I'm crazy/insane in love with a girl who has Borderline Personality Disorder. It's a more extreme and intense attraction than anything I've ever felt by many magnitudes. What can I do aside from kms? Maybe I was thinking to just move someplace like Vietnam, as far away from here as possible.
I'm crazy/insane in love with a girl who has Borderline Personality Disorder...
Are you the idiot from yesterday who also has BPD and insisted that it's a great idea for two borderlines to get together?
Seriously OP, is this you? Because it sounds like you.
Not an argument
Ahahaha I fucking knew it. You fucking brainlet.
Thanks for the help cretin
You're right, it's not an argument. I'm not arguing with you, and this is not a board to have an argument on. I'm giving you advice. The board is Jow Forums, not /arg/.
And you have been advised, repeatedly, by multiple people with a large variety of perspectives, that you dating a BPD girl is a terrible fucking idea. You were told this by normal people, people with BPD, and people who have dated people with BPD.
Just as yesterday, you're not actually interested in any advice. You're just here to shit up this board and be an asshole.
Retard OP blown the fuck out yet again.
I'll be watching for when you remake this thread again.
kys. You are just jealous you will never be able to experience the 10000x greater emotional depth of the Master Race (people with BPD)
Bahahahaha holy shit OP you're a fucking retard
get therapy for your fucking problems. people with BPD are like human-size free radicals, constantly colliding with and breaking every other human they get into contact with
>this board is Jow Forums, not /arg/
I am diagnosed BPD and this thread is excellent.
This is very true. Expectations for all people should be set pretty low, though. The best kind of person is the one who does their job (whether they're a CEO or a burger flipper) without incident. It's really neurotypicals who get worked up about stupid shit. It's more like a slow burn for them, they'll waste their entire lives moaning out the ass about things that don't matter, supporting all kinds of evil shit like nuclear weapons and imprisonment for posession of ganj. I'm glad to be different, although being disturbed is extremely regrettable.
Also, I don't meet the full criteria anymore. Most probably don't. On a somewhat related note, any motherfuckers who cut themselves really need to stop, because that shit is whack.
>emotional depth
wew son
Holy shit, the BPDtard got BTFO twice in two days?
as long as you faggots aren't frogposters, you're fine.
Too busy dabbing on OP to post frogs.
When I was little I used to cry for hours over dead bugs and little animals. BPD emotions are to regular emotions what the HTC Vive is to black-and-white television.
>has bpd
>qualified to opine about neurotypical emotional processes
You sure are on special little snowflake aren't ya?
here at tabletop sim saying op is a faggot
Idk op do w/e tf u want, good idea or bad, life isn't about being smart it's about going on a wild fucking rid for me at least
ITT: OP gets dabbed on again