>Got trolled into not going to University by Jow Forums trolls saying it's a "Jewish scam" and "you'll never get a job with a degree so just work minimum wage for the rest of your life"
>Then got trolled by Jow Forums trolls into not even working because they kept posting that fucking smug Pepe with the "How can a man wake up and make a living for himself instead of being a parasite off of hardworking people...... etc Noam "Communist Kike" Chomsky quote
>Now I have no degree, no job, no money, nothing because I listened to nazis from Jow Forums and neets from Jow Forums
Got trolled into not going to University by Jow Forums trolls saying it's a "Jewish scam" and "you'll never get a job...
No one's fault but yours.
nice bait
only one thing left to do , Jow Forums special
Dont lie, they made you a trap as well
No, but I am a faggot and cocks taste nice.
To be fair whenever people on /pol say not to go to college, they almost always say not to go UNLESS it's for a STEM degree or a degree that leads into a post secondary law or medical field. Basically something that can lead to a career. Then they'll usually say it may be better to go into a trade at a trade school, although I personally don't agree with or believe in the trade school meme since you're going to be working with so so so many retards. Old roommate was a pipe layer and he complained a lot about how stupid his coworkers were
Either way, you have no one to blame but yourself
Jow Forums is a bunch of racist faggots circlejerking,
why in the hell would you listen to them OP?
Good, now listen to Jow Forums on relationship advice and end up a depressed mess thinking every single thing in your life is 100% your fault and you're worthless for wanting to be happy.
Jow Forums is fucking cancer for life advice you utter retard. If you're going to ask for advice on here it better be something technical with no room for opinions, like Jow Forums shit or something
You have to admit, that was a pretty good troll.
>shifting your problems on websites rather than just admitting you're a fucking moron with no self control or responsibility
>listening to Jow Forums
>listening to Jow Forums
... go to college then?
Or get a job?
It’s not like it’s been 30 years that you’ve been worthless and you’re now on the verge of dying. Get back in the game, stupid.
Jow Forums means go to trade school instead of college. No one with a brain would tell you to just sit on your ass and do nothing.
if you're that impressionable you're doomed to misery
>not listening to neets from Jow Forums and nazis from Jow Forums
The aren’t racist. They’re right.
>it better be something technical with no room for opinions
oh god don't do even this
I need to stop coming to this website, not even the porn boards are good anymore
Depends on the degree and school itself. Some degrees aren’t worth the paper they are written on. Some schools can be a huge money pit. Both of those combined is a deadly combo for a shitty life.
>not going to a trade school and falling for the neet meme
lmao @ ur life
College is a total scam if you're going for a meme degree that has no actual use in the real world. If you don't want to go to college just become a mechanic or plumber or carpenter.
Never ever listen to Jow Forums fags who want you to isolate yourself from society at large. That's not good for your mental health and will just make you spiral into more insanity. That's how the people of Jow Forums get to where they are and they love pulling people down to join them in their misery.
Well, how do NEETs survive? You probably should have thought how the situation was applicable to your own life... but I can understand jumping to conclusions. I suffer from similar things.
Regardless, things might fix themselves in time. I got a millionaire to approach me and tell me that he would like if I worked for him, regardless of my lack of skills or college, and would provide a computer and let me shitpost for 8 hours a day on Jow Forums. Literally the best job ever. Oh, and my parents have given me a section of the house as my own personal property. And I didn't even go to college, so Jow Forums was right. I think I did pretty good, the NEETs can brag about me being a wagie, but they are doing for free what I am getting paid to do.
Your, um, life experience might differ. But there are odd circumstances where they are right. Like in my case.
I shouldn't be saying this, but almost all forms of "don't do this" in career discussions are meant to decrease competition. Careers are shilled by the government, but denounced by the people chasing those careers. The only time it's not a tactic is when they bash aerospace engineering. Seriously, don't even waste time considering it
>tfw no noose chan gf to wrap her arms around your neck tightly when the both of you cuddle
>blaming Jow Forums
I don't know what country you live in but here in America there are still decent jobs you can work without needing a degree. It's how I made the money to pay for my degree without any debt.
>not even the porn boards are good anymore
14 year olds posting CLOTHED whores!
Grass is greener syndrome. No place is good, user. The world is shit. Escape Jow Forums, you end up with other communities with other shitty people who treat you like as much of a meme and shit over you as the people on Jow Forums would. Except, in this case, it is a lot harder to escape from since it doesn't just die with the thread.
Jow Forums is better than any other online community because at least you're free here and people get called out on their bullshit.