Jow Forums is giving me nightmares making it impossible to sleep

This webiste is eating me alive.
Tonight I was calculating how much European kids were born in Italy in 2017. I was literally doing statistics while sleeping, Jow Forums

The dream started with me eating a delicious Pizza (no pedo shit, I was literally eating pizza) then suddenly the cigarette machine started to give me coins like it was a slot machine. from there I remembered about the statistics I read the other day.

So in this part of the dream I was at Ethan's house (the dude from H3H3) a guy I learnt about by browsing Jow Forums. So I was guest in his house and I was suppose to sleep (he sleeps at the first floor of some building in the dream, and it was sunset) he was not please of me being paranoid and trying to do statistics.

I told him that Italy had a huge problem, that according to the last analysis only 350,000 of the 450,000 newborns were made by two Italians and that also by adding the other europeans and the couples from two european countries this number likely would have not surpassed the 90% (400,000) which was not acceptable to me.

He asked me why and was pushing for the beauty of multhietnic/multicultural societies.

I asked him how could he believe that considering that his wife has been a year on a checkpoint asking herself if the next car would have blown up killing her, and all of this because of her ethnicity and religion.

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Cool. Nice blog entry, faggot.

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This website has made my life hell, I don't feel bad for telling you the kind of shit I deal with daily because of it.

I had a nightmare last night too. Kind of creepy. I was running around an old abandoned spacestation. There was a giant cyborg chasing me. But it was weird because the cyborg was friendly at the end. Some guy send me to find an object. I couldnt find it so i returned. And he called the cyborg and it had the object. The guy was sitting in a cockpit or something. Getting ready to depart.

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nightmares are routine at this point, and it is mostly because of pol
my dream ended with me in sleep paralysis while i was sure i had an intruder at home.

>This webiste is eating me alive.

I hopped in with him when i heard the cyborg coming. The entrance to the cockpit was a small circle the cyborg could barely fit his arm in it to hand the guy his item. I dont trust cyborgs. One minute theyre trying to kill you the next theyre friendly.

here since before Brexit,

ethan is a jew

You child. Read this from your senpai.

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No dream but I couldn't get back to sleep this morning because I was fuming about Mueller's fishing expedition. We're entering Year Three of an endless investigation predicated on the premise that Trump colluded with Russia. It's been long established that this is a fiction created by the malfeasance of Clittory Hilton, the Obama "Justice" Department and the FBI. But nope, Mueller has carte blanche for an endless investigation in search of a crime. Meanwhile the same actors have studiously ignored shit that Clinton and Obama did that would put me in prison. All because Trump went off-script and won the election. I've lost all faith in our institutions.

Thats normal embrace it. Usually wont last more than 2-3 weeks. Happens everytime you brainwash yourself.

christ get your shit together newfaggot Luigi, don't you know Jow Forums is satire?

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You ever heard of lucid dreaming? Where you become aware that youre dreaming and then can act however you want? Can take control of your dreams? I suggest you learn how if you want to combat nightmares. Ive killed a lot of demons. And innocent people too ive ran from a lot of monsters. Lucid dreaming helps. It wont erase rhe monaters but it clears your mind so you can deal with them. And always remember its just a dream. I used to look at it like valhalla. Every night i went to bed i was getting ready for war.

Or you can smoke weed. Weed stops you from having dreams. Thats why people with PTSD smoke it. I kind of regret smoking weed because lucid dreaming was fun as fuck. But you see some shit that destroys your soul. And it creates a need for the drugs. Not to block the dreams but to deal with the mental anguish.

>Jow Forums is satire

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You're going into the blackpill stall. You need to stabilize yourself or you're going to an hero. Taking a break from Jow Forums and possibly the internet at large could help in the short term, but what you really need to do is come to terms with the knowledge that the West and all our individual cultures within it are dying at the hand of malicious powers, and then gather your resolve to carry on the fight nonetheless.

>Dear Diary,

>Today in my life as a faggot.

Someone post the what to do after redpilling infographic. The ride never ends bud.
Since pol I know the meaning of concealing your power level. Many of my friends don't talk to me like they used to. But some laugh, I can tell they're intrigued, they know there truth to the things I tell them. So I red pill them slowly. You'll be okay. Keep reading, stick around. You don't want to live with blinders on do you?

One of the most satisfying yet simple dreams i had was one where i was walking down the street and was about to sit on a bench but this nigger sat down real fast and put his feet on the bench so i couldnt sit. And he was smiling at me like “do something cracker” so i grabbed his lags and started slamming him on the ground like fucking bam bam until his body went limp.

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I was whipping the concrete with his skull. It was a bloody mess.

>cigarette machine
They still have those in Italy? I haven't seen one since the mid-90s here.

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it will never end till you surrender to the truth Jow Forums represents
only then will your redemption arc begin user

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Yeah I have seen them in Venice, nice place.

Didn't read, pastanigger.

Never let outside forces take control of your inner realm. Remember murder is legal in your dreams.

Reclaim your inner realm.

And if youre like me. And believe in shared dreams. Maybe you can change some peoples ways. By murdering them in their dreams.

>my dream ended with me in sleep paralysis
Did you see a toothy vision of Hilda, sitting aloft your chest, the weight of her massive khazar milkers crushing the air from your lungs, whispering menacingly into your ear, 'yeah'.

it happened tome too... but I was actually dreaming that I was commenting on everybody here... I literally dreamt that I typed every fucking comment here.

We all deal with it dude.

Checked. How do I do that?

That's the real nightmare right there.

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that's funny because I fucked my my italian slut in the ass 2 hours ago and am now happily smoking joints and shitposting

>He actually has nightmares from Jow Forums
Some guys have all the luck. Jow Forums has actually induced great dreams in me. All too often I dream of finding a beautiful Aryan girl, having many children, starting an ethnostate village, etc. only to wake up and feel disgusted with the world.

