Marry slim women

> she moves into lifestyle of laziness and indlugmemt
> Has 2 kids
> from the back looks like pic related

What do I do? Do I live and deal with this? She’s not gaining anymore but is certainly not losing any, she always laughes it off. It seems like women don’t care if they are fat anons.

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I don't believe you're married

just fuck some other girl on the side and come home to that thicc mama

boost your test

eat brapper

Fuck that

Guys root pristitutes until your cock falls off

shit yeah bro, that fat bitch is healthy

Welcome to married life user. You have two options
- Fat shame her and risk her hating your guts. Or she might not care and just ignore you
- Get a mistress and don't sweat it. That's what our grandfathers did, and their fathers before them. Wives are for making and caring for children.
Can she cook at least?

that chick looks t h i c c as fuck senpai
dont see how thats a bad thing

how was her diet before? I used to date a skinny chick that ate like shit and was always nervous this would happen

If you are successful and she's a good mother you have the right to fuck bitches on the side

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Same deal. I got swol eating pic related and dropped her ass for a 21 yr old Filipino virgin, never looked back.

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>- Get a mistress and don't sweat it. That's what our grandfathers did, and their fathers before them. Wives are for making and caring for children.

Fat wives make fat children.

Thats so sad that your kids will grow up with a fat mommy instead of a sex toy wife

Stay away from latinas. They are the biggest bait and switch of them all.


>not enjoying a wife with a giant brapper and tits

Oh wow

Cucks who fuck fat women are the reason women get fat. I hate those perverts.

post your own body op.

Start cooking at home, zero fast food. Eat lean meat, just careful not to go the rabbit starvation road.

Yep. If a woman doesn’t care about you enough to stay moderately attractive, then you should cheat. Her fault.

Are these speds?

Chat with other women online and let her see it. Nothing too severe, just to let her know you're looking at other women. When she confronts you, don't blame her, take the blame yourself, make amends.
She'll get in shape knowing her cozy lifestyle is at stake.

literally 6000000x this

She's probably making the dietary decisions for the family. If she doesn't understand or care about nutrition to the point where she gets fat, she's probably going to give the children a shitty diet.

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>any public school in Europe

Having a fat mom sounds demoralizing

Nobody has the right to be a disloyal degenerate and spread diseases.

Could be. That's not conclusive though. She could just over-eat because OP doesn't fuck her enough and she's bored.

You fucked yourself by not being on top of it from the start user.

At the start of my wifes pregnancy, One of the first things we did was set up a diet and exercise regime. We stuck to it and she was 5kgs heavier post pregnancy than she was pre. she went on to lose that within 2 months with no complications to her milk production.

You've failed you wife as much as she has failed you.

Time for the water, sex, and apples diet.

Fucking faggot


there's that cultural enrichment all the Europeans say they love so much

>Fat wives make fat children

Fat children become dumb adults

You are so fucking dumb

You don’t get fat from eating fatty cuts of meat, you get fat by eating sugar

I've always wondered what the combined IQ of those two was. They both look like they're retarded.

Any girl over 120 lbs is a disgusting fucking fat pig. Get rid of it.

>having a mistress is being a degenerate who spreads diseases.
Yeah, okay.

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She's hot. I need more pics of her.

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I have a dad bod

>You've failed you wife as much as she has failed you

True statement. Men lead the family. You let her down.

>Low quality demoralization post.

They don't look like children their whole lives, thus we've been cheated by the Pedos in Hollywood, sure. That woman is sexy, 2 children in.

Another thing (trust me I am an old fag and I know what I'm talking about)
What does her mother look like? This shit is genetic - whether it's compulsive overeating or something else, it's usually genetic.
Young anons - ALWAYS LOOK AT THE MOTHER. If you would fuck her mother on the regular, she will age well.

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Is her mom fat? Was she when you met her? If so you made your bed bro.

My wife chunked up a twiddly bit, but honestly I love it. If you have two kids and she looks like pic related, as long as her stomach isn’t completely wrecked with stretch marks and shit you are all good.

If you keep shitting on her she’ll just be beaten down and start taking black dick for confidence. Stop being a piece of shit, especially if you have kids.

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>What do I do? Do I live and deal with this?

She's given you two children. You honor her position as mother and provide for her you fucking degenerate.

Invite her to go to the gym with you.

If you are not going to the gym you are fucked.

Basically the rule with a wife is you can only try to tempt her into doing something you do when it comes to losing weight.

Eating healthy , running, whatever.

Yes she can cook main problem is she’s physically lazy and snacks a lot, and doesn’t do anything about this lifestyle.

Because she doesn't respect you, user.
And that's probably something to do with our culture blah de blah.
But make it simple. Just avoid her. Do your own thing and forget about her entirely.
If you live your own life and it seems fun, she will join you.

