There is one and only one explanation for the decline of Western Civilization: the rejection of Christ...

There is one and only one explanation for the decline of Western Civilization: the rejection of Christ. The Jews didn't do that to you, the baby boomers did that.
The Jews aren't attacking your culture. You're the ones drifting towards them. Porn, banking, Hollywood, degeneracy...that was all strictly off limits and enforced by the Church. Family, purity, the role of the woman, all enforced by the Church.
Jews never had that repression. They could always be as Jewish as they wanted without fearing eternal damnation.
That's why some of them have 1,700 years advance on you when it comes to doing business, finance without morality. Doesn't mean they're bad people.
They don't give a fuck. They probably see you as noobs. They got their ethnostate and cucked the muslims and give 0 shits about the international community and survive millennia of persecution. They probably think you're pathetic for not being able to handle your porn. I'm sure there's a bit of schadenfreude in there too.

Come back to the loving arms of your Lord, it is the only way to salvation.

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Chaste and Breadpilled

come to Jesus or get rekt. you can't handle the harsh world


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Yes, I hate the way we are so racist on this board I think that If a black or arab is Christian they should be accepted as if they were one of us

Western civilization was thriving before jew worship. Within 100 years of adopting the semite religion, the Western Roman Empire had fallen.

It took the spiritual semites nearly 1000 years to get back to the level of art, technology, and philosophy that pre-Christian Rome had.

what did they believe in prior to Christianity?

The glorious culture you so admire was a luxury provided to you by the Church. You've been cajoled.

Regarding religion? The Roman pantheon.

In Rome and Greece they were badass. But you would certainly consider them degenerate and not moral at all. Gay orgies, and brothels. They were not delicate flowers.

I cant beat my dick one night, and beat my wifes pussy the other. Life is good when you can control yourself to get what you want. If you want a queen, act like a king. If you want Christ to save you, act like a Christian.

There was also subservience of woman to her father/husband.
And we know how women use their suffrage.

By faith, not by acts, are we saved.

The US is by far the most Christian countey west of the iron curtain, and it is the global capital of degeneracies that Rome and Greece wouldn't even have been able to comprehend

There is no male or female, only one in Christ, praise his foreskin

The two countries who went the furthest in rejecting Christ: Sweden and the USSR.
Both are Orwellian nightmares.

Yeah but the USA is so populated. You have to look at it in proportions.

The Czech Republic is 90% non-Christian and is doing far better culturally and demographically than most other white countries. Seems more like correlation than causation.

That's because of the fucking Germans. Their world wars caused the emancipation of women and the baby boomers.
I put all the blame on them. They divided the Church, they ended European hegemony.
Fuck them. A lot. Fucking sperglords

OP promotes the Whore of Babylon and claims Christ

your mom is the whore of babylone for not raising you right the dumb cunt

this. OP's half right but he still believes in the Roman false church

>decline of Western Civilization
>Porn, banking, Hollywood, degeneracy
Can you elaborate on what is degeneracy? Provide other examples if you could.
>Family, purity, the role of the woman, all enforced by the Church.
>Jews never had that repression.
Why repress your wants by using a God to not do it? Why not understand that's the value you respect and want to maintain in your own family. What does a God have to do with that?

>Western Civilization

Fuck off nigger. Western civilization is the abomination that's been subverting European civilization. Anglo countries need to be razed.

Idiot. Worshipping shit that doesnt exist, that teaches subordination, that is the issue. Get back to work and fuck them back

>I can control my emotional state

pick one.

Raised and Breadpilled


Definition of degeneracy

1 : the state of being degenerate

2 : the process of becoming degenerate

3 : sexual perversion

4 : the coding of an amino acid by more than one codon

>The Roman pantheon.
Wrong. The Roman "pantheon" just absorbed everything around it, it had well over a thousand gods from other cultures before everything collapsed.
socratic pederasty

>socratic pederasty

That was a small minority and Romans exaggerated the myth. Why is a yank faggot discussing such things in the first place ? You should be worrying about the Togolese pantheon.

Go on, tell me. How do i fail to direct my desires to get anything i want?

Get a load of this pleb.

