@20:00 Trudeau refuses to hold up signed document


What did he mean by this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=mit opencourseware

Macron Merkel and Trudeau are fucked.

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what did he mean by this?

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What was the doc about?
New Nafta?

Trudeau is such a cuck, fuck new China


holy fucking shit trudeau is SPINELESS

they're all frens now

You can just tell trump fucking hates him, see how inconvenienced trump looks when they do the first swap of books for signing? "what's the matter faggot, no body to swap books with?? For fucks sake faggot, here you go you fucking idiot."

He's such an alpha dog with his bold point permanent marker and his 5 minute signature that emphasises his importance and makes the other fags wait on him. Gold

he's a disgrace

trumps lookin good

Wheelchair faggot is a disgrace. Fuck you leafs, go sign a treaty with brazilian trannies.

Mexico loves Trump.

It's shit. He got punked. He is ashamed.

And that's a good thing.

Don't know who any of these people are and don't care.

No one is more fucked than the USA. The bigger they are the harder they fall.

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Leafs are fucking alpha

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annon looks down then spreads legs accordingly


Hes trying to keep his eyebrows from falling down

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He sits like a dainty little girl having a tea party and trying her very best to prove to her parents that she's a big girl.

I think he did that because the deal was much better for the US and Mexico relative to Canada. He's bitter because his strong wahmen negotiator is a fucking failure who cries when other countries are mean to her

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this looks like a picture out of one of those cringy le epic funny XD tv shows

I almost feel bad for leafs, they really got fucked. Their fault for being whiny progressive turbo cunts.

>Trudeau refuses to hold up signed document

Ha hah. We're back on top! Drumpf btfo! feelsgoodman.jpg

watch her cry


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>Spectator at his own meeting

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Whenever I get too blackpilled, and I feel like I just can't go on, I look in the mirror and say 'At least you aren't a fuckin leaf' and everything starts to look up

shooped af but funny none the less

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Globalists ———— nationalist

cripples btfo

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Trump had to force that faggot to shake his hand too. Very odd. I bet he signed "Donald Duck" or "FUCK DRUMPF" or something like that on his copy of the agreement.

the virgin group vs the chad individual

>posting under United Niggers flag b/c he knows that no matter WHAT country he’s from it’s a complete shithole compared to the US

Gee bud you sure showed us!

Based boomer still calling out the libtards! BTW, I'm pretty sure people in Canada don't give a shit about this guy. Seems only /ptg/ retards do for some reason. He'll probably be gone next election.

>this man broke the Anglo friendship.

>trump is going to be closer to AMLO than Trudeau

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At least leafs won't end up broke at retirement like every non-1%r mutt will. And only 1/3 of you have uni degrees lmfao.

USA, Mexico and Canada Agreement
>and Canada
They capitulated and the weeping drama teacher wasn't happy playing third fiddle to the big dogs. Also is there any significance to the Mexican finishing his term shortly?

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When Israel gets invaded you get shot in the fucking face. Nasim is a failure just like every Israeli and zionist. You're going to lose everything. Salman is still alive and Palestine will be liberated.

Why shop it when there's an outraged qt3.141592653898 cripple in the pic already?

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We'll end up homeless before then.

Our economy is fucked

how does it feel
to get cucked and fucked
mister leafistan


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so beautiful

Wrong. Our economy is a lot more structural and resistant to risk than the mutt econ. If you own a house in Canada then you're good when you retire for 50 years without work but muttland's homes are really worthless in comparison so they're fucked.

Looks like autism to me

The only thing canadians were ever on top of was the goat in the backyard, covered with maple syrup

My legacy

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Even the Mexican president goes "Justine! (wtf pick it up!)" (emphasis on the e)

He signed the wrong spot

How does being a homeowner help you retire?

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you pozzed leaf, (((uni degrees))) are worth less than the paper they are printed on these days.

Pulls out a flat head Sharpe. Love it.

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dat boi litty

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Homes are valuable in a country that follows value systems and can be converted into million+ at ones retirement.
Uni degrees are so extremely important the fact that you don't accept this proves how twisted america and its people's minds are. Only idiots or brainwashed sheep think degrees aren't important for employment.

STEM degrees are important.

I puked a lot.

No. Social Sciences are also important. Women can stick to STEM.

