Roosh is our guy

Any threads on him immediately get attacked by JIDF shills. Ignore them. (((They))) really don't want any promotion on this guy. Check out his latest youtube videos where he openly accuses the Jews of actively destroying Western culture. He will likely get banned soon:

Here are some articles he wrote on the jew problem. Make sure to check out "Cultural Collapse Theory" which he wrote years ago:



Some articles showing the kikes are after him:



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Other urls found in this thread:

Never knew whats the beef that pol has with this guy, after trump hes probably the most atacked person from the internet and one of the prime targets of the ADL, and the guy is surprisingly redpilled if you see his latest videos.


roosh was an alt-lite guy for a while and Jow Forums would give him shit for "raping white women" and he kept his distance from us

but lately he's been embracing the full-blown alt-right. I can't tell whether he's had a real change of heart or he just wants to sell his new book, but I like the guy

i like that he calls them aliens

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I think he really has changed. Roosh seems to be one of the few genuine people left in this world today. I've left a couple comments on some of his articles and he's responded. He's a pretty chill guy who just wants to help men. Oh and for all the fucking men shouldn't sleep around with a ton of women it's just as bad as when women do it. You guys are fucking retards a man needs to be with a couple women before he settles down so he can feel like a man. Roosh is also half Armenian so he does have some white in him.

Ramz is a kike as good as he seems I can never trust a single jew on the face of this planet. They're the most fucking awful people in the god damned world.

He got banned from bongistan (oh the irony) and his book was taken off Amazon. I think he's finally figured out what Ben Franklin meant by, "hang together or hang separately."

"So he can feel like a man" Jesus Christ that's the problem, if having casual sex with pretty girls is what it takes to boost your confidence to the point where you can take care of a wife and family, you have underlying problems that you need to sort out on your own. And if every guy fucks 3 or 4 girls before he marries, there won't be any virgins left you fucking retard.


Roosh wrote an amazing article the other day. Highly recommend.

Roosh may be a sandnigger, but this article is on point.
And he names the jew

nice self promotion retard

In on Roosh thread.

Hes the only eceleb who really isnt afraid to tell it like it is, and the only one I actually listen to consistently

I mean the dude cant even live in the USA peacefully anymore, the kikes hate him that bad. That should really tell you something.

Favorite Roosh V video, hits the nail on the head...

A must watch especially for Black Pilled/Accelerationist types...

I guess all muslims are our guy then. A shit skin will never be our guy faggot.

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Hes Christian. Hes part Armenian too.

the thot audit video was the fist one of his i watched and i was laughing a lot. dude is hilarious. our guy

Armenians are not white and cluster with the rest of the shitskins. Pic related

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I guess I'm one of those retards. from where I'm sitting it seems like men are the ones more prone to cheating, race mixing and home wrecking. I'm pretty sure there are statistics online to back that up too. I think the PUA world is pretty gay and autistic in general.

but as long as roosh speaks out against jews and degeneracy I don't care about the rest of it. god bless him, I hope he goes far.

Hes not really PUA anymore. Hasnt been for a while now.

Let's all worship a degenerate sand nigger who sleeps around with white women. Oh wait I have enough self respect to not be a giant cuck. This guy used to coach negros on how to get white women. This is not my guy. White males should not be idolizing a brown man

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Roosh was writing things like this 4 years ago. He was redpilled before most of Jow Forums knew they were white.

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Who cares if he's a Christian or not. Niggers and spics in the US are also christian. What's your point?

"Alien" brilliant, they are in league, with all of them; the grey demons & the other's.

And people here still claim that there is some magical aryan race that includes europeans and iranians. i really don't understand how you can rationalize this when the genetic evidence is not on your side. But these are the same people who say that japanese are honorary aryans too. How about anyone who calls someone an honorary aryan has to offer their daughter to them

roosh browses Jow Forums

he is constantly posting OP images on twitter

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Well why dont you tell me the name of a red pilled Swede who dares speaks about the same things that Roosh speaks about... someone who actually has some sort of popular backing or fame of any sort... go ahead, Ill wait...

I guarantee you your future or current wife has slept with several men before you.

Roosh is brown. He has no place in white society. The only reason he would want to save western civilzation is that he either considers himself white or he wants to marry a white women and try to "become white". Both of these are abominable.

This guy is king gamma male. Saw him ragequit Sargoy style when debating Brittany Venti of all people. Anyone who follows this dude has made a serious error somewhere.

