i call the dude with the picnic blanket on his head

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the balck due on the left eyein up theresa may cuz no one will stop him from raping and killing that big bird :D

No wonder all these world leaders hate Trump. They're all manlets.

Here's the dlc roster

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I choose the alien in the space suit in the back.

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My manlet president next to Erdogan.

I choose Abe.

Abe. I don’t care what you think about him.

holy kek that is a good one

I choose that 6 foot fella in the front

if its G20..
..why is there 37* of them?

Fuck, missed Abe by seconds. I’ll take macron. He’s like a target dummy that will let me get some frags

Why is Cunt May the only one in blue/standing out like the sand nog?

Or the avatar of dude weed. Think about it- if you kill your enemies, they win. Which means I’ll always win when my enemies don’t die, right?

because muh vagina

His name is Shaheen, you prick.

yeah but everyone already knows about Justin's Secondary Passive effect so if he doesn't attack no one will attack him so he'll be last survivor and lose the match.

he needs to suicide rush to garuntee a top 3 spot.

if hes first to die he wins.


Nuke them all

all these kike puppets should be gassed.


What does it take to unlock the one on the left?

Yeah and look at all his alternate forms. He'd be like Kirby

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All the fucking chaos and then Jeb!

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Based and redpilled

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Dumb nigger took my Shinzo-kun! Hmmph!

I guess I take pres. Moon

Lol. Cronica is funny and based

Canadian faggot wears a light blue dinner suit stands with his legs spread.

And people make fun of Poles....

>May, Macron
>Doesn't give a fuck about your photo op.

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Dibs on putin

I'm the same height as President Trump. The fact that I have nearly a head on most of these world leaders is somewhat concerning to me.
When is Jow Forums going to do something about the real problems our society faces?

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putin is jujitsu blackbelt, i pick him

Why the fuck is Luigi dabbing on the invaders?

Look at May, that smarmy grape looking slut. I want to punch her in the uterus and watch the dust blast out of her pork chute like a bottle of talcum powder.

Trump looks like he's tired of the faggot pageantry.

I love vladimir putin so much. always have. when I was little I named my minecraft account after him. I hope he invades us.

everyone raises their RIGHT hand except a handful of the libshit countries

>mfw TruCASTROdeau didn't get the memo, and mistakenly raises his right hand meekly

>mfw the guy behind the Frenchcucks Leader fully commits to his salute

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The arab for his explosive powers.

The Brazilian vampire. He can suck everyone's blood just like he does with public funds.

Can you imagine how shit it would be to spend an entire day around a bunch of manlets?
All of them would spend the entire time just trying to nip at your heels and prove how much better they are than you like a bunch of yorkshire terriers.

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in your face. Look for several others, they are called "placas rojas". Our finnest contribution to global culture.