I'm pregnant and gained 25 pounds within 20 weeks (I'm only in my first trimester). My weight was 130 now 155 and slowly climbing. I
Should I bother even working out or let the pounds gain naturally?
What should I do?
I'm pregnant and gained 25 pounds within 20 weeks (I'm only in my first trimester). My weight was 130 now 155 and slowly climbing. I
Should I bother even working out or let the pounds gain naturally?
What should I do?
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maybe ask your obgyn, or whichever doc taking care of your ass instead of asking Vietnamese sock sorting imageboard?
She probably won't be in this situation if she could think that hard
It's not like I can see him all the time. Besides, I want to hear about different people's experiences
What's that supposed to mean?
>, I want to hear about different people's experiences
Then post that question
duuuur wat do?
It’s sounds about normal... If you were underweight then you gain more but if you were normal weight at the beginning of your pregnancy you should gain anywhere from 25-35 pounds.
Well I also wanted to hear thoughts about my current weight status.
ur fat
Haha very funny. You don't even know my height. I'm 5'6
Yeah fat
just eat quality foods and do what you feel is best. Shit should be hard wired into you. You are meant to become a big hipped slam piggy of a milf anyway
My wife is 5'6" and weighed 107 when she got pregnant, ended up at about 145 right before birth, you could barely tell anything in the first trimester. She is abotu 120 now, 11 years later at 43.
Anyhow, the point is that just because you are pregnant does not give you an excuse to overindulge and give up on exercise.
the exact opposite is true. you should eat better and exercise more (just at a lower intensity).
Gaining more than a pound a week in your first trimester risk giving your child diabetes and could harm your pregnancy.
You were slightly overweight at 13, so no need to jam on the fat. you should probably weigh about 155 at birth, but check in with your dr.
In the meantime, eat a little less and eat better and go for long walks with the baby daddy.
Also, I miss my wife's pregnant shape and how much she always wanted to fuck while pregnant, so if you need someone to eat you out and fuck you from behind while rubbing your clit, let me know.
How did your wife deal with the cravings?
She is pretty disciplined so I dont recall a lot of craavings, but Ice cream was one...mint chip.
Pretty much she would just have some, not a lot.
The other thing is she hated strong smelling spices, except for indian food and Thai foods, but absolutely no dill or cilantro or tarragon. She still can't stand tarragon and it was regular prior.
Mainly she ate regularly, just didn't give in to overindulging.
And she worked as a teacher until 2 weeks before the birth, so on her feet the whole time. An walked the dog every day for several miles.
Man I wish I had her willpower. I didn't even exercise before the pregnancy.
thats pretty obvious
Who is the daddy?
>that's pretty obvious
Rude. But seriously though 130 isn't that fat. We're married and he's like you in that he loves my pregnant shape. I don't think guys have a proper read on a girl's weight.
Ignore the men, they really have no idea and their anecdotes from their wife means diddly. All pregnancies are different, you should watch your weight but listen to your body. I lost 14 lbs from morning sickness, I've finally actually gained just this week and it was 4 lbs all in the belly. If you eat lots of small meals it's better so your sugars aren't tanking. Also remember that if you feel hungry, you are, you don't always have to feed the cravings though. Your body is capable of causing you to crave dirt though, and if you ignore hunger out of fear of weight gain, you are ignoring your natural instincts. It's a balance of good nutrition and understanding that some cravings and a versions are for a reason.
I guess everyone is different. You were healthy at 130, but already knocking on obesity's door at 155, even if you are pregnant. Seriously, if you kept up this rate, you will weigh 185-190 at birth and they will have to tape your fat folds out of the way.
be careful.
I've heard you don't put on as much weight in the third trimester so couldn't I just indulge a bit now?
ask your doctor, but seriously, you should have gained about 10 lbs at week 20, not 25 lbs.
And you should gain about 2/3-3/4 lb a week hereafter, for a total of like 25-30 lbs. you are already at about maximum.
FFS, you probably gained a lb since posting this thread.
now - tits or gtfu.
>so couldn't I just indulge a bit now?
The fuck is with this attitude I mean jesus don'tchu got some shit to do besides eating? I'm not attacking you, but all women who take this as an excuse to fucking get fat. Jesus christ. Takes nothing to walk for 30 minutes a day. Takes nothing to make a sandwich. Takes nothing.
Well this is the one chance I have to eat whatever I want without being judged for it. I'm just wondering if getting just a little bit pudgy is really so bad.
Up to you and your husband, I suppose. I just read what you've said and I see my own wife in you. She looks great, but don't work out. Thinks her quick metabolism is gonna last the rest of her life. When she starts pushing babies I'm gonna hate this attitude.
I'm judging you and your doctor will judge you and so will the nurses, and every guy on the street will judge you.
Seriously, you are 5 lbs from recommended max weight gain, and you are only like 35% through.
I hope your husband starts fucking other women.