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>Can you elaborate on what is degeneracy? Provide other examples if you could.
Means being human and act on your impulses. (gluttony, lust. greed etc etc)

>Why repress your wants by using a God to not do it? Why not understand that's the value you respect and want to maintain in your own family. What does a God have to do with that?
I don't know but it's effective

I was thinking more along the lines of a personal definition, and some examples of what is degenerate.


lel no

you turn your back from Christ for two minutes and the next thing you know you've got 9 year old tyrannies and calls ethnic genocide.
The unwashed masses absolutely 100% need Jesus and anyone who suggests otherwise is the real enemy.

The "capital C Church" was never the church of believers to begin with. Pompous buildings, hordes of wealth, symbolism lifted straight from Babylon, and a man who exalts himself as "Vicarus Filius Dei" which is 666 in gematria.

and yet OP is STILL trying to get us to save ourselves by works. Even AFTER all the centuries of trying it and it failing because we all fall short of the glory of God

Check out Biblical Historicism to learn that Revelations has been played out from the death of Christ until today, and the Antichrist is the Vatican.

You asked what they worshipped. The answer is the Roman pantheon.. This is an objective fact. You didn't ask for details or a description of it, so your reply is a non sequitur.

They do. They don't need the False Christ of Rome, who is actually Apollyon in disguise

oh, so maybe you prefer the current mayhem we live in? Go put on your turtleneck you chai latte drinking faggot

you pretentious cunt. I want to punch you so hard

>Means being human and act on your impulses.
So you think all humans are degenerate, no matter what?
>I don't know but it's effective
So "Why not understand that's the value you respect and want to maintain in your own family?"

Yes, you're not a superior being. You're not a snowflake. You're the same lump of decaying matter as everyone else.
The amazing culture we so deeply long for was a luxury provided to us by the church.

So you prefer luxury over actually having God.

You just want the luxury back , but can't face your creator alone, and the Word of God alone because your works will be meaningless before Him

>The answer is the Roman pantheon.
There is no real Roman pantheon. Roman gods did not even have form until they assimilated the culture of the Greeks. Conquer Egypt? Egyptian gods are in the Roman "pantheon" now. It's like saying America has a culture, when the culture of America died in the 19th century and its just a mishmash of 3rd world shithole culture and a vague empty sentiment of patriotism now.

>Yes, you're not a superior being. You're not a snowflake. You're the same lump of decaying matter as everyone else
I never stated I was any of this. I'm strictly trying to understand the specifics of what is considered "degenerate".
>The amazing culture we so deeply long for was a luxury provided to us by the church

Trips of truth glory to god in the highest

No, I just want /b/ back. I cannot stand hearing you fucking whine and whine all the time about Jews and how oppressed snowflakes you are.
Go to church and come back right

What kind of latte drinking faggot would believe in God at all? Especially the kind who doesn't approve of idolatry (which the culture you so admire was steeped in)

>No, I just want /b/ back.

/b/ would be forbidden by the church, I don't even understand

I get it now you're not a Christian you're larping as what you think is one to troll

bitch, just cause you need to live a lie to cope with life doesnt mean everyone else does

>Pray the Rosary Latin prayers in description Latin chant

Libido Dominandi

Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

Goy Guide to World History - Part 1

E Michael Jones on Jewish Influence from Calvary To Trump

E Michael Jones on Logos vs Anti Logos: The Pivot of Human History

E. Michael Jones on Barren Metal; British Empiricism vs German Idealism

>Latest Interviews
Pope Francis in Context

Viganò and the Homosexual Network

Ethnos and Logos

Donald Trump and the (((Russian))) Mafia

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check mate. you've figured it all out. you can shut up now

>Be Christian
>Outlaw usury for everyone
>Except Jews
>Jews get rich through banking
>Get mad that Jews got rich exploiting tbe Goyim
>Claim Chr*stianity is a good thing and dindu nuffin
Niggers I swear. Unsurprising considering your sandnigger origin. Christianity literally gave the Jews the tools to take over society. If they didn't have banking they would have nothing and be a crushed and humiliated people until they tried their damnedest to forget they were ever Jews and integrate into society, or get the fuck out.
Read what Nietzshe said about the Jews over a goddamn century ago.

look if you can't compete with the Jews than maybe you should hang yourself

One of the most based statements I've ever heard. Bump.

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OP, would Jesus approve of you using such foul and hateful language like you are in this thread? To your brothers and neighbours of all people?

