Intersectional Privilege Calculator

Alright fellow white people it's time to calculator your goy score.

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A treasure trove:

Your intersectionality score: 7
You are more privileged than 86% of others!

i can live with this

Fun fact: Elizabeth Holmes is from the same alien species than Zuckerberg.

>Unfortunately, you are born with most of your intersectional factors. However, you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality. The easiest way to improve your score, however, is to champion the intersectionality of your more-marginalized friends. You may award yourself up to 5 points depending on the level of your activism.

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>your more-marginalized AND oppressed friends

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only 64%, wtf?

Check your collective privileges, boys!

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>when you move the sliders one at a time
i fucking hate kikes i want them to die

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I am genetically superior to 78% of the people who have taken this test.
Feels good man.
I wish it were higher.

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>I am genetically superior to 78% of the people who have taken this test.
That's all?

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What do

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How have Leftsist not realized this is just White Supremacy repackaged?

I got a 2 but I also don't see how being a kike takes away points

>Christians are privileged

Christianity is the most persecuted religion on earth. Even the (((UN))) admits that.

Or doesnt take away points in this case

If you lower the 'Jewish' slider, it raises your privilege score, which is complete and utter nonsense as Jews are some of the most privileged people in the west due to Jewish nepotism. (Nepotism is when one person grants favor to another based on relation rather than merit, EG Schlomowitz is a very smart Jew, while Steinberg is a very dumb Jew. Schlomowitz has used his intelligence to become the head of a company. He then promotes Steinberg, who has not earned the promotion, because Steinberg is also Jewish, instead of giving the promotion to Jackson, because Jackson is not Jewish.)

Do I win a prize with a 45?

I'm not sure to feel bad or happy

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35 suck it

Based Island nigger?


Oy vey! Antisemitism!

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I will enslave everyone.

glad this psychopath got exposed and ruined

14... pretty bad wish i had more money to be able to enslave others

I got a 15.

Apparantly, I am more privileged than 61% of others. The fact that I am an abstinent gayfag, but a faggot nonetheless, dragged my score down.

You are probably not a real homo, just mentally ill and confused from a constant subconscious bombardment to turn your into one.

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I remember hearing and unfortunately seeing her back in 2012 and I thought she was a fraud instantly. Her Theranos company was a joke. Rumor has it all of the "investment" money was a massive money laundering scheme.

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6? FUCK!
I need to get richer and go to church more.

according to this graph its harder to be a POC than a tranny?

>you can make some improvement to your score by getting more involved with Islam or Judism, donate all excess wealth to charity, or explore the wild side of your sexuality.

Is this some troll website?

Set everything how it is and then switch the race one from either extreme I go from top 40 percentile to bottom 20. Identity politics makes retards.

Oy fuckng vey

>positive correlation between Jewishness and privilege


>native born flip

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Got a 6 lol

Your intersectionality score: 33
74% of others are more privileged than you

Still would make her bear my children. Marissa Mayer too.

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Your intersectionality score: 23
58% of others are more privileged than you

What does this even mean

I maxed out all the 'oppressed' sliders and got a score of 100, but only 97% are more oppressed than me.
That means 3% of people are poor old illiterate shitskin gay crippled atheist devout muslim jew traps who can't speak english.

I've been in the bay area for awhile and that sounds about right.

sorry, that should be '97%are more privileged than me'

Bad, you should feel bad, I scored a 16, means I'm barely in the top half the population at 58%

Got a 5, not bad at all.

>What does this even mean
It means you're too much of a racist, sexist, xenophobe.

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>lose 14 points for being white
>lose 3 points for being rich
being white is a bigger privilege than being rich now? wtf

There an Indian Slider . This means Indians will be targeted next by SJW crowd . BRING IT ON !!

Duh! Being white means you steal your wealth from the vibrant minorities, ergo you are the oppressor.

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This is bullshit, my score should've been a lot lower than 13. I'm privileged as fuck.

You mind going bvack to the Clinton Foundation, instead of coming here, you brainwashed sold out fucking clown.

Exactly as the good Lord intended

2 gays and three roasties

Low tier family

Is everyone ITT an actual ivy league, wall street-bound kid who's dad is a banker/ceo? Because that's what I would consider fully "rich". Otherwise you're LARPing.
Also what is considered fully white? 100% Nordic or just 100% European? this is a shitty test.

>your wealth
b.. b.. but.. being wealthy only makes you lose 3 points


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>Being Christan makes you more privileged

Anyway I was an 8. Its like golf right?

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Also leaves out a very important feature for men, which is height. I'm ultra-priveleged in every way except I'm 5'9" instead of 6'0" and therefore it's all rendered moot in the eyes of roasties.

You mad. You jelly.

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Shut up faggot. I don't care. I'm 5'3". You just have to deal with it. Plus, tall women don't get as much attention as short women do. Use that to your and your children's advantage.

I was joking, of course that is a god-tier family. Looks like the average family you'd see across the West had /ourguys/ won.

I'm poor and disabled, literally a gimp NEET. Yet I still get 14?

it means your gullible to be believing this shit!!!

Gas the 98%

At least sub-8 white guys like me can asianmaxx

>being born in Canada or a sliding scale of elsewhere

Not only were all of the questions judged this way, but this one seems the most ridiculous. It's either a yes or no.

Scored a 1


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white hetero male xtian american
LMAO they are such fucking pricks

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most people are more privilged than me. 55% no surprise there

Oy vey, this website is so anti-semitic! My grandma who survived being gassed at auchwitz 3 times (they ran out of gas) would be rolling in her grave! It's like anuddah shoah!

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Have you heard her talk?

Shut it down!

not genetically superior to women or old people, fucking idiot

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Poorfag with relatively little formal education.
It would be in the 90s otherwise.
My mother quit her career to have a ton of kids, and my high-IQ father developed paranoid schizophrenia during this time.

Unfortunately I grew up poor, and will likely die poor. Probably for the best.

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>Unfortunately I grew up poor, and will likely die poor. Probably for the best.
Don't be a faggit. Get your shit together. Work smart.

Hold on there Rabbi.

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>only an 8%
Fucking kill me. I might as well be a black tranny