>I'm judging you and every guy on the street will judge you
I'm talking about people who I know. Besides, I thought the max recommended weight gain was 35 pounds so I still have a little more wiggle room
your friends and coworkers are judging you.
They are all saying, "I know she was going to let herself go and turn into a fatass slob"
What does your husband say? Do that.
I'm not that fat
Why would I? You're just going to say I'm fat no matter what I post.
Actually I was looking to get my rocks off.
You should try Jow Forums. I'm sure there are plenty of fembots there desperate enough to post pictures of themselves on Jow Forums.
It takes about 66 days to form a habit and this is the problem. Yeah getting pregnant breaks up fucks with your body and necessitates changes to diet and exercise but if you just throw up your hands and quit you will make a habit of that behavior. You need to maintain some semblance of a routine or you'll only set yourself up to keep on the weight permanently.
There is nothing that changes in a woman's physiology so drastically that makes them fat. It's entirely a choice.
But none so pregnant as you.
You actually made me curious enough to check. Looks like you're in luck.
Just that you linked it alone is enough to do me in. Thanks.
Well you're welcome
>Should I bother even working out or let the pounds gain naturally?
Overeating naturally makes you fat, pregnancy isn't a excuse. With that attitude I doubt you'll lose all the weight you've gained after giving birth. You think his new girl will be skinnier and younger?
Pregnancy makes me eat more so it is an excuse.
No its not a excuse to overeat.
OP is overeating past what is required for pregnancy, evident by how much weight she's already gained.
I weighed 103lb before pregnancy and gained 50lb. My baby was only 6 pounds so she was small. I currently weigh 143 and I honestly like my new body it’s much curvier and I always felt like before I just looked like a 13y old boy now i actually have a women body. Honestly as long as your baby is healthy that’s all that matter. You can go on a diet once she/he born.
I'm OP and I'm still fine. I can gain ten more pounds and weight gain slows down in the third trimester. You're making it sound like I'm obese or something.
You are obese, it sounds like you were obese to begin with.
I'm 5'6. It's not obese at my height.
>making excuses
This is why women end up fat. By pretty much every rule of scientific thumb you've gained more weight than what's considered healthy during a pregnancy.
Not yet. I still have ten more pounds before it's unhealthy and even then women who are like 300+ give birth. Is being a little chubby that big of a deal?
I already said no. I'm not a desperate fembot. I don't need to.
You don't need anyone's permission to get fat, user. You can get pudgy whenever you want. You don't need to use pregnancy as an excuse.
The only thing stopping you is your own desire to be healthy or attractive. If you value eating what you want to eat more than you value those things, feel free to do so. But be honest with yourself and say it like it is.
>66 days
This number is arbitrary af
It's not like it's going to be permanent.
She said as she took another bite.
How did you know I was eating right now?
I didn't I just thought it was funny. Look, want some real advice? Stop trying to justify yourself to anonymous strangers on the internet. Do what the fuck you want. Here are reasonable expectations if you will continue to eat:
1. You might balloon and not have the motivation to burn it away after you give birth.
2. Your husband loves your body now, but he might not love it later.
3. You burn it off after your baby comes out and everything's fine.
4. Maybe you just get happy being so big. Take a look at this scene:
Skip to 1:46 if it doesn't do so for you. Watch it all the way through, it's not gonna be what you expect.
Anything else is you justifying your shit to strangers. Stop that. Go to your husband.
Well first of all there's no way I'd ever get that fat. I also have no plans of keeping the weight. He's already asleep and I was hungry so I thought I'd do something until I finished.
It's not about how big she is per se. It's about you, and your husband. If your husband loves you, and you love him, then who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks? Stop replying for your own sake because this is a waste of time for you.
I wanted to hear about other people's experiences. That and I wanted to see if anyone had a reason not to just indulge a bit. So far no one has had a good one.
>That and I wanted to see if anyone had a reason not to just indulge a bit
Look at this guy The number of days is arbitrary, but that's beside the point that indulging can lead to addiction, leading to an unhealthy body, leading to lack of motivation to burn the calories away, leading to self-image issues, depression, and more importantly, health issues related to your heart.
It's all about willpower.
Why the fuck would you think Jow Forums would know any thing about pregnancy
Jow Forums isn't really Jow Forums.
Well, that's not all that bad given your height and weight. Hell, I'd still hit while you pregnant. Ijs. But for real, women have a very bad time adjusting to the pregnancy weight and coping with it. It just depends on if you're going to be lazy or active during the pregnancy or after the baby is born.
Jow Forums is Jow Forums's spinoff that's been running for 6 seasons.
My bad I thought I was in /b/
wow, Jow Forums is sure is rowdy tonight
Pic related, its you. Its not normal to gain that much that early. Unless you want to resign to being one of those ugly women who never loose the baby fat and keep those puffy arms, fucking do something about it.
Not to late to have an abortion, dont forgrt that.
