I wasted my 20's, want to go to japan to live out my weeb dreams. am i just being stupid?

im a 27 year old female that has basically wasted her 20's. i have crippiling shyness, my looks are too mild to really attract many guys.

i dont have a ton of work experience either but i do have a bachelors in design and marketing.

i feel like i've wasted my life. but i want to remedy that by moving to japan and living out the rest of my 20's with awesome memories. do you guys think this would be stupid considering i barely made a dent in my career and im so much older now or should i just say yolo and do it.

i want to focus 24/7 on my career sure but is it worth it at the expense of looking back on my 20s and feeling like i never did anything?

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It is almost always better to regret something you have done, than something you have not done.
You don't win your career in your 20's. You start. It comes together in your 30's and you are established by 40's.

>i have crippiling shyness
Going to Japan is only going to make that worse. That it's substantially more conservative, different from the culture in which you were raised, and highly racially homogeneous means you're going to be that much more lonely and your career prospects that much worse.

as someone much older than you please take this as gospel.

1; 27 isn't old.
2; your twenties are the perfect time to do what you want
3; you are old (hopefully) a long time, the difference between being 35 and 45 is much smaller than the gap betwwen 25 and 35

go, go now.

>design and marketing
You will never get a job in Japan doing that. Virtually none of your skills will translate to the marketplace, and even if you DO manage to land a job and get work experience, when you have to return home (which will happen; you aren't getting permanent residency), your skills will be useless in the western market. Advertising and marketing as a business are extraordinarily different between the two cultures.

>weeb dreams
Go on vacation there. Don't live there. You will hate yourself and become isolated very quickly.

Your weeb Japan dreams will be quickly dashed when you spend a little bit of time there and realize that it's just like anywhere else in the world. Yes there's anime and video games but just like the rest of the world it's just another cultural subset. Most people will look at you like you're fucking retarded for being sugoiiiiiii desu~~~

All in all, don't quit your day job/uproot your life.

thank you user i like to think its not old either but i work with some 18 year olds so it makes me feel self conscious somtimes. then again it is a warehouse job so of course there will be kids in there

thanks user maybe i can start figuring out how i can teach english there or something.

This honestly. When did you last go on a vacation OP? And where did you go?


I mean I think your dreams are stupid user, but they are your dreams and not mine.

You need to work hard to find a way to get employment there. Teaching English is one of the lowest barriers.

And this

well to be honest i did go to japan already before but that was 8 years ago and it was only for 2 weeks. i was hoping to be in glorious nihonia for at least a year but....i guess a month long vacation would be nice too? i dunno. or maybe i could go once a year for like a week? not sure if thats realistic...

Have you looked into what requirements you need to get a work visa?

it isn't that easy user, do your research before trying to make any decisions.

My grandma always says 'wherever you go, there you are'. Meaning it doesn't matter where you are, your problems and who you are still follow you. A lot of people want to move somewhere else in life thinking it will help them or thinking it will make things better but they fail to realize that it doesn't really do anything. True change comes from within.

> I want to focus on my career 24/7 sure but is it worth it at the expense of looking back on my 20s and feeling like i never did anything?

Why have that mindset? What exactly in Japan will make you feel like you didn't 'waste' it? You're already shy, you think going to a different country with a VERY different culture and language is going to make that better? You'll literally never leave your house. Not to mention it's extremely difficult to get work Visa and work/live in Japan.

I don't think you're thinking clearly

do you have a degree? if you don't you'll struggle. but you're young enough to get a working holiday visa so check the website.

if not, save up, get a student visa and get out there. then see if you like it.

but don't wait. because you'll wake up in your 40s wondering wtf happened

>im a 27 year old female
>crippiling (sic) shyness
>bachelors in design and marketing
>little experience
>remedy that by moving to japan
japan is probably the last place you should go to literally any other civilized country would be a better choice
im not being sarcastic or anything, I really do mean it, I've emigrated, I've read plenty of job-related shit in Japan, visited friends who work there, it really is an immensity difficult place to have a life in if you're white and don't already have someone there
even then it is very difficult and can get really lonely

that being said any other country might do you a lot of good, 27 is perfectly fine
so please leave and have the time of your life, risk it if you want to, just trust me and don't go to japan

where are you from anyway
actually wherever you're from, move to western europe

>am I just being stupid?


Well if you live in the states, round trip ticket during summer is like $1200 and during winter is $500. Depending on how you want to spend your day, your daily expenses can be from $20 to infinity. Think about how much you make and what you can afford.

I'm a uni student and I recently had it with the way things are going in life and went to Japan for a month to crash with a friend. It's an awesome country for sure, it feels like a safe haven for introverts with the comfort of convenience and politeness, and all the weebshit is amazing(if they had an arcade here then I'd be going everyday). but knowing Asian cultures and from what my friends have told me, I recommend against moving to Japan. The work culture will crush you and your social life will be even more dead than it is now.

