Why the hate?

I like coming to Jow Forums for the memes and such but sometimes you guys hate on the Jews a bit much. I don’t really see the problem with Jews. My girlfriend is a Jew. Does it make me less white because I’m with her. No. She’s white too.

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Jews aren't white you faggot
Stop shilling shlomo

they stole my foreskin so i hope they all die

Jews ARE Satan's spawn

Pa papa pa

P a n


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Kill Jews and especially Jewish children will solve this problem.

holy fucking fuck theres a lot of slide threads tonight

reminder to beta orbiters and NPCs this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment/bait threads so it does not bump them

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Devil worshippers

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You know nothing. Lurk for 14 years and 88 days then come back, goy.