anons i need help. last night i stood up to some adidas tracksuits and got sucker punched. my lip is cut up and i'm looking for a way to lessen the swelling, any tips?
Anons i need help. last night i stood up to some adidas tracksuits and got sucker punched...
Apply heat.
heat? not cold?
> Apply heat.
heat on a cut lip? r u dum? do u hav a brane damge?
Try aspirin. Apply an ice pack if the area is still hot to the touch.
i've tried salt, honey, and black tea. currently on ice
Revenge is the best salve.
don't have aspirin, shops are closed
definitely. but in the meantime...
I want to nibble on that shoulder.
i'm a male (male) user
Post your busted lip and not some fag, then.
What happened with the slavs anyway that got you punched?
Kill them all, Jimmy. Quench your wounds in their blood.
one calmed down and asked me not to call the cops, the second was in a hurry to leave when i tried to talk to him without his friends, nothing major
lip started to heal a bit, but i'm supposed to meet with a girl i picked up after my lip got busted and i don't want to go in with a fat lip
>That scratch
Stop being a faggot.
it's hard to get on camera
nevertheless, this thread is about the swelling in case you missed it
If you're swelling from that, you need to get punched in the face more. Shit a month ago I split my head open, staggered to the store, bought some bandages, took a few stiff drinks and took my wife on vacation.
congratulations on splitting your head? i guess?
It's that shitty attitude that makes your face a fist pillow.
obviously not, since i got out with only
> >That scratch
if you were in the US you could go to the police since they attacked you for being a fag
OP is a faggot, can't you tell from the choker and the way he holds his wrist
>last night
Quit being a pussy. Put some ice on it if you have to. It will go down. I called you a pussy in the first sentence but that was just for laughs. Congratulations on having some nuts and actually getting in a fight. Most (((onions))) boys nowadays can't handle that.
You are a massive aids riddled faggot OP
And? Its not like im straight.
>And? Its not like im straight.
Fuck off and die homo. You need to get punched in the face more.
> implying i wear a choker
thanks for the yous, though
yeah, it's bound to go down eventually. i was looking for something quick.
What is wrong with Adidas tracksuits there? Why bad people use them where you live?
mostly pricks
it closed up and calmed down after a lot of salt water and ice
thank you, anons!
Thats wot u get u little bitch, u look like a chick in tht photo. Go drop a mother fucker or shut the fuck up
Uh. I didnt get into a fight for 10 years now.
> wot
> tht
> u
> drop mother fucker
what a fuckin phoneposting nigger