How to deal with racist families? My girlfriend is Chinese and I'm white scottish...

How to deal with racist families? My girlfriend is Chinese and I'm white scottish. Her family is insular as fuck and hates my guts because they want her to be with another Chinese person. My own family treats her like shit too, though out of general racism more than anything else. I've been with her a year now and I can honestly say that despite the family issues, I love her. I'd quite happily spend the rest of my life with her.

It hurts both of us not to be able to include our families in things though, especially when thinking about things like children. Has anyone here any experience with this? Is there any hope that our families will come to accept it?

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Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?

Go marry a nice Scottish girl. Do you really want hapa children?

Ur gonna have mut babies

I like demz celtic womynz. where the pale freckled girls at?

I know this is Jow Forums, but whats the issue with that? Not like Scottish genes aren't riddled with English rape genetics anyway and all the European genes they themselves acquired from being invaded and raped themselves.

Most of those in Glasgow are monsters, lad.

Oh boy. Another cliche Asian girl/white man coupling.

Not helpful but you see that everywhere its gross. Theres enough asians in the world...dont procreate with one.

Find yourself a nice brown girl.
We're so much better :)

My bf is Scottish too and our familys love us. Been together 7 years.

Also family is important. Asian familys are super strict so no they wont ever accept you. Its either her or your family. Pick. Because if after a year they still hate you they will never love you.

Not every family is so close minded but ya stick it out and you'll just have more complications down the road.

Funny thing, my asian friends agree with me. Lol
Idk how old you are but im late 20s so this is coming from experience.

Good luck~

>I know this is Jow Forums, but whats the issue with that? Not like Scottish genes aren't riddled with English rape genetics anyway and all the European genes they themselves acquired from being invaded and raped themselves.
mate, ignore the white nationalists larpers on here. those talking about making white babies and against race mixing have never felt a woman on their cock in their whole livesl

Pardon me for my ignorance but why in all these stories is the non Asian party always afraid to standup for themselves?

Hapas are universally mentally ill. Don't damn your children like this.

i love it when chinese people move to western countries and get mad that the locals fuck their daughters. seriously, fuck chinese people. they think they can buy the world.

You either have balls or you don't.

because when the offending party is unlikely to change, the only thing you're going to accomplish is potentially damaging the relationship by attacking their family.

My gf is Chinese, her family tried to convince her for years to ditch me. In the end I ended up going to China, meeting her parents, grandparents and a million uncles, got so drunk I puked next to the toilet of a fancy restaurant and now everyone likes me.

Brow-beaten into submission by society telling them racism is wrong when it's perfectly natural.

>Hapas are universally mentally ill
source needed

This right here. Well said

I prefer seeing brown girls/asian guy or asian guy/white girl

Anything but asian girl/white guy..stop stealing our white men! Gag gross things. Lol


What would you suggest I do? "Yo stop being racist"? What would a confrontation like that achieve when its their ingrained culture? I've defended myself whenever one of them has started shit, but its not like I can make some impassioned movie speech and they'll cry and come in for a hug and everything will be okay.

They immigrated when she was a baby, so shes mostly culturally Scottish, thick Glaswegian accent like me and everything. I'm not really sure what they expected, though we do have quite a lot of chinese people here.

Maybe but where i live 90% i see asian girl/white guy its sickening. I love seeing different combos as its refreshing and nice to see

Is it really an attack if you're standing up to their bullying?

They're being racist against the non Asian party but that's perfectly acceptable, apparently.

>They immigrated when she was a baby, so shes mostly culturally Scottish
yeah this is what i'm getting at. they moved to a white european country and got mad when a white european dated their daughter. they are idiots.

Your confrontations must have been short or much less impactful than you're saying. Also, yes sure you should do that. Make that speech. Fuck you.

what a subtle way to recommend suicide!

Kill them with kindness. Invite them to everything you reasonably can so you're at no fault for failing to create a positive relationship.

Drop her dad and get urself sum respect

Older, recently-immigrated Chinese are still like reeling from things like the opium wars and them being used as walking dynamite sticks when train tracks were built in America and then the systemic racism that followed after that and actually sort of still linger in the culture. That's just how it is with older people.

but other than that really just one year into a relationship is too early to tell anything, if you make each other happy & you're both responsible hard working adults and your respective families see that then they might eventually warm up to you.

If not, fuck em, go and start your own family.

not really, there's more than like 6 Chinese people in all Scotland I think. As parents they have the right to have loud old opinions as to who they'd want/prefer their daughter or son to marry.

There is always going to be a level of tension in your relationship. If you marry, it can be like you both lose your family. Think it through.

Not dating outside your race you bring dishonor to your race and ancestors and it makes me sick and it should make you sick too.

What's actually wrong with your family, or what's good about it? If there's nothing good and they are just a bunch of morons then stop hanging around so much and both get jobs in a different city. If you have no strong advocates in your family then I'm questioning why you bother (but if you do tell them your plans and it'll refresh you).

You might misjudge your family for being low class. They might be UKIP supporters but if they are the family that's supposed to "run" some dodgy estate then "the family" is going to be worth a whole lot to them, and if you're one of the heirs to that mess who can split them in two then they will always side with you, no matter how they sound in the pub.

All I know is there are a couple families that come into my restaurant with white father and Chinese wife and their children are HORRENDOUS looking

And I would have a lot of trouble being the father of and raising a child that did not even remotely resemble me or my race even though it is 'mine'. Not that I can't be nice to and help other people of different races but to voluntarily raise a mongrel? No thanks

Where do you live?

what a gay way of thinking who cares what a bunch of dead Neanderthals think

Here in ex-USSR we have entire nations, which are transitional between Europeans and Asians. I can't say they're ugly. They're normal people.