I used to be into braphogs with giant titties, but lately I'm dating a skinny ballerina type with almost no titties. Should I go for her, or continue my /brapquest/ brahs?

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Show pic of front. If her stomach is relatively flat you've got yourself a prime Amazonian right there.

Does she also work or does she stay at home all day doing nothing? If she's also working, it might not be a surprise that she's lazy, most people just want to relax after ending a long shift.

She doesn’t have stretch marks but does have a muffin top, she wasn’t fat when I met her. Thing is I didn’t even mind her getting thick it’s just now she’s fat

Send her to the Brapp barn

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You get fat by taking in calories, amerilard. Eat lean. You post is "why America is fat" in a nutshell.
EVERYTHING turns to sugar after digestion. You don't put meat in the cells. High calories = fat. Yes, eat sugary stuff = fat. But, eat a lot non-sugary, also = fat.
Less energy in than energy out is the answer.



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Force her to go to the gym with you and lift weights. Tell her if she's going to look like a fat man, she's going to lift like one.

She then has two options: lift weights and become a Jow Forumsizen waifu, which will actually be pretty hot, or she'll become a cardio bunny and watch her diet more closely so she'll be skinnyfat but at least not obese.

If she refuses to go to the gym tell her you want marriage counseling.

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This, I’m a dad, and skinny bitches just look way too fucking young. I see 18 year old girls today and can’t believe they are legal.

If you're still there on that boat, just push her in as the big ship is about to pass.

Well I guess that’s what fucked me over then, her mom is fat.

BBC will pound it, white bitch

post feet

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Some Aussie had some good advice with this in a other thread.
>Take her to lingerie store
>Point out all the shit she won't be able to fit in and be like "oooo BB that's a sexy one"
>She'll become insecure with herself

>doesn't read posts by elder anons
Doesn't matter what she looks like when you meet her. What does her mother look like? Would you fuck her?

Here's what you do. You start exercising and getting in shape. When she starts seeing this, she'll start comparing herself to you. As soon as that light bulb goes off in her head she will start to feel lower than you. This will then cause her to fear losing you because you will be seen as desirable. Because women care so much about their appearance and status more than men do. You could even twist the blade further by making light comments about how good you feel from exercising, how you feel more attractive, and comment about how women at work are being extra friendly, but not in a flirtatious way.

tl;dr leave this vapid whore

Nope stays at home, I’ve been home sick every now and then and have noticed whenever she’s not helping the kids she’s laying down watching tv

Just invite her to exercise with you. Simple as that you retarded blog poster.

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This. You bred her and she's done nothing wrong. Stop being such a fucking nigger and be grateful for what you have. I’d giver her three more kids, personally.

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea user

Yea and then she'll go fuck a nigger and take half your shit while your kids call the dindu "daddy". Great plan.

how fit are you user? i bet she'd be keeping herself in shape if you weren't a tubby fuck yourself. Women get super insecure about their own appearance when their partners are in better shape than them because they fear you attracting other better looking women and leaving. some women will intentionally fatten up their boyfriends/husbands to lower their self esteem and make them stay

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I'd fuck her let her ride my face for hours

>trying to manipulate a human female
this is like arm wrestling a gorilla, why would you attack them where they are strong idiot

Bullshit. That doesn't work. I tried this on one wife. She was fat. Took her to the gym. She loved it. She worked out all the time. Just ate more to compensate. Ended up built like a brick shit-house and could squat 230. She actually gained 30 pounds. Unless your into that ...

My BBC will fuck her in front of you, White Faggot

there is a third smarter option
start working out it will make her think about herself

>What do I do?
you can divorse but she'll fuck you over for at least half of your shit and a house
...that's why she laughs it off.. coz she knows she got ya by the balls buddy.

you can always throw her down the stairs and hope she breaks her neck

its a terrible idea, she already doesnt care what you think of her body or she wouldnt have let herself get fat user
if she starts losing weight you can be 100% certain at this point shes cheating or trying to get fit for another man
watch her spontaneously decide to get fit now after years of you trying to persuade her, youll know shes trying to get strange

I do. I had a retard that worked under me with a beautiful wife that supported him and worshipped the ground he walked on. He was a legit moron that did things like defend a whore's honor while getting his ass kicked. I had to bail him out of jail a few times to get him to work. I asked him what was going on and he complained about his wife being fat. She was a little thicker, but in a way many here would bust a nut for. My own wife kills my dreams and drains my bank account among other ways she keeps me from going back to school. God I hated that Fucker.

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hell ya

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Don't fuck her anymore
If she asks why it's because you can't get hard due to her fatness

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Dudes, it can happen to anyone.

I was like you, NEVER would I fuck a fatty, let alone date one.

