Éire/pol/ JANNIES out - edition

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>kiwis out too

We need another Pearse

england forever

>and dont give it away to arab scum
Have you heard of our lord and saviour Gerry Adams?

And you do rightly belong in New Zealand, Canada and Australia all. Those are the lands built by the Anglo-Celtic people for their descendants. Maori niggers are not in any way native to New Zealand make no mistake

Ireland forever, Scotland forever, England forever, Wales forever, Cornwall forever. No more brotherly wars over imperialistic ambitions and semitic religions

I'm a 'westbrit' ask me anything

Third thread for the second night in a row. We are GROWING

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What exactly do you mean by that

why haven't you died yet


I recpilled my mam about abortion and migration. Even if it meant nothing my mam voted no to abortion and hates Muslims. I love my mam so much.

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Irish citizen but feel more loyalty towards UK than Ireland

in rude health mate

Fuck the Anglos
Cheers o/

That too

It is their and, the people alow immigrants to swamp our country, I have to go baaaaack.

>Irish citizen but feel more loyalty towards UK than Ireland

Hell yeah.

OK, so a Catholic Priest is getting fucked in the ass at a public rest stop by a Jewish Rabbi. All of a sudden, this drunk Irish cop rolls up on them, rolls down his window and says "Don't you realize it's against the law to be having sex in public?"

The Jewish Rabbi pulls his dick out of the Catholic Priest's ass and says, "Don't YOU realize it's agains the law to drive with an open container?!"

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oh janny boy the kikes the kikes are ban evading


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you recpilled your mother

pic related
you have fun

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You ought to go there then. There's no place here for people like you.

Why? The UK is a mongrelised perverted concept hijacked by the race traitors
>It is their
No. They came one hundred years before we arrived and genocided the previous inhabitants

We must and we will purify our colonies

Heard recently about a taxi company that was advertising as “Irish drivers only” and im told driver spent the journey giving out about the blacks.

Person didn’t remember the name anybody know it ? We should support businesses like this

Don't identify with any of the 'Irish' culture. I think it's all kind of fake. The Irish language, Gaelic games, etc. It's all so forced and the people who are all for it seem to have some sort of ulterior motive.

I am also Church of Ireland so I was raised in an environment that kind of ignored modern Irish culture and favored that of the Anglosphere (every South African, Aussie, Kiwi, etc. kid in Ireland go Church of Ireland schools) so it's just how I have ended up.

To me that's as foreign as going to a hurling match. I know it sounds weird, but totally feel as if it's an alien culture to me.

>You ought to go there then. There's no place here for people like you.
There is though. There's thousands upon thousands of people in this country that don't buy into this version of 'Gaelic Ireland' that has been manufactured since 1949. It's just that manufactured.

I went to one of the largest boarding schools in the Republic of Ireland, the first time it flew a tricolor was in 2014 for a Presidential visit, and it was flanked by an EU flag.

>Why? The UK is a mongrelised perverted concept hijacked by the race traitors

Lads I have a rocket lolly

You're dreaming mate. The pricks came 5-800 years before Europeans to these islands, and men like me, who remain untainted by their culture and mixture of race need to go back to Europe and help boost replacement levels. I'll convert to catholism if I have to.

if this is a troll then congratulations you rustled my jimmiies

if not then seriously put a noose around your neck and kick the chair

Why do you feel so strongly about it? What is the offense?

>foreign as going to a hurling match
Forced? Forced! Thread theme!

checked gary

Go to northern Ireland or northern England.

To the person in the last thread who told me off for being sectarian.
This is why we don't need any more protestants

Redpilled. Fucking not looking when I typed when posting. So now will we be in prison now do to it against the law to criticize migration because of the UN.

You're not Irish, but you're not really British either. Does your lack of identity bother you?


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Can you please shut the fuck up you autistic retard.

