

As the ship reached higher and higher latitudes, the passengers and crew became increasingly uncomfortable. They began quarreling among themselves and complaining of the conditions under which they lived.

“Shiver me timbers,” said an able seaman, “if this ain’t the worst voyage I’ve ever been on. The deck is slick with ice; when I’m on lookout the wind cuts through me jacket like a knife; every time I reef the foresail I blamed-near freeze me fingers; and all I get for it is a miserable five shillings a month!”

“You think you have it bad!” said a lady passenger. “I can’t sleep at night for the cold. Ladies on this ship don’t get as many blankets as the men. It isn’t fair!”

They banned half the guns already. You are very smart.

A Mexican sailor chimed in: “¡Chingado! I’m only getting half the wages of the Anglo seamen. We need plenty of food to keep us warm in this climate, and I’m not getting my share; the Anglos get more. And the worst of it is that the mates always give me orders in English instead of Spanish.”

“I have more reason to complain than anybody,” said an American Indian sailor. “If the palefaces hadn’t robbed me of my ancestral lands, I wouldn’t even be on this ship, here among the icebergs and arctic winds. I would just be paddling a canoe on a nice, placid lake. I deserve compensation. At the very least, the captain should let me run a crap game so that I can make some money.”

The bosun spoke up: “Yesterday the first mate called me a ‘fruit’ just because I suck cocks. I have a right to suck cocks without being called names for it!”

It’s not only humans who are mistreated on this ship,” interjected an animal-lover among the passengers, her voice quivering with indignation. “Why, last week I saw the second mate kick the ship’s dog twice!”

One of the passengers was a college professor. Wringing his hands he exclaimed,

“All this is just awful! It’s immoral! It’s racism, sexism, speciesism, homophobia, and exploitation of the working class! It’s discrimination! We must have social justice: Equal wages for the Mexican sailor, higher wages for all sailors, compensation for the Indian, equal blankets for the ladies, a guaranteed right to suck cocks, and no more kicking the dog!”

“Yes, yes!” shouted the passengers. “Aye-aye!” shouted the crew. “It’s discrimination! We have to demand our rights!”

The cabin boy cleared his throat.

“Ahem. You all have good reasons to complain. But it seems to me that what we really have to do is get this ship turned around and headed back south, because if we keep going north we’re sure to be wrecked sooner or later, and then your wages, your blankets, and your right to suck cocks won’t do you any good, because we’ll all drown.”

But no one paid any attention to him, because he was only the cabin boy.

The captain and the mates, from their station on the poop deck, had been watching and listening. Now they smiled and winked at one another, and at a gesture from the captain the third mate came down from the poop deck, sauntered over to where the passengers and crew were gathered, and shouldered his way in amongst them. He put a very serious expression on his face and spoke thusly:

“We officers have to admit that some really inexcusable things have been happening on this ship. We hadn’t realized how bad the situation was until we heard your complaints. We are men of good will and want to do right by you. But — well — the captain is rather conservative and set in his ways, and may have to be prodded a bit before he’ll make any substantial changes. My personal opinion is that if you protest vigorously — but always peacefully and without violating any of the ship’s rules — you would shake the captain out of his inertia and force him to address the problems of which you so justly complain.”

Having said this, the third mate headed back toward the poop deck. As he went, the passengers and crew called after him, “Moderate! Reformer! Goody-liberal! Captain’s stooge!” But they nevertheless did as he said. They gathered in a body before the poop deck, shouted insults at the officers, and demanded their rights: “I want higher wages and better working conditions,” cried the able seaman. “Equal blankets for women,” cried the lady passenger. “I want to receive my orders in Spanish,” cried the Mexican sailor. “I want the right to run a crap game,” cried the Indian sailor. “I don’t want to be called a fruit,” cried the bosun. “No more kicking the dog,” cried the animal lover. “Revolution now,” cried the professor.

Yep i can, Buying from abroad though espescially from non EU countries is a pain in the ass.
Bought all my guns from the internet here no problems as i bought all my guns from Swedish stores.

“We officers have to admit that some really inexcusable things have been happening on this ship. We hadn’t realized how bad the situation was until we heard your complaints. We are men of good will and want to do right by you. But — well — the captain is rather conservative and set in his ways, and may have to be prodded a bit before he’ll make any substantial changes. My personal opinion is that if you protest vigorously — but always peacefully and without violating any of the ship’s rules — you would shake the captain out of his inertia and force him to address the problems of which you so justly complain.”