STEM graduates often go do jobs totally outside of their field, i.e engineer students almost never go into a aerospace firm or architectural dev company for example. As long as the degree isn't something totally idiotic like women's studies then it matters when hiring.

Oh fuck, he can also play a cripple.

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Nigger please

>get a degree in biology
>become Sr. Account Coordinator II for Innotech

You can get MIT coursework online now. Would be useful if it was applicable going forward. The uni system has been corrupted, student debt is a scam, and education isn't the goal anymore.

>What did he mean by this?
That would be manspreading

Its not easy to get into MIT what are you smoking? If that was the case their degrees would become undervalued hence why ivy degrees are highly desired. Middle management administrative positions are cancer though I agree.

So you can buy a 80k home and sell it for a million?

Homes are worth 80k in the US and 1mil in Canada, exactly my point you can't pawn off shit when you retire.

>Globalists ———— nationalist

Trudeau is the furthest thing from a nationalist. He says he loves Canada while he sells out every bit of its sovereignty and identity to globalism. He is nothing but a sociopath narcissist virtue signalling for praise.

Leaf, you are behind.

youtube.com/results?search_query=mit opencourseware


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There is a difference between attending a university and watching yt videos, user hate to break it to you. Good luck writing that on your resume that you watch videos like a boss.

I think he have an anal plug in those pics

Jesus christ.
How are you supposed to get the million dollar home in the first place. For most its not an option.
Plus all the money you sunk into your house would appreciate much faster in another form of investment.

But if you buy a million dollar house and sell it for a million dollars, you have nothing.

Forrest Gump meets Castaway. I like it. Sign here

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Homes increase in valuation every year do I have to explain to you how the real estate market works?
You buy it for 350k, with 80k down-payment. You pay off the 270 principal and some interest(60k-100k) in 15 years in which time the house appreciated to 1 million and now you have 1 million in assets when you retire.

Yes spending time in your life dedicated to coursework has a real impact. This doesn't mean that the model cannot be transformed. Or that those who are actually gifted can't take advantage of being able to access MIT courses which are taught virtually today in the same manner available in that youtube link.

What is important for success in a career path? What should be important for success in a career path? Is it a certificate or capability? These questions are coming and with universities becoming marxist breeding grounds on top of the student debt bubble, times are going to change.

Plenty of lecturers and their curriculum are well below par. They still charge a premium. There's no reason to put up with any of this just because you're defensive over a piece of paper. If your aptitude is lacking compared to someone who doesn't have your degree then, well, sorry. That person should be able to excel further than you if they can.

higher resolution for this epic reaction face

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Markets move in every country, just because the bubble hasn't burst in Canadaland yet doesn't make it healthier. Probably the opposite. Prices have been moving higher in both markets generally, so saying an 80k home in the us is worth a million in canada doesn't matter at all.

>Or that those who are actually gifted can't take advantage of being able to access MIT courses which are taught virtually today in the same manner available in that youtube link.
If you sent me a link of enrolling in MIT online course with only bank then your point would be made but you just gave me a youtube link so everything else you wrote is null. MIT still wants evidence that you are capable/intelligent enough to have a position in their programs so like I said without anything else on the table besides watching youtube vids you can't get a recognition when either seeking a job or acceptance into an ivy school. In a made up fantasy world that you apparently live in it might work out there though.

Or maybe you can't comingle current events with potential outcomes. i.e., what's happening in your backyard with what could be done to prevent this from spreading.


That's your world. It will be good to see it end and be replaced with one where curriculum is can be looked at for it's merit. Hiring for degrees today simply doesn't happen. Student loans are a scam. This is ridiculous. Online access to high level content is positive progress.

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such an arrogant prick. is it 2019 yet


I cant believe that face what a gaylord

>Hiring for degrees today simply doesn't happen
Kek, you're so deluded to the core its like speaking to a fucking crazy person. Yes, both experience and degrees are what the hiring departments when getting a job look at. Everything else is of secondary importance regardless of if you think so or not. This is the real world you continue to deny and pretend is not true. Student loans are manageable when you reduce non-ancillary spending and live frugally which is difficult in the me, me, me world that most of you guys find yourselves in. Tough luck, not sorry.

I wish I knew how that feels. Fuck this country. Western separation would help out my people tremendously.

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Faggot leaf guaranteed from Ontario