External morality is lethal. The law is written in our hearts. God is Logic.

Everyone knows deep inside miscegenation, niggetry, globalism, and injustice are wrong. Those who have overwritten their hearts with the spirit of conformity still have Logic to bring them back to the path of light.


"but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.”
Genesis 2:17

“Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another”
Romans 2:15

“In the beginning was the Logos (Logic,) and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God.”
John 1:1

t. Luciferian

even the devil knows scriptures and twists them

>miscegenation, niggery globalism , injustice

the Vatican has perpetrated all of these things. Including modern "evangelicals" who are subverted by Jesuits and masons

Weak statement. go play fortnite

See, these are the kind of assholes who did this to you. Pretentious pseudo-intellectual leftist who think they're better than you. They're the ones who come up with things like "microagressions"

They're the ones who tell you to ditch 2,000 years of tradition because they think they know better.
They wear turtleknecks

Western civilization is dying due to the rejection of an underlying moral code, but that is happening simply because it's underlying moral code is Christianity. Christianity is a stupid religion that can't hold up to science, or basic God-given morality. You have unlimited cuckery and weakness in the doctrine of turn the other cheek in the face of evil and threats, coupled with infinite cruelty and injustice in the doctrine of hell. Add in the inability for Christianity to jive with modern science and it is just a disaster that no sane person can follow. The fact that Christianity incorporated the old testament into the religion with it's much more reasonable system of justice (eye for an eye) and other good principles, and the fact that in past eras Christians mostly ignored the New Testament in favor of the old, is the only reason Christian societies were able to be successful.

Christianity is a cucked, dying religion for good reason, and the West is dying with it. There is no going back. The West will adopt newer, more evolved religious underpinnings (unlikely) or it will die, later to be replaced by a religion and society that intelligent people can accept.

>later to be replaced by a religion and society that intelligent people can accept.
Uh... what's actually happening is intelligent people aren't breeding and are getting replaced by stupid people. Whites, jews, and east asians all have good iq and are dying out.

IQ isn't even real. Darwinism is one of the driving lies behind the decay of modern society. And Catholics were the only "christians" to embrace the lie and even incorporate Evolution into their abominable corpus of "Tradition" that conflicts with the Bible.

I disagree, Poland is not cucked, mormons are not cucked, south americans are not cucked.

We turn our back from Jesus for two seconds and we have 10 year old drag queens and the looming threat of an orwellian state

You're absolutely right. What are you doing to spread the word? There are many young men looking for the answer we have found.

>IQ isnt even real

Mormons and Catholics are what Jesus called "whited sephulcres ".

appearance of morality and purity on the outside, spiritually dead on the inside. You could even argue Muslims are "uncucked" , but they're still going to hell.

Mormons specifically are literally founded by a Freemason, and worship strange gods and a false gospel even worse than Catholics, where men ascend to the status of angels

Western civilization is following the same life cycle of all civilizations prior, desert-cult or not. Yes, a strong religion (not necessarily Cuckstainity) is the mark of a strong civilization. All, and I mean every single country undergoes a rise and fall. The "West" as we know it is acting as a single "country" because of the hyper-connected nature of the modern world. China will collapse, the middle east has been/has collapsed, Africa doesn't count but the population will collapse. Whites may come out on top again but it won't be because they worship a jew; it will be because they are white.

>Darwinism is one of the driving lies behind the decay of modern society.
Actually the issue is we don't take darwinism seriously enough. Stupid people with high IQs are prideful enough to think their existence is destroying the planet so they don't breed, resulting in niggers who cause massive amounts of pollution and don't give two shits about nature replacing them. Liberal intellectuals are the most retarded and ignorant people I've ever seen. Everything they try to fix just brings about what they fear most because they are so incompetent.

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You have no idea how badly I want to stab you in the eye right now.

that's the demon talking

that's the effect you have on people.

why do u think u abandoned cucktinanity? it doesn't work, its too soft and allows too many rights, only relies on social shaming, which can only go so far

please keep fucking your first cousins until there's no more of you

>only relies on social shaming
Back when we were killing fags it didn't. Man grew soft first and then he made his religion soft. God's will was too much of a pain of a pain in the ass to modern man so a new generation of Pharisees emerged to make Christianity more tolerable to the weak.

whatever , keep being a passive cuck

Jow Forums is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognise the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that Jow Forums is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Jow Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and Jow Forums has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Jow Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. See that Descartes quote about acting like a fool and good company. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Jow Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is Jow Forums

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Jow Forums posts. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

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Lies. (((they))) are behind it all.

this, Jesus wants you to kill fags

>decline of Western Civilization
>Moscow tier
Stupid slav-shits. The West keeps getting better and better. It's that shitty shithole you live in that everybody is desperately trying to escape.

