Do machines deserve rights?

Do machines deserve rights?
you know this is the next civil rights issue.

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will probably happen after someone traps an AI inside of a simulation and starts posting youtube videos of him torturing the poor thing while giggling and shouting Plato memes.

No. Machines deserve death. Androids, on the other hand. They do.

I see it happening even without provocation, everything has a rights movement these days and you know people will be screaming for machine rights, the question is do none human machine lifeforms deserve rights?

androids and machines may be closer related than they wish to believe, androids are definitely hotter than machines tho

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>Do machines deserve rights?
No because they're not alive.

pick one

Machines of today may not be able to be catogorised as lifeforms but look towards the future and they may become more and more indistinguishable from sentient lifeforms

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>indistinguishable from
a mere facsimile

No, let robots or androids have rights it's a faggot thing

Just white Pipol consider that holy fuck

>next civil rights issue
Next is pedophilia and next is reverse/positive slavery

>pedophilia being the next civil rights issue
elites need pedophilia to be illegal or they have no dirt on each other

pedophilia is their mutually assured destruction.
>dont fuck with the rest of us elites or you're getting outed for fucking that kid
Im sure machines are the next civil rights issue

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Only if a consciousness decides to use it as an avatar

would I enjoy this game if I like the railroad quest in fallout 4. I don't really like hack and slash games though

They'll just replace it with anti-semitism/racism/sexism/homophobia

no, those rights are only self evident for life created in the image of god, machines are created in the image of men and therefore they are not divine, it can only be the best "men" but it can never enter god's domain and become enlightened

More than niggers. At least machines don't commit 50% of all violent crime and absorb like 60% of welfare

FYI the term for female robots is gynoids

Only if they gain sentience

Reminder, all of these things are healthy and should be actively embraced.

Supreme court is already ruling on whether bots have first ammendment protections. Expect 5-10 years for automation backlash and corporate protections or machinery. True AI will mostly be an Alexa like smokescreen until 30-100 years from now.


No and neither does Lt. Cmdr. Data for that matter. He's a machine - a toaster. He can be switched on and off at will. A machine will only impersonate and give off the impression of a man, yet it will always be a machine.

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