Kareem Hunt did nothing wrong and if you think he did I suspect you guys are a bunch of white supremacists

Kareem Hunt did nothing wrong and if you think he did I suspect you guys are a bunch of white supremacists.

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I am white supremacist and I applaud him for patrolling this coalburning thot

I dont think she was fucking the guy she wanted into his party and he thought she was underage or some shit and she caused a ruckus

OJ Simpson did nothing wrong. Fuck (((Goldman))) and that coalburning race traitor.

OJ Simpson was found innocent. What are you implying here?

Chiefs are going to the superbowl with or without Kareem. I know him personally and he is a good guy. Made a drunk mistake

>i know this sportsball nigger who got drunk and chimped out on women
>really good guy!

fuck off fag

He does more good in this world than you do. What does that make you?

Baseless assumptions about people online are meaningless.

bitch deserved it for messing with Kareem "punt the cunt" Hunt

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the first question is: do these kind of hate crimes exist in ethnically homogeneous nations?

the next question is: what is gained from this kind of multi ethnic nation? Other than hate crimes which occur due to unlike cultures being forced to coexist, that is.

the final question: are multi ethnic nations moral to create if they result in abhorrent hate crimes?

>He does more good in this world than you do.
He's one ACL injury away from being completely useless.
Fuck you nigger lover.


>What are you implying here?
That he was a negro, but sounds like a Jew paid as well as a single white womb. Decent trade.

You're asking 3rd grade questions here my dude.

>No they dont
>Nothing is gained

Everyone knows this on some level, even the globalists pushing it on the western world. Its a type of modern warfare.

OJ was a black dude who wished he was white and collected the toll from a coalburner and shoahed a drug dealinh Jew. /ournigga/

According to sources all niggers rape their children. If you refute this then you’re most likely an Islamic terrorist.

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Is that real? He was streaming it for people or what?

>women versus niggers


What kind of white supremacist bitch hangs around nig nogs?

The biggest concentration of White Supremacists Nazis are the NFL groupies. You didnt know this?

Nicole Brown Simpson defiled herself with a nigger AND a kike. It's a shame OJ could only kill her once.

Patty Mahomey sounds like a country bumpkin with a frog in his throat. But he can ball, yo.

this dudes one of those BASTE black conservatives ahahahaha

If you're talking about Tariq Nasheed he's just a troll who makes a living race baiting

Wheats a ni**er?


She called him a Nineer, thought he played for SF.

The story says he wanted her to fuck one of his entourage, and when she wouldn't he told her to leave. That's when she called him a nigger. Sounds like she wanted to fuck Vince and Vince tried pawning her off on Turtle.

Of course he's gonna say she called him a nigger

incels can’t compete.

Her name is Abigail Ottinger.
Ottinger is a last name that many germans and kikes have. I hope to god that she's apart of the (((tribe))).

What about me bro?

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Do you know where you are, how dare you come here nigger lover. kys before a nigger does