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People shit on Roosh because he promoted a life of degeneracy. While he and his cohorts recognized all of what was happening in the developed world they stuck to the motto of "enjoy the decline." Thats the path he chose and stuck to for years instead of advocating for fighting back and trying to change things, or even just redpilling people away from the degenerate hedonistic lifestyle.

Now that the whole MGTOW/PUA thing is filled with nothing but pathetic sacks of shit with zero redeeming qualities Roosh is getting more political, which is good, its pretty late in the game though. Hes also not white so theres that.

t. triggered kike

You are allowing a brown man to become endeared to you. This is what the jews want. They want you to love the brown man

>some subhuman armenoid lying beta incel

If Jews wanted you to love Roosh they wouldn't have him on the SLPC hate list.

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>Any threads on him immediately get attacked by JIDF shills
He gets attacked because he's an effete oriental.

he's not white, fuck that shemite trash
and all the shills trying to guide people
to him with false dichotomy.

Then the cucks here use that as proof that he is our guy. The brown man is no friend of the white race

>Anyone who disagrees with my Gamma king is a Jew.

Alt-right are next on the list of lol-cows. Skeptics and SJWs are down, alt-right is next.

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>omg hes BROWN
god you people are fucking autistic. you can listen to people of other races and still care about your own you know, retard

>Roosh seems to be one of the few genuine people left in this world today

Fuck no.
Roosh made a whole career out of the art of manipulation. The PUA scene is dying out and he needs an audience to sell his books to, and the hottest thing right now is the far right. Instead of learning game to slay pussy you now have to learn game because it's the unfortunate reality of the dating market and voila, the rebranding is complete.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the content Roosh is putting out and I can't rule out the possibility that he had a genuine change of heart, I'm just saying that you probably shouldn't put faith into a used car salesman that wants to sell you his merchandise.

The white race should be able to save itself. We are not beholden to a sand nigger

There's something very Jewy about this entire thread. Probably coordinating through a discord.

Nu-pol is dead, basically.

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Sheet; nothing wrong with her. If a gal is into weapons, she not going to be a fkng phone zombie !

>typical wog faggot thought he was a lothario for chasing drug addict retarded whores in degenerate clubs
>gets to the point where even these whores arent easy for him anymore
>flips the script and is now grilling dem thots.
The life cycle of the wog.

Name a better alternative to Roosh.

You either white knight Stormfront cucks who acknowledge the race problem and the JQ but white knight the fuck out of traitorous white women just because theyre white, or you have manosphere TRP faggots who are well aware of women and their destruction of society but refuse to acknowledge race or the JQ.

Roosh acknowledges not one, not two, but all three. Give me a better alternative, not some glow in the dark CIA queer like Richard Spencer.

Also he got old and has no money because he is a stupid degenerate

These are the shills that attack these threads. They always use this argument. (((They))) want to keep us separated guys. Rosh is championing traditional Western values in a world of moral decay. He is risking his platform by exposing the Jews and isn't backing down

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Keep sucking that brown dick. Surely a brown man is the savior of the white race

>western values
Civcuck spotted

Exactly. Notice how all the PUA community is now unironically pushing Jewish memes like (all women are blacked?)

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He's not White and he actively seeks out our women to defile them while encouraging others to do the same. Our women do not deserve to be demeaned and degraded as such you fucking kike shill. Get bent

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They're not "traditional western" values, friend. They're white European values. Race cannot be separated from this, because this is at its core an ethnic struggle.
He isn't risking anything either considering hes personally wealthy, and still gets donations from his fanclub.

>Alternative to Roosh
Take the iron pill, be an alpha, stop trying to outwoman women.

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you know ironically the way azncels and poojeets act like insufferable faggots all the time?
Always messaging women bob and vegene? nkw you have poojeets infesting "redpill" communities
Its cause these puas were selling rightwing "redpills" in seminas intended for white western men to virgin poojeets and azncel losers.
Literally selling wishful thinking to desperate brown scum.

i used to npc not like him just because i'm a faggot, however, i really do regret it considering he's literally Adolf Hitler.

I very rarely hardly see Roosh crying for shekels or promoting his books, I mean yeah, sometimes he does, thats to be expected, but most of his three hour long streams are just strings of red pilled truth bombs packed with content. Free of charge. I have no bought anything from Roosh, ever, but if he keeps up with the solid content I might, he will have earned the purchase.

Roosh is a massive shill. PUA, MRA, now on to the trad crowd.

he totally contributed to the shitfest that is the West today because until recently he just gave Pick Up and Game advices and tell men to go aboad and fuck women here and there.
If Pick Up wouldn't have existed the West would be in a better state.
Pick Up culture is male Hookup culture and doesn't help creating families or stable relationships. Just people unable to bond and have relationships.

