Is he... Is he going
to murder someone?
Is he... Is he going
never fuck with a man's family.
If he does, I hope it's a Jew.
He "knows" and he's the fucking man.
He looks like a nut.
>haha man supporting jewish male genital mutilation funny Aahahahhahaha
Go back to Jow Forumsthe_donald you cancerous kike parasite.
You're confusing him with Joe Scarborough
I think he's losing it desu. I listened him on Rubin's show and half of the interview he was talking about mental breakdowns that tv people have. Plus he'd just start yelling for no reason every so often.I don't think he'll have his show by summer.
Good. This faggot belongs broke on a corner. Fucking jewish dick sucking faggot mutilator.
Many can't face the horror of what was done to them. They're still pieces of shit for it though.
I can but what do I get for it? Nothing yet, meanwhile ignorant fags live in bliss.
I hear this little "grrrr" noise to go with this photo. Like when my cat gets super mad at my dog and my dog wisely backs off.
I guess one message we can take home from this informational photo is that all of us cutfags should massage our penises with rich, creamy moisturizer every morning and evening.
Sounds like fun, count me in. I can do my elbows at the same time. I like Nivea, personally.
Donate to foregen
he looks like a caveman