I have Neanderthals among my ancestors and I disagree, nigga.

I know this is a generalization and may not apply to you, but from what I've heard/seen Chinese families in particular place less importance on race and more on cultural and, to a lesser extent, linguistic familiarity.

is actually giving good advice, taking the time to meet her extended family (both in your country and in the homeland) while making an effort to learn their culture and familial practices may help to lessen their distaste for you.

As for your side of the family, just sticking it out and showing that you're committed to her for reasons that aren't yellow fever is all you can do, also applies to her family as well.

Well said, like a true socialist comrade

>have kids
>want to see your lineage continue
>your stupid son goes and wastes his genes on asians
I weep for your parents user.

>being racist in 2018

you realise you're literally a descendant of africans?

>but from what I've heard/seen Chinese families in particular place less importance on race

No. Upper class Chinese especially do not want their daughters marrying white boys.

Most people do not realize that Chinese actually consider themselves to be the superior race destined to rule the planet. They teach them this in the schools in China. They also teach them to hate America, Britain and the west for the humiliation that they inflicted on them by occupying part of the country during the opium wars, taking Hong Kong away, and generally rubbing their faces in the dirt.

Hi, yes. I'd like one order of pot stickers....some sweet and sour fried rice...annddd ummmmm the wonton soup.


>Chinese actually consider themselves to be the superior race destined to rule the planet

Chinese isn't a singular race you retard haha people in China hate other people in China because they come from a different province

> They teach them this in the schools in China.

haha sure

>They also teach them to hate America, Britain and the west for the humiliation that they inflicted on them by occupying part of the country during the opium wars, taking Hong Kong away, and generally rubbing their faces in the dirt.

okay sure but not really, it's what we know as "history class" in the west where we learn about our own country's history. the opium wars is a real thing that happened so of course they learn about it

Fuck off, race-traitor

Was in a similar situation. Dated a korean girl who had been in the UK from an early age during university.
Her mum adamantly did not want to meet me, and she didnt want to stand up to her mum, so I didnt push it.
I think her mum thought I was probably poor and didnt have much of a future from the little she knew about me (my hometown is a renowned shithole), but that is absolutely not true.
Ultimately she let me go after almost 2 years as I dont think she could face fighting her mum, and because she felt our careers may have been incompatible. Bullshit really.
She still hit me up a few months later to fuck but its over now.

Honestly I think the situation is kind of doomed from the start. I think that asking them to fight their parents is a bit much - i cant imagine having to fight my own. I've seen it work for others though and I think it depends on whether the girl would be ready to 'fight' for you. Mine loved me but she was too timid to stand up to her mum like that.

bait aside, what makes you think your genetics are worth keeping? being insular with your genes is how you get Deliverance.

Jesus Christ. You guys take life way too seriously.

Your aging population will be your downfall. Also with the shortage of Chinese women I don't know how you guys expect to maintain your numbers without interracial marriage. Although you would probably do well to lower your numbers anyway.

Source: reality

do your research

what, did u see some infographics on r/hapas once?

I'm a white girl and I like an asian guy but I'm afraid to try and get with him cause my mother would kill me.
I'm not sure whether I should go for it or not considering we're going to different schools anyway

You got that mixed up, less Chinese daughters means there's Chinese guys for them.

Do either of you have siblings? If not, then when its time for grandchildren they'll be sure to change their tone. If they don't, fuck 'em; its their loss.

Alright dute youre gone but I like reading that I've written.

You have more insular qualities being the white person but have less the sense that you have a grave center in the responsobility that you make yourself appear like you have only the tallest outcomes in mind. She is still young, she is still hoping it only works out ( and has no passionate flay for your life as two to become more than a life of two ) and she has nothing to offer that you two ever become more than friends with benefits outside of the family mind. With that said, her family isnt insular, Chinese families can be very accepting, what they are is uncaring.
You are young and this is America.
If you have opportunity and need it, it will come to you bc white. They most definitely feel this way.
Otherwise, the act of including yourself is the way you will most properly modernize the idea that you two are an interracial couple rather than just being two people in a group that thinks its gross that you two have sex sometimes. Thats chinese. You might not know this but Chinese folk have sex too, and are a lot less abiding of the secular faiths. That means that you have options and outcomes and that you have less than nothing to give to them, as a way of saying"I intend on being here a long time" means that you are waiting for their approval.
You are already dating their daughter..
Life is quick and so are chinese women. You need to make yourself accountable to that and stop making it a race issue.

You're bith, techinically, stereotypical bc race is literally the foundation for stereotypes. Breed, type and kind as variety equals race. Conduct yourself to that mentality and over come this shit so you can stop breathing her pussy into their mouths.

Do you have brain damage?

I feel so fucking bad for asian guys, god damn

>t. Commie

lmao, bruh what the fuck

based chinks removing potato for us

Kill her family and yours user and elope with her to mars

Go for it. Your life is your own, if you want to start a relationship with someone, make sure it's only between the two of you. Otherwise it get very ugly very fast.

T.: Personal experience

His mom probably doesn't want him dating a Yankee either, but go for it


My girlfriends white and I’m Latino and I had a similar experience of our families mutually talking shit. You gotta shut it down, I knew her dad didn’t like me but I just let it slide for years because aha casual kids in their 20s dating it doesn’t matter if he hates me. Same with my mom and sister lowkey talking shit around her in Spanish (which she literally picked up so..) and I’d just be like “they’re stupid let’s just go to my room”, if you end up getting engaged or getting serious that animosity is still there and it may seem harmless but it isn’t. Every family gathering becomes a nightmare but the best thing is seperating from both groups except for important things, family is important but if your families are actively trying to fuck with your relationship you gotta make the proper choices to save your relationship and just fuck everybody else’s opinion.