I started dating my ex-gf when she was heaps into fitness (same as me), she even competed in a bodybuilding competition. She looked kinda like pic related on the day of the competition. For people who arent into the bodybuilding culture, they dont normally look like this. This is after weeks of hardcore dieting, losing a lot of water weight and getting a spray tan, all to better show the muscle definition on stage.

After her comp she stopped training and started eating like shit, because she said it stressed her out too much. At first I thought it's fine, because she was eating like a freak for a long time. The same ground turkey and vegetables for months on end.

Over time she ended up ballooning to 200 POUNDS! WHAT THE FUCK!

I broke up with her. But its sad. I thought she was the one. She was a great cook, we had good, regular sex. We still had our fights like any other couple, but it would've been fine if she didn't gain so much weight. Now Im back to square one and sifting through whores on tinder.

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Also, get a burner phone and tell your ham work gave it to you.
Actually use it as a work phone.
Only use voice communication with her and disable your voicemail.
Don't engage in any form of digital communication; texting, social media, email, or otherwise.
Deal with the guilt of betraying your family.
Pretend you aren't a piece of shit and hide your crippling depression.
Resist the urge to off yourself as to not leave your kids without a father figure, knowing they would end up in and out of jail and being a burden to society.
Bring home an STD your piece got from Tyrone.
Find out it was actually your wife that gave it to you because she's been fucking your Chad neighbor because your beta self is not satisfying her.
She leaves you and takes the kids, you now are paying child support x2 and alimony.
Your kids become roasties or Onions betas anyways.
Off yourself.
Your kids don't come to your funeral because you were too weak of a man to love and provide for his family.

bury your face in that brapper and inhale.

I don’t honestly sexually have a problem with her body it’s just health reasons. She takes zero interest in losing weight and something as little as “let’s go to the gym” doesn’t work at all like people are saying here.

I don't believe you're real, meme flag.

>doesn’t have stretch marks

Dude, you’re golden.

If this is really a dealbreaker for you, you have a couple of options.

If your kids are super young still, give her a couple of years. Raising kids is fucking terrible, and women lose it for a few years while they get to around 4-5. Once they’re done changing diapers and wasting all of their time prepping meals for the kids, she’ll start looking in the mirror and realizing where she ended up. Once your kids are in kindergarten and whatever, she’ll have way more time to meal plan and gym up.

Your other option is to talk to her about it, but only do this if she is obviously lazy and fat with an assload of free time. If she is busy, fuck off or she’ll just fucking hate you for not even being able to see past your own selfishness.

If you married a fat pig when she was a fat pig then you fucked yourself or if you didn't set guidelines in the beginning that's on you

Sometimes when you do this they start trying to sabotage you. I had a roommate in college who was a twink with a fat long term girlfriend until junior year when he finally started eating right and hitting the gym, dude was starting to get swole but his girl would whine about it all the time. After the whining didn't work she started baking him all kinds of unhealthy stuff to try to make him fat and planned dates during his prime workout time. Ultimately the gains goblin got him it was sad to watch.

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This man is right. If you want your woman to change. Show her the change. If you’re a strong masculine figure in her life, and you already haven’t fucked everything up. She will follow you.

im just saying, as soon as she """randomly""" decides to start working out you know shes cheating

>get gf
>slim, hot as fuck and almost as perverted at me
>date for a while
>meet her mom
>actually consider leaving gf but the sex keeps me locked in
>fast forward I impregnate her and we split up after a year
>years pass, she married some dude and had 2 more kids
>magically turned into her mom despite staying hot after the first baby

I wonder if he would rather have her back as skinny or have the kids.

Women have lizard brains for social approval. If her friends and social circles cut her off for being fat or encouraged exercise, then she would change in a minute.

if you diet without proper fat you will literally fuck your endocrine system up. if there's even a chance you may get rabbit starvation from your diet it's ass.

i aim for 35 fat/60 protein/5 carbs (vegetables for micros). i do one meal a day and occasional longer fasts for autophagy. my body is lean and i feel like a porsche.

most people can't diet and have food addiction. you can't make a diet for discipline.

Yeah I’m planning on more kids, and she is wayyy too lazy to lose, believe me I’ve reccomended shit plenty of times and she actually doesn’t get that mad, it’s just she has no interest and likes to live a sedentary lifestyle.

You’re leaving out important details.
>she good at cooking?
>she good at cleaning?
>she good at emptying your balls?

>encouraging infidelity against a good mother to your children
You're scum.

>life of modern cuck
>doesn't understand having a mistress
She needs to know you have one. And why you have one. If she leaves you, you are a cuck and she doesn't respect you. A respectful wife will never leave you for simply having sex with a concubine. You poor little victim of modernity.