I recently went to Europe...

I recently went to Europe, and I realized that I have more in common with black and hispanic Americans than I do with white Europeans.

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Yeah you are a mutt and Hitler was right about you. You are half nigger half Jew. Embrace it, you are closer to nigs, fags and kikes.

Thats because you're mexican nigger.

Depends on the subject really. Europeans just don't get guns, or doing stupid fun shit on private land. But non white Americans don't get art, or history, or tradition.

Europeans are weird, especially western euros. I thinkthe Dutch are the absolute weirdest

Just goes to show the power of diversity really. We call the shots while play BANG BANG with broom handles.

This. They are the Old World, full of fail and faggotry. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," (sic) Fuck Europe!

>A mutt realizes that the world is not like pol memes says

KEK get absolutely recked you american scum, you will never be anything near than the true nordic white, hell not even german or italian white, whatever the fuck that entails. Now get out.

Infintely more based than leafs, thats for sure.

You guys should visit

europeans are very smug while having almost nothing to be smug about.

never met a Danish person. Brits are faggots, the French are beyond gay, Germans are nice on the other hand if sort of naive

Why? Because you are stupid and lazy and inclined toward criminal behavior and the Euro you met generally are not?

That's because American culture isn't as stilted, autistic and faggy as European culture.

>europeans are very smug while having almost nothing to be smug about.
Yeah I spent 8 mo going across the continent and ended up missing Americans. Euros dress faggy and smoke cigarettes all day fantasizing that it's Muslim cock. Beautiful cities and women but nary a bro to be found.

Yeah, that's the redpill that makes you realize Nazis are actually fucked in the head and Hitler did everything wrong.

You are such a pleb, I went to Italy and had a great time getting into trivial discussions while talking loud and over gesticulating with passion. I never felt so much like myself.

Attached: Italianita.jpg (960x502, 32K)

Whenever I visit my family in the netherlands it feels like I fit in.
I went to a high school that was sub 10% white and Im tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. Smh, reading American posts on this board makes me feel like the last person in this country who is actually white. Its very depressing, I am surrounded by mutts and niggers. I know that when shit hits the fan here the Dutch government will grant my family amnesty because most of us are still Dutch citizens.

Miss Europe so much. Take care of it you beautiful bastards.

I went there and found the opposite. I am far more likely to have similar interests, personality, and thoughts as a British person than with other Americans

Where the fuck did you go? The most obnoxious leftists I encountered were other Americans who talked shit about the US to please Europeans.

America will become like Europe very soon, corrupt and stagnant because of older generations.

go to south america. you'll have a lot in common with them and they will be better than anyone we have here

Congrats, you're waking up to the fact that you don't have to suck Mike or Spencer's cocks. People are people, plenty of white niggers to go around. Remember: you are a "smart" monkey.

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You forgot to turn your proxy on.

Yeah. Americans spend a lot of energy and time on talking bullshit. The small talk culture is fucking exhausting. Also having have to fake a smile and seeming cheerful. Also you still seem to think america has some reason, outside of your violence, to be relevant. There are a lot of nice and smart people tho, I think the general stupidity has created a strong counter culture

American culture has taken inspiration from lesser cultures, african and spic culture. Loud, bragging and obnoxious behaviour makes a horrible mix. The (northern) European Aryan is mostly respectful and caring, not only pursuing material wealth and to """make it""" in life.

time to go back mutt

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>Person goes to foreign country
>Shocked that people there are different


And don't visit Amsterdam ever, it's a modern day Sodom/Gomorrah.