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

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just wanted to say the departed is a great movie

Nice copy pasta. But it's pretty much entirely comprised of ad hominem. If you want to prove that we're all "illiterate" put forward an argument not a diatribe of feelings.

I enjoyed your dream, pastabro
tell me more

I also had quite a nightmare. It was set in a Kafkaesque plain of existence only observable in shades of grey. Everyone was male and wore identical suits and carried identical briefcases and were constantly on the move in a brisk but still walking speed. Additionally the typical laws of dimensionality did not seem to apply. It was rather reminiscent of that art piece "Convex and Concave". There was also a social credit system (which I can only assume was constructed by my mind after reading the system the PRC has implemented) in which all these black and white, suit-wearing automatons were ranked. The last aspect of this nightmare I remember was that my body felt extremely sluggish and I found it very difficult to move my body or keep my eyes open in this world. Somehow I manage to crawl out over this seemingly bottomless chasm this beam. And i was slowly slipping off it. I don't remember what happened after that.

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My sleep disorders are very bad, and if I were not born in modern times I would have been going crazy.

It started during teenage hood, and progressed slowly during time reaching its peak during university.

Right now I am trying to get medication (stuff for sleep, opioids) but to get those in Italy you need bullshit analysis. They have take the liquor from my backbone and sent it to UK (the cute bimbo, my doctor, wanted to be sure i didnt have strange genetic shit) the extent of my nightmares is very heavy and it is not merely something I see, but thing I feel that seems to be real.

(sight, hearing and even touch) there have been times I am sure I felt pain, others In which I felt as someone was dragging me pulling me from the legs.

Sometimes I have been thinking to call a priest, or to record myself because it feels so real.
pol has made it worse.

On this beam*

>You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life

The other day I was speaking with my cousin, a 90kg femminist, she casually mentioned the poor faggot that got killed while trying to teach Jesus to a bunch of nogs, making fun of him.
In the same conversation she said how great it was for us being enriched by foreign religions whose members often try to kill us out of the blue, for no reason.
According to her I should also be more tollerant.

This is an averange conversation with someone that is on the left of the spectrum, this is the left right now.
How can you expect me to be civil, educated with a bunch of suicide cultists that want to destroy civilizations " because is 2019" or only to feed their useless ego.

They use a set of "rights" and "values" in which they don't really believe only to achieve a political purpose, and their political purpose is vandalism of society.

Ideologies are not spawn from ideas, but from feelings, and those little shit have the uncontrallable need to destroy everything of our societies.

They act and think like demons.

Second part of my dream
I tell the H3H3 guy how can he advocate so much for multiculturalism when he got his jewish wife pregnant. If preserving its own ethnic composition is a sin or something despicable then what he is doing is bad, he should also admixture just like he wants to admixture our societies.

(also he showed me God, as a white dragon that was all pro multiculturalism, but I din't buy it)

Third part of the dream

I was in a room and there was Markiplier in it. I don't like that guy, I know he is a fake person and he was acting fake even there. We were at the same house of H3H3 dream part, same orange light because of a sunset.
As I mentioned I knew he was wicked and violent and I was sure he had killed someone and that the body was there somewhere, I wanted to call the police.

Last part

I was kinda awake in my room and I was sure there was an intruder in my house, I was trying to reach my door to lock myself in, but I wasn't able. At a certain point I had the impression that someone was in my room, then in my bad with fingers in my face.
It took several minutes, I was able to move my own fingers once again and then I woke up, and here we are.

Honestly the most disturbing part of your dream is that all of the people in it are ecelebs.

If you pu together the dots it all makes sense.
The coins of the cigarette machine lead me to think about the white statistics, H3H3 is jewish and hated by pol.

Markiplier may be more interesting.

First I am sure the guy is not as nice as he wants us to believe and I can give you proofs of it.

However markiplier has the same hair, and head structure of my brother, my brother is the real psycho of the family and has just got back home.

pussy, ive been having nightmares about crossing into cities where everyone wants to kill me, stumbling upon gruesome murders, bitches wanting to fuck me turning into demons, all sorts of other unbelievably fucked up shit since way before learning about /pol. Be lucky you can dream. Some people are too sedated to even get the free entertainment. I've learned to embrace it and realized its just my own little glimpse of how my descent into hell will be. Dont do dmt kids

here is a picture to help you relax

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I'm saying maybe you need to cut back on the consumption of youtube content.

But as for what markeplier might mean...maybe the fact that he's a eurasian mutt is an important factor. Maybe he symbolises the rootless mystery meat breed of the future.

No, I am quite sure is because he looks like the monster I have in the other room.

>I've learned to embrace it and realized its just my own little glimpse of how my descent into hell will be

You just remind about something I had been thinking soome time ago.
Some years ago I stumbled upon a scale whose name I don't remember, the scale organized the stages of consciousness from awake, to death. with comatose and sleeping being in the middle.
Based on the fact that sleep is closer to death
The idea that I had was the following: what if the nightmares I have are nothing but glimpses of the hell I will experience once I die.

I see you had the same idea, or at least you casually mentioned it.

Why was his wife on a checkpoint ?

I don't know the specific role she had while conscript, but as Israelian she lived her life with the idea of being killed in any moment for the sole fact of being a different ethnic or religious group.

You w0t m8
Why she be living like that

Italians aren't white.

That's a good fear to have. The CIA specifically trains their minions to break into homes, and kill people in their sleep.

I would have pity of CIA if they bothered with me,
Here we have eastern europeans burglars, and now niggers.

I feel like matt damon would be a cool sidekick

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