Heh, it almost feels like you're a female version of me in few years. I hope you find a way to make your life more fulfilling, just because some people's life peaks at their 20's doesn't mean everyone's does. It's just a meme like wageslave/NEETcuck where people try to make their lives seem better by making others look worse.

hi. yeah i have a bachelors in design and marketing. i guess i could qualify for that jet program but that shit is competitive af

yeah i was thinking about getting a student visa too...like maybe i could apply for a masters program out there or something with Temple University Japan.

>i wanna live my weeb dreams
>i wanna focus 24/7 on my career


JET program is tricky. still there's lots of other schools you could get a job with - especially if you are prepared to be out of the main cities.

hi there
im from the states i live near los angeles

to be honest i think it would be worth it to go out there. it seems like no one in my peer group ever goes out on big adventures like that so i would be at least doing more things then them i guess i dunno

i know right ;-;
how do i do both?! i guess i have to just choose

i might as well be honest since im user, my design skills are kind of basic. like i cant even get a design job right now so im working in a wareshouse. so im thinking it'd be irresponsible of me to go to another country whilst having low-level skills?...like shouldnt i work on my job skills first and making sure im marketable? i dunno...

Woops, that was supposed to be for If you went to Japan 8 years ago for 2 weeks, there's plenty of things that changed and things you missed to make another trip there worth it. You can also rent an apartment in Tokyo for a month(which is surprisingly affordable) and see if you really want to live there or not.

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man my mouth is watering just thinking about it

maybe user above is right. maybe i could go to a european country instead. ive recently started to get really into Italy.

I dont know if you guys watch Conan o brien but there is a guy on there named Jordan Schlansky who he traveled to italy with and the way Jordan talks about it makes me feel like Italy would be awesome to visit.
this video isnt funny but there are other videos where conan is annoyed he's talking so much and its kind of funny i dunno....at the same time though it genuinely makes me interested in italy

>doing more things then them i guess
user I'm only a year older than you are and I tried that when I had similar feelings
it won't help, and certainly not in the long run
don't get me wrong, a _vacation_ to japan is great, it was really really nice
but like I said, even when I was visiting I realized I'd never want to work there; it's even harder if you're a woman (you aren't expected to have a job, instead you need to marry and take care of the house; you would usually be given a "pink collar" job until you find a man)
so if you wanna go to japan on a fun trip, do it, heck take a long one, if you can afford it (japan is expensive), and then check again what you want to do with your life
I still think you should do some more proper thinking/mindfullness shit before doing something rash, but if you really want to move somewhere else and sort-of start over, europe is a much better place
>inb4 some Jow Forums bullshit starts

ive read that spending money on experiences is better than spending money on like a car or something

oh my god that sounds amazing to rent an apartment for a month. i should look into that

yolo tier immigration has gotta be one of the riskiest things you could ever do. specially with a weebpoisoned mind to japan.

do you even speak japanese? not get by/tourist/student tier speaking levels, actual next to fluency skills. you will be treated as what they call gaijin, a foreigner, some places are very xenophobic with those, specially with delusional people heavy influenced by anime. you might wanna do the math of how many hours a low skilled laborer works and how much money they make and what they can afford, and compare to your situation now.

or you can wake up, do 1 - 2 hours of your weeb hobby from the comfort of your homeland, get a real degree, a real career and from then try to take it slow towards your travelling wet dream.

a pink collar job? ):


see even though i love japan i have to admit i couldnt fit in with the culture the the extent wher ei give up my 'independent-woman-who-dont-need-no-man' value. that'd be really hard for me.

>never want to work there
i feel you. have you heard of that karoshi thing that happens in japan (death by overwork)
i can barely handle my warehouse job i can't imagine being forced to hang out at my job just because my boss is still there.

*I couldn't fit in with the culture to the extent where I give up*

my bad. typing to fast.

there's borderline no such thing there, and if there is, they are considered freaks or even failures
>death by overwork
ok I'll just tell you how those friends I visited over there go about their days:
they both work in the field of robotics and AI, both have PhD's in the field
both got jobs at the same company, he is actually doing nice stuff and she...well she did little things here and there
they both left for work at 8:30 and had to make huge exceptions and excuses to go out at 19:00
normally they'd get back home at 20:00
now they have a kid :) which is fine because they actually like this lifestyle, but believe me that is the only lifestyle you can really have there
and the overwork thing is real but somewhat debatable because they are immensely inefficient and a lot of them just stay at work long hours out of social pressure but that's a diff story that's hard to really prove or study

imo the best thing is to work somewhere humane aka probably anywhere but asia (and arguably not on the east coast of the us) and just go to japan on long trips whenever you feel like it, because it truly is an amazing place to visit
will definitely go there again

>want to go to japan to live out my weeb dreams.
horrible idea, and this is coming from someone who studies japanese

Where do I find girls like you but young and attractive? I want qt kissless virgin girls to stay home and be maids. Trips to Japan 4+ times a year ok.