>tfw some autistic retard starts spamming the thread with stupid shit that no one reads or cares about

>Me and my mates literally conceal carry
Yep. I'm sure you do...

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>We're fucked
no we are not. first of all we control all the weapons production.

regardless of what they show on the news, the army is heavily predominantly white

we live in rural areas

chinks\niggers live compacted in cities
they are dependent on supermarket supply of food and plumbing for water

we are not fucked by far

look at chinks\niggers like you would look at huge farms where animals live

it may seem scarry if you work at an animal farm and constantly walk around among thousands of animals\cattle

but once you realize that these cattle are nothing but helpless animal.. and that you can actually butcher them.. then you are like.. well that doesn't look very bad

just realize this

chinks are the shittiest warriors alive.
i bet one platoon of US marines can easily kill all china.. i'm not joking. chinks are docile and retarded. all their army is good for are the parades. the regular chinks are even more retarded. they would literally do nothing. small japan fucking dominated chinks for ages with insanely small amount of troops.. like with 50k lol of troops they literally turned chinks upside down

pakis and pajits are basically the same. they would roll on the stomack and beg you to fuck them if you show any sort of aggresion towards them.

etc etc

just remember that 100 portugese men only 500 years ago defeated the whole fucking army of 40k pajit niggers at kerala..

let it sink in.. 100 prtugese men.. and 40000 pajit cattle

i'm sure that once the racewar start.. we'll fucking chese through the cities and get ourselves a lot of frags and have some fun.

i'm looking at it with great optimism coz i know that if the government stops protecting all these migrants.. they are all dead in less then a week. even at odds 1 white to 100 niggers we are gonna own their asses without any casualties or minor casualties on our side

actually the only casualties i expect are women and children. once white men pick up guns and get in small squads. its on

He can read it. He talked about preserving his Heritage and culture, he knows it will be wiped out of this continues. He is just voicing his concerns about it in a way where he is trying to combat his cognitive dissonance. He wants to be nice and inclusive but on the other side knows what will happen. He is on his way to our side now he just has to turn his empathy for the only ones who deserve it.

The captain and the mates huddled together and conferred for several minutes, winking, nodding and smiling at one another all the while. Then the captain stepped to the front of the poop deck and, with a great show of benevolence, announced that the able seaman’s wages would be raised to six shillings a month; the Mexican sailor’s wages would be raised to two-thirds the wages of an Anglo seaman, and the order to reef the foresail would be given in Spanish; lady passengers would receive one more blanket; the Indian sailor would be allowed to run a crap game on Saturday nights; the bosun wouldn’t be called a fruit as long as he kept his cocksucking strictly private; and the dog wouldn’t be kicked unless he did something really naughty, such as stealing food from the galley.

The passengers and crew celebrated these concessions as a great victory, but the next morning, they were again feeling dissatisfied.

“Six shillings a month is a pittance, and I still freeze me fingers when I reef the foresail,” grumbled the able seaman. “I’m still not getting the same wages as the Anglos, or enough food for this climate,” said the Mexican sailor. “We women still don’t have enough blankets to keep us warm,” said the lady passenger. The other crewmen and passengers voiced similar complaints, and the professor egged them on.

When they were done, the cabin boy spoke up — louder this time so that the others could not easily ignore him:

Funny how she used eating fetish and dogs in the same sentence.

You’re an idiot

Exactly, thanks. My scenario would motivate those who deserve to live, and cull those who don’t. As drastic as it is, it’s the only way to get people off their asses and do something. We would be alarmed at how many minorities would go along with it. That was my post btw, I went from my computer to my phone.

>forcing the normies to either fight or surrender rather than slowly surrendering without a fight
>"shooting ourselves in the foot"

fucking explain your rationale

but that's exactly my fucking point, when they incrementally do shit nobody fights back. If they "banned all guns tomorrow" there would be an armed revolution.

“It’s really terrible that the dog gets kicked for stealing a bit of bread from the galley, and that women don’t have equal blankets, and that the able seaman gets his fingers frozen; and I don’t see why the bosun shouldn’t suck cocks if he wants to. But look how thick the icebergs are now, and how the wind blows harder and harder! We’ve got to turn this ship back toward the south, because if we keep going north we’ll be wrecked and drowned.”