Roosh is the iron pill and red pill rolled into one.


take the julien pill

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that doesn't make roosh's commentary any less useful

god i fucking hate purity spiralling autists like you, makes me want to disassociate myself from this end of the political spectrum sometimes
>ur a kike shill for saying nice things about someone who names the jew
nice 85 iq post

pua is ok, the issue is bundling pua with rightwing ideology. Its ideological thievery and subversion.
And stigmatised both communities.

And that's the fucking problem you emasculated cunt

What you call purity spiraling i call having standards

The gamma dogpiles that accompany any criticism of this dude only goes to prove my theory.

Roosh is the Jordan Peterson of dating. He reinforces gamma delusions, which keep you bitter and unsuccessful (and at best, score with retarded low quality women), rather than giving you the tough love you need.

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He acknowledges that PUA is toxic and denounced it. Watch his latest video. He said he was young and wanted a piece of the "slut pie" and only found darkness. He's taken the red pill and knows the Jew is behind our moral decay. It's all social programming

>this is our guy
>(((they))) don't want
>proceeds to shill
Try harder Schlomo.

>the 85 IQ retard accuses someone of having an 85 IQ

If whites arent learning or using game to pick up White women, then niggers and brown hoardes will be more than happy to fill that void.

Sack up and learn how to pull women and keep them. Thats the game these days, learn the rules or watch niggers do it for you.

Roosh has awakened.

Those who state otherwise are your enemy.

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I literally don't give a fuck about this guy and hate all of you faggots that feel that it's important to discuss him or any other aut.right youtubers on this platform

Literally who?

>play the game and be a degenerate
>you want to tear down this system and build one where this won't happen? lol fucking cuck

take your cuckshit and shove it up your ass non white.
Our fight is for more than whores.

>our guy

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any OP who says "this is ourguy" is automatically an onion farmer, and the guy is most certainly not our guy.

Roosh has no place in white society. He needs to go back to iran. He is part of the moral decay

Now i remembered, this is that author of self-improving books right?

This. There is a very very high chance that those against him in this thread are JIDF shills. They jump on it every time he is brought up. They are slandering his name and are deplatforming him elsewhere. He has indeed awakened and we should support him

he tactically fled to russia hoping for access to easier whores.

you forgot your memeflag, canadianposter

why don't you convert to islam and stab your roommates faggot

>rooch gets btfo by his own hypocrisy switches to pandering to larpers.

>He acknowledges that PUA is toxic and denounced it. Watch his latest video.
yeah too late. Women who go through a slut phase don't get forgiveness why him?
Also it's pretty suspicious that he only starts saying stuff like that when he's pushing 40 and is too old to go clubbing and doing "daygame" with 18 year old girls.
He's lika an aging "roastie" who says she's now ready to settle after she "saw the darkness".

Jewish led news organizations are writing hit pieces on him. He's on "hate watch" lists. They are clearly against him

>literally shilling for roosh by calling everybody else a JIDF shill

>Women who go through a slut phase don't get forgiveness why him?
Men =/= that's why

We don't forgive him because he did this with white women. We can't tolerate the brown man trying to take our women

You can criticize the guy. I'm not at all saying he's perfect. But he is using his audience to expose the jew, and that is something to appreciate

The truth of the matter is that traditional society is NOT coming back to the mainstream ever again without a massive catrastrophe or major crisis that overhauls and resets the whole system, which you may not even survive to see the other side of. Learn to play with the cards youve been dealt or just get left in the dust.

I appreciate those that wish to fight for a new or better society, but none of you are doing that sitting here on Jow Forums posting anime pics while covered in Cheeto dust.

just check his stuff out and tell me who the shill is. He is saying the same stuff about the jews that we are. He knows

Im American faggot

Yeah, I agree.
Some other PUA rats are also abandoning the sinking ship, see Matt Forney who is desperately trying to latch onto established far-right figures.

I know he claims that, but I doubt he's genuine. He also talked about having trouble "daygaming" (what the fuck is that even? talking to women before dusk?) young polish women because of his age. What a trad hero!

no Pick Up is Bullshit and useless for honest relationship and it only attracts a certain kind of women.

Self Improvement is way more important

values like fucking as many women of another race as possible?
he said he doesn't care about the outcome of the white race. to the people saying "b-but he is armenian" he said he isn't white.