The Roman pantheon is the religious practices of the Romans. All of them. Saying "they were sourced from different places therefor they don't exist" is nonsense.

>There is one and only one explanation for the decline of Western Civilization: the rejection of Christ.
>what are the Middle Ages

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We used to complain about the cancer. We didn't realise how easy we had it.
I'm absolutely certain that Jow Forums is the reason why 4channel was spun off. It's just so fucking lunatic. Even Jow Forums is like "nope"

the retarded atheists in this thread only make the Papist OP look like a real Christian. I'm sick of this dialectic

lol you called me a turtleneck wearing leftist, while praising the posts of an actual turtleneck wearing leftist.

That time the French, English and Germans came together to take the Holy Land from the Turks?
When Constantinople was the greatest city on Earth?
Aww yes, glorious days indeed.

Mormons are a fringe group that has no country of their own and does not adhere to traditional Church christianity anyway. Poland? Give it a little time. South Americans follow a bastardized mix of pagan native jungle shit mixed with a little Catholicism. They are also low IQ and the rejection of christianity among intelligent people does not really apply in the same way.

Jesus and the New testament cuckery of universal forgiveness, pacifism, and the rejection of wealth aspiration is a big part of why we have 10 year old drag queens today. As I said, the successful Christian societies are the ones where the average person pretty much ignores the New Testament.

Word OP. Encourage and keep your local catholic/ orthodox community strong. Or look for white christian area and migrate there. Personally gonna move to and gentrify oregon. Land is cheap af and can incorporate towns. GL.

you omit that the Templars ended up corrupted by greed and satanic worship, were banished by the king of France, and then plotted to form what became Freemasonry, which is the source of all the leftism and modernism that ruined Europe

Copy paste from the other thread. You're the cancer you are talking about.

Except that your narrative dies when you realize The Czech Republic has an abundance of culture derived from Christianity and Christian society. Atheism is only prevalent there due to communism

You're saying the problem is the theoretical cuckoldry implied in the bible.
For me the problem is the literal and complete cuckoldry that came when we decide to reject those stories.
You make points which are valid, but it was clearly a better system than the current

>reject those stories.

well if you're calling the Bible a story, only useful for maintanence of morality and political power, you're rejecting it yourself

>if you reject cuckoldry, you are a cuck
Well that's a strange turn of events.

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that's what you get when throwing away >1,000 years of tradition because you think you're so smart

you're obviously larping and not a real jihadi since you haven't blown yourself up

>that's what you get when throwing away >1,000 years of tradition
You get someone stating that you're a cuck if you reject cuck stories?

There are more than the two choices of Jew God or Atheism. Not worshipping a circumcised semitic rabbi from a sandnigger desert doesn't mean you have to be an atheist.

There is no "narrative", this is simply a statement of fact. If you want to claim that the positive aspects of the Czech Republic are due to its past Christian influence even though the vast majority of the country is now non-Christian, then by that logic all the negative aspects of western countries can be attributed to their Christian past.

>As I said, the successful Christian societies are the ones where the average person pretty much ignores the New Testament
Except that you are lying. The US reached peak performance under Protestantism, and religiosity, prayer, church attendance, and religious literacy were at an all time high. Hence why there are multiple sects, as many were religiously literate and developed valid criticisms of scripture. Anti-semitic views in Christian countries were also derived from the New Testment. Recall that the US was anti-jew during WASP America, many other European countries who had a history of anti-semitism were also derived from the various scriptures throughout the new testament that said
>Jews weren't God's chosen people, everyone has access to salvation
>Theseelonians mentions how people have suffered under the Jews, and how they tried to kill Jesus
>Matthew also mentions Jews working with Romans to kill Jesus during passover
Stop being retarded. Pacifist Christianity places emphasis on different parts of the Bible whilst diminishing the importance of others.