“Oh yes,” said the bosun, “It’s just so awful that we keep heading north. But why should I have to keep cocksucking in the closet? Why should I be called a fruit? Ain’t I as good as everyone else?”

“Sailing north is terrible,” said the lady passenger. “But don’t you see? That’s exactly why women need more blankets to keep them warm. I demand equal blankets for women now!”

“It’s quite true,” said the professor, “that sailing to the north imposes great hardships on all of us. But changing course toward the south would be unrealistic. You can’t turn back the clock. We must find a mature way of dealing with the situation.”

“Look,” said the cabin boy, “If we let those four madmen up on the poop deck have their way, we’ll all be drowned. If we ever get the ship out of danger, then we can worry about working conditions, blankets for women, and the right to suck cocks. But first we’ve got to get this vessel turned around. If a few of us get together, make a plan, and show some courage, we can save ourselves. It wouldn’t take many of us — six or eight would do. We could charge the poop, chuck those lunatics overboard, and turn the ship to the south.”

The professor elevated his nose and said sternly, “I don’t believe in violence. It’s immoral.”

“It’s unethical ever to use violence,” said the bosun.

“I’m terrified of violence,” said the lady passenger.

The captain and the mates had been watching and listening all the while. At a signal from the captain, the third mate stepped down to the main deck. He went about among the passengers and crew, telling them that there were still many problems on the ship.

>that chink talking about fetishizing dogs and eating without seasoning.

I'm pretty sure the dog's pain from being cooked alive isn't a seasoning.

“We have made much progress,” he said, “But much remains to be done. Working conditions for the able seaman are still hard, the Mexican still isn’t getting the same wages as the Anglos, the women still don’t have quite as many blankets as the men, the Indian’s Saturday-night crap game is a paltry compensation for his lost lands, it’s unfair to the bosun that he has to keep his cocksucking in the closet, and the dog still gets kicked at times.

“I think the captain needs to be prodded again. It would help if you all would put on another protest — as long as it remains nonviolent.”

As the third mate walked back toward the stern, the passengers and the crew shouted insults after him, but they nevertheless did what he said and gathered in front of the poop deck for another protest. They ranted and raved and brandished their fists, and they even threw a rotten egg at the captain (which he skillfully dodged).

After hearing their complaints, the captain and the mates huddled for a conference, during which they winked and grinned broadly at one another. Then the captain stepped to the front of the poop deck and announced that the able seaman would be given gloves to keep his fingers warm, the Mexican sailor would receive wages equal to three-fourths the wages of an Anglo seaman, the women would receive yet another blanket, the Indian sailor could run a crap game on Saturday and Sunday nights, the bosun would be allowed to suck cocks publicly after dark, and no one could kick the dog without special permission from the captain.

he is right to a large extent, most whites are absolutely fucking retarded, cucks and cuckservatives, shitskins have much more of a clue of what's going on and are therefore more normal, more normal = more aussie, that's the truth

The passengers and crew were ecstatic over this great revolutionary victory, but by the next morning they were again feeling dissatisfied and began grumbling about the same old hardships.

The cabin boy this time was getting angry.

“You damn fools!” he shouted. “Don’t you see what the captain and the mates are doing? They’re keeping you occupied with your trivial grievances about blankets and wages and the dog being kicked so that you won’t think about what is really wrong with this ship — that it’s getting farther and farther to the north and we’re all going to be drowned. If just a few of you would come to your senses, get together, and charge the poop deck, we could turn this ship around and save ourselves. But all you do is whine about petty little issues like working conditions and crap games and the right to suck cocks.”

The passengers and the crew were incensed.

“Petty!!” cried the Mexican, “Do you think it’s reasonable that I get only three-fourths the wages of an Anglo sailor? Is that petty?”

“How can you call my grievance trivial? shouted the bosun. “Don’t you know how humiliating it is to be called a fruit?”

“Kicking the dog is not a ‘petty little issue!’” screamed the animal-lover. “It’s heartless, cruel, and brutal!”

>proceeds to tell you, you don't exist
>proceeds to tell you you exist but shouldn't
>proceeds to tell you everyone else exists except for you
>proceeds to imply they don't hate all white people, they only hate the white people that don't hate themselves