Kys you fucking race mixing degenerate get the fuck out of Jow Forums no one is going to give you advice it's the fucking Ethernet EVERYONE GETS SHIT WHO FUCKING CARES NORMIE FUCK YOU FUCK YOUR SELF I DON'T GIVE A FUCK YOU FUCKING MONGREL
Sup gurl
Stop cramming your pinhole, you fat bitch. UHHHHH IM PREGGERS HURRRR THAT MEANS I USE IT AS AN EXCUSE DURRRR.
Fuck you. I bet you fat habits make your faggot kid fat too. you'll both die young and miserable. gratz.
I hope it's autistic.
This thread is now a fat people hate thread.
OP you're a fat slob, comig from a fellow mother. You are giving epigenetic shit onto your child which will make him fat also or even give him deabeetus. You will not loose that fat later, so cut now or your husband will find another cunt to pleasure.
And yes, you are already oveweight and at the end of the pregancy you will be a disgusting ham planet. Beeing pregnant doesn't mean you have to eat like a filthy pig.
Check it, its OP in a few months.
Op is going to balloon up to 197lbs by the end of her third trimester.
I feel sooo bad for her man. You know he is full of regret and wishes he could just walk away from you and your fat ass.
Maybe he can post here soon and i will tell him to leave your ass and get an amazing lawyer.
Thick beefy pussy.
You guys are all making a lot of assumptions. I'm not going to be that fat.
If you care about the baby, stop gaining weight.
Being overweight while pregnant causes a lot of problem to the baby.
It's not even about you, or about your husband - if you care about the fucking baby, stop eating too much.
>I'm not like the other fat fucks
Honey, you are already fat. Just because you're still borderline healthy on the BMi scale doesn't mean that you're not a fat fuck already in the eyyes of everyone not like you anging onto that 0,1 distancing you from the term "obese". that fat isn't due to your pregnancy buut your degenerate eating happing which make the life of your unborn child shit before it ca do anything about it.
I think you're overexaggerating. Women who are like 300+ give birth just fine but suddenly it's terrible that I want to enjoy my pregnancy. I'm barely even overweight and I can still gain 10 more pounds before I'm outside the recommended range.
You don't need to get huge. I just had a baby six months ago and gained a lot of weight, but because I didn't use my pregnancy as an excuse to eat literal trash, the weight gain was healthy and the weight loss afterwards has been a breeze. I wouldn't worry about the number on the scale, but know that your child is MADE of what you eat. Do you want a baby made of Ritz crackers or a baby made of the optimal materials for building a human being?
Why even come here? You know the answer! Gain the weight you need to go keep your child growing well! Don't overdo it and eat well! No need to balloon.
Good luck with birth! It's wild.
Women who are 300+ do not give birth with no problem.
At the beginning of your pregnancy you were average weight, so your advised gain weight is 25–35 lbs in total, over 40 weeks. If you keep gaining at this pace, you're going to be gaining twice of your advised weight.
As you know if you've done any research, most of it is gained during your second (not first) trimester, so you should expect to gain a lot more not.
Being overweight causes a lot of problem to the baby and you.
You increase your risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high pressure and pre-eclamsia, tons of problems during child delivery and after it.
It's also much harder for women who gained a lot of weight to lose it after they give birth.
If you're fat, you're twice as likely to give birth to a dead child and it's much more likely for them to have fetal abnormalities.
You're risking your baby's well being. You're being selfish and a bad mother. Take care of it by taking care of yourself.
They give birth to kids who will be fat later as well. Just watch 600lbs life and check out their fucking kids you stupid cunt. You are encoding your child with your shit diet, especially if you eat suggar. Good lord. I hate retarded women like you acting as if their filthy happids aren't affecting the child.
You're talking about tenths of a percent chance here I hope you realize.
>hur dur my kid has a 1/10 chance of getting fucked up because I am a filthx slob lel fuck it then xDDD
You are a horrible whore of a cunt falsely called a mother. I hope you get the 1 in 4 chance of a miscarriage. It 's the best for the kid.
My wife worked out like a beast while she was pregnant. The weight wasn't her concern but her overall fitness. She bounced back after birth like it was nothing.
If you are fat your kid WILL be fat. That' not chance but a fact, stupid roastie.
You clearly are on the road to whale town.
197lbs awaits you.
stretchmarks and lose skin are real and VERY permament
I'm 5"5 and 140 but I lift as a hobby with 15% bf.
What makes you so sure?
That's only if you become obese.
Working out can wait until after the baby
>this thread is still up
lol top troll
>linear extrapolation is an assumption
my dick is diamonds post pics or gtfo
never been pregnant but when my mom had me she gained too quickly as well
obgyn put her on a strict diet to maintain/control the weight
go to the doc asap to figure out what exactly they want you to do
good luck!
>Ignore the men
Most OBGYN's are men, pumpkin.