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I don’t believe that the United Kingdom should exist. It deligitmised itself when Queen Victoria embraced a nigger goddaughter
You swallowed the anti-Celtic propaganda. Maoris are recent invaders from Polynesia and that’s about it
>I’ll convert to catholicism
Ireland has beautiful Gods of her own. No need to worship some shitalocuck in Rome

You don't identify with Irish culture because you're a foreigner, that's fine. But if you're going to start saying that Irish culture is "fake" or "forced" just because it isn't yours then you can fuck right off.

What a trainwreck of a joke

You stand here accused of treason. How doyou plead?
You are found gilty and are sentenced to hang.
Have you any final words?
>pic related, muh bull fuckin muh weemen

Im in favour of the 3 generation rule.

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the church of ireland should join the anglican catholic rite


same but if they can prove farther back pure by the way yes too

and THATS the aristocrats

pathetic if you're not trolling

Why? I'm not from there. My family has been here for longer than most.

Not really. I went to a Proddy Rugby school and was surrounded by other people who went to the same or other Proddy Rugby schools. It's not something that ever really effected my until after I left school and realized that there was an other Ireland out there - that, in my mind at least, seems to lack an identity.

I see the modern 'Irish' identity as fake. It incorporates things that are real, like trad music, aspects of Irish history, etc. with things that are a by product of a repugnant form Irish nationalism, like the way the Irish language and Gaelic games are forced down peoples throats.

I'm not a foreigner. The average Irishman of 100 years ago would identify more with my culture than that of the modern day Sinn Feiner.

What is the three generation rule, my I ask?

I'm not.

Waht anti celt propaganda? I'm all for celtic identity. I want to go back to where I belong, just like the gooks and nigs need to back to theit countries, I'm a nationalist.


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fuck, I need to look at my typing, fucking hell.

We need our own method.

>Drowned in Glory:
Shove a potato in their mouth and shove their head in a bog hole

>Fall of the British Empire:
Force march them at night off a cliff

im happy with either

My brother got sexually assaulted by faggots in Dublin a year ago. What can I do about it?

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Ireland is for the Irish.

Change my mind.

Rape the rapists

rugby school


also you dont have to be involved in gaa even though some clubs are corrupt crony run

kill them


Parish GAA clubs are the equivalent of the local mosque in rural Afghanistan. The later might be a little bit more civilized.

Do you know who they are?

It's interesting reading that. I too attended a Protestant boarding school (albeit I'm catholic) so I do understand what you're talking about. It really is an isolated sub-culture in its own right, possibly more so than a lot of people realise.
Do you feel any genuine, deep kinship with the Irish people?

>forced down peoples throats

If you haven't been to Croke park you're not really Irish

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Sorry chap!
Yur her durr, we jolly well ran past that last tackle

Then he tried jumping over me, but i smacked him with the hurl and he had to get stitches

i know what side im on

Hi, I have dual citizenship can I come

bring gubs

lots of gubs


>Borat there in the front row


Actually yeah, do what this guy says

mutt test active

we will ask a few questions

No my brother was walking with his girlfriend to the shop but it was some pride march or some shit that day and they touched his ass and dick and kissed him until he puss them away. Ever since that day I always wish death on faggots. I always hated them but God that made me so angry.

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Why didn't your brother knock them out?


but look at the joy on pic relateds face
you would'nt take that away from her, would you?

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He would get arrested.

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karma for being against the Empire, you whore.

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Worth it

Claiming that the Maori are New Zeland natives and that British descant folks owe them something is a part of the anti-Celtic propaganda
Track down the fags, pepper spray them in some gray zone, beat them up and leave
fully Irish? Where do you live?