Looks like you can get as low as 30k~40k for a month, and that's Tokyo. If you're fine with being somewhere else you can rent for cheaper.
If you go during spring(which is the cheapest time for airplane tickets), buy groceries and cook your own food(or just eat at yoshinoya/handaya/etc), then you could probably do this month long trip with about $1k depending on how much touristy stuff you do.

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>i want to remedy that by moving to japan and living out the rest of my 20's with awesome memories
You realize that you're *always* going to be a filthy gaijin to 99% of the people there, right?


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Do not go live in Japan no matter what.

Oh for fuck's sakes, it's the guy who wanted to hire Ukrainian girls to "work" as "maids" in his Kuala Lumpur apartment. Brain-dead fuck. Check it out:

Italy is really a nice country. Italian language is one of the most beautiful in the world and is pretty easy to learn for an anglophone. The whole country is a bit lazy and chaotic, but beautiful, full of history and pretty relaxed. But if you come from LA,I doubt you'll find climate there better.
And I'd advise you against Japan. You're not right type to thrive there.

Is your ambition strong enough to move you forward?
Then go for it, dear adventurer! Any fuel is good fuel to keep a fire burning!

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ahahahaha what a loser

Italy is a lovely country to vacation in, and to some extent it's a good place to work, but I wouldn't want to live there. I used to do eBay shit and Italy was one of the few western countries I had to refuse to sell to. The way their postal system works, there was no way to verify delivery, and every time you shipped something to Italy, the buyer would claim it "disappeared" and was never delivered. Like this happened several times in different Italian cities. It just gives me a rotten feeling about the whole country.

Just do it. Ive been 3 times on 3 different trip styles and enjoyed each one. I think about it most days

Nah lol it does the opposite.

Not at all true. Stop talking out your ass. Living and working in Japan as a gaijin is completely fucking different from visiting, and if you don't have the right stability of personality and ability to reach out to other people for help, you're asking to collapse under the culture shock.

>27 years old
>this poster
Sort yourself out first. Taking a plunge and drastically changing your environment is an incredibly bad idea if you are somewhat undeveloped, and you certainly seem to be socially stumped and immature...
...or maybe that's just how weebs are

Going to not living

Do it. You'll always regret it if you don't.

People love to act like Japan is some 17th Century shithole where people will tear you limb from limb for being white and people are worked to death and beaten in the streets. Reality is it's nicer than most European countries, and people aren't much more xenophobic. Like yeah sure you'll stand out easily because you are white, but in other European nations you'd be just as much of an outsider and it would be nearly as easy to tell. Plus standing out could be a good thing, plenty of guys have a thing for white girls and there's not a whole lot of supply. It's worked well for me, at least.

As long as your reason for moving there isn't "anime" or something like that you should be fine. If you have legitimate well thought out reasons for the things you do most things in life go well desu.

>My grandma always says 'wherever you go, there you are'. Meaning it doesn't matter where you are, your problems and who you are still follow you. A lot of people want to move somewhere else in life thinking it will help them or thinking it will make things better but they fail to realize that it doesn't really do anything. True change comes from within.
On the contrary, moving can help with changes within that are already progressing, and novel experiences really help with slowing down the progression of time. Literally every major move I've made has been instrumental in personal growth and development.

stay home baka gaijin

Honestly, as a chick I think you could marry an asian guy. Having a japanese boyfriend (or girlfriend) is a good way to learn the language.

No racemixing

She would be dating up. Who cares?

I do, and so does any self-respecting white.
Those who try to take a dump in the gene pool should be removed from it.

Just ignore the needy namefag troll, man. They're almost always retards, this one's just mad he can't get laid.

I think you missed the part where she wants to have a career. That is, a real career, not the kind of career they give to women in Japan

>moving to nipland
Lol good luck.

I'm a white guy who speaks Japanese. Become my maid sex toy instead.

Just B.E Yourself OP. There


how can you tell im immature

There's weirdos everywhere.
>muh sexist Japan meme
Women in Japan are relatively happier than women in the West.

Ok OP so you're 27 yo, female and a weeb. I assume that you're also white. Hear me out the best thing you can do instead of going to Japan is to take a vacation to Jamaica.

Do it and you'll thank me later.

>i want to focus 24/7 on my career sure but is it worth it at the expense of looking back on my 20s and feeling like i never did anything?

If you're going to be looking back from 40 and realizing it's too late. For everything. 30 to 40 is when you need to get it in gear, whatever it is for you.

Are you planning on being a lonely cat lady? Or were you thinking of getting married somewhere along the line and starting a family. You sound like you want to ride a few more cocks into the sunset. Fine. But time is running out.

>focus on career
>"where did my youth go?"

>focus on youth
>"where did all the time go?"

>try to do both
>die before 30