>Sorry chap!
>Yur her durr, we jolly well ran past that last tackle

read that in jojo narrator voice kek

problem i have with prods is they act all high and lordy only reason there well off is because they worked for robber landlords
and then bought loads of land on the cheap when the (((fags))) ran away
i would support expropriations but the fags getting it might be aul cunts

they also feel a bit foreign some living near me dont act foreign but the others do


my trashy ass website
im a noob to this stuff so ignore da mistakes

interdasting: giant euro redheads being genocided by maoris

theyre cheap cunts too

Is there still hope for this country or are we still completely fucked.

Is this thread fucking dead. At least we got three in one night.

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send the ra over to scotland please
i cant fucking handle the english anymore
every day is a fucking nightmare

im alive, watching

the prods in my area must have been soup takers or something one was called bracken
rest were finneys and (the howards they have/had strange accents)
most are all mutted now
stauntons but there family is half catholic
cant remember the rest.

the old scottish ira of 1919 needs reactivation

start at 13:30 and it ties in with irish mythology
>red god vs blue god

as long as they're not commies like red clydeside
i just want the fucking english GONE
fuck OFF back to England with your cunt accents

We will have as many Michel Collins as is needed, we will have as many founding fathers as is needed!! The idea is greater than any one man and no man who has given his life for this idea would say dispute this. It spans all dialects, languages and slang. It is our people.
Don't be hateful in your attitudes brothers, this is our home and the almighty knows it.

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i think the way modern gaa and our language is promoted isnt structured properly for (((modern))) times they gaelic league had the same problem in 1880s but they overcame it
we have our own forms of the sassanach language too that have been forgotten about

>Infinity Chan /eirepol/ board.

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Nationilist Parties in Ireland:
>The National Party.

>IrExit Freedom Party.

>Alternative For Ireland.

>The Liberal.

>The Burkean.

Youtube Channels:
>Grand Torino


>Computing Forever.

News and current events:
>Doctors to hold EGM over abortion service concerns.

>'Perfect storm' hitting regional towns - survey.

>'I don’t believe this person was actually her boyfriend' - sister of murdered Nicola Collins.

>Man acquitted of partner's murder in Co Kilkenny.

>Bail extended for journalists in Loughinsland case.

>'One shot to the head' - Estonian hitman texted associates after arriving in Ireland to carry out murder.

>Defence lawyer says Storm Emma looter was 'high on cocaine at the time'.

>Newstalk working on new project with Peter Casey.

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"Diaspora" here. From my perspective, being the only nation to share a land border with the potentially-soon-to-be non-EU United Kingdom while yourself being a member of the EU is an incredibly strategic position to be in. The border, due to the terrorism and violence that used to surround it, has pretty much ben deemed by the international community (not that I speak for the international community) as a distinctly IRE-UK problem, their hands are off. If the other members of the EU promise not to interfere with this border, then a deal could be made where the govt of Ireland turns a blind eye to any "smuggling" over the border (which would be from the EU into the UK) in return for, say, greater influence over NI, or something to that effect. Is that unreasonable? I'm too far removed to understand the situation accurately.

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Stopped reading there.

orange order are a problem for smugglers

There should only be one state on this island. One state for one nation.

I just joined in, getting ready to finish my no-drink November drive. Bag a cans on the side getting ready.

Your brother is probably a secret faggot and his "gf" is just faghagging.

Just hit [embed]
you'lkl thank me in 20 seconds

We wuz kiwis?

kiwis wuz us

suck it jannies

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People struggled and died for you to have the ability to fight. Never doubt your ability to cripple their agenda. They rely on ignorance and you yourself know that the Irish nation lies only within the heart of the Gael. You yourselves must show these unguided souls the truth. You are the last whom will be even able to find this truth accessible if we do not prevail. We are approaching either the brightest point in human history or the darkest. Your involvement and persistence dictates which. If we prevail Europe prevails. If we lose all is lost.

Control is achieved through fear and intimidation. Fearsome specticals
>Be fearsome
>be public
Expose those whom are most vulnerable, who think they are untouchable. Let them know that their children will hate them if they are lucky. If they are not they will be subject to your will. This is our island, not theirs!