How do women really feel about their bf/husband going bald?

I'm going bald, my gf assures me that she won't mind when i shave it all off, which gave me some relief. But I began to feel some dread when I started reading stuff on different sites. Alot of women said they still loved their partner but were no longer physically attracted to them, some contemplated leaving them or ended up doing so.

I want my gf to remain as wildly attracted to me as I am to her, I don't want to be one of those ugly boyfriends with a good personality who has a gf settling for him out of comfort. I still want her to get wet thinking about me and send me texts about how bad she wants to rip my clothes off. Now I'm worried she's going to look at guys with full hair and think, "damn, I wish I could just run my fingers through all that hair".

Even though she probably wouldn't act on it, the thought just bothers me. Do any women still remain physically attracted to their partners after they go bald? Is it even possible?

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If you stay fit or become fitter and keep your head shaves so you wont have the monk's crown, then most women won't care.

I have many collegues that went bald that are still going strong in their marriages

Mine will be bald in the future. Sure hair is nice ans sexy but never would I comtemplate leaving him for that, just like I woudn't want to be left for getting wrinkles due to age. That's just how it is going to be for all of us. But I can really recommend you to look on Jow Forums. Going bald and loosing a nice characteristic isn't as bad if you are still fit looking. And yes, a bald head can look good but I personally don't mind a "mature haidline". But if you're getting the monk look it's still the best option to cut t all off.

If you wife leaves you for a bald head, you are better of in the end. Imagine you getting actually ill and needing her just to realise she doesn't care after you became seekly looking. Patrol her and ge a woman which knows that she ain't a beauty for ever either.

haha like 99% of women couldn't give a shit if a man is bald or balding or whatever, maybe like retarded17 year old emo girls would care about your hair at most.

like that other dude said, what that matters is your overall physical appearance and health

>Imagine you getting actually ill and needing her just to realise she doesn't care after you became seekly looking.

That's a great point and I never thought of it this way. I can't really see her leaving me for such a shallow reason, she even joked that our kid will probably go bald if we have a son. Seems like a pretty promising sign; many women freak out at the thought of their kids to be generically perfect. It's just that I still want her to be sexually attracted to me, because face it, that's a huge part of a good relationship.

Well, we gonna have a kiddo prolly as well and let me tell you that bolding isn't a genetic defect. At least not more than needing glasses in old age. She prolly isn't perfect either. Just work out a bit so you are a still good looking without teenage hair. Most sane women don't really care that much about hair when it's time to preggo, as there are much more important features to look at like a good diet, IQ and good cultural background for example.

You ill be a good and good looking father with or without hair. Don't stress about beauty stuff. Get fit and embrace it with manly stoicism.

Shave it. Bitches will learn to love it

T. Qball

i agree with the answers here, but is a hair transplant an option for you OP?

That's pathetic, user. Shave it or leave it. Accting like a insecure bitch about simple hair is completely unmanly and allthough I wouln't mind if my hubby would be bold, transplanting pathetic hair folicles as a male is a sign or far deeper insecurities with which I wouldn't want to deal with. You ain't a woman, which only has her looks bring into a relationship. You are a man. Start acting like one.

what even is this logic? elon musk got one, and very little people consider him to be a little bitch.
doing what you can to take control over your appearance isnt inherently emasculating.
with your logic, working out is for little bitches who have insecurities.i dont think anyone would consider that the case. people can look good with a shaved head, but if OP would like himself more with a transplant, then i say go for it.

I consider hair translants the same pathetic shit like women faking healthy hair with extensions. If you have shitty hair change the causes of it or if not possible stand by it.

You wouldn't want to marry a woman with patchy hair because it is a genetic traid or caused by her actions. And even if you don't mind you should now who you date. A man faking something he doesn't has is just as desperate.

Contrary to muscles, you don't actually have better features. It's more like pushing socks down your pants or wewaring a muscle suit under your cloths. No matter how much better you ook with it the moment I see you are faking it, I will laugh and break up with you. Not ecause you are a gainlet or bald but because you lie for better market value and show a desperate character traid instead of standing secure with what nature or god gave you.

Wow, who would guess even Jow Forums has plenty of cunts.

I am not even the person quoted, but still...

Wow, who would guess thee are non-delusional people on here.

Not everyone is kind to those adorning themselves in faux feathers.

What's delusional about my post?

I am just saying you are a cunt for thinking badly of people trying to improve their appearance.

No, I am thinking rationaly about people who want to cheat to look better while not beeing better. That's why I am in favour of fitness. You do something to improve your market value nstead of just paying a kike to implant you some folicles like a desperate bitch. How the fuck can anybody take yo seriously if you go to such lenghts to fake up better hair, especially as a man? We aren't even talking about really bad shit like getting acid in the face an having to wear some prostetics. Just stupid hair. It'd retarded on women, but at least they are biologically programed to car about nearly nothing more than their looks. Seeing this behavious on a man is absolute bitch tier.

If OP wants to imporve himself he should work out, read good books, learn a language or new skill instead of gluing fucking hair on his forehead.

No-one is born genetically muscular. One can have better disposition to build muscle but if you don't touch a dumbbell, that capability remains untouched. At 6.23 207 lb of mostly muscle I can attain to that. It's been scientifically proven that working out boosts testosterone levels. Everyone knows a male with higher test levels is more attractive. Also if you ever been around the world you would know that a lot of "attractive" characteristics are bullshit. I was in France last weekend. I watched a fat hairy ugly dude make-out with a 9/10 in a McDonald's. A quick search on Google I found that French women although beautiful love the almost ugly look. As an American, that shit blew me away. So fuck your quest for perfection. Also send me your kik I'm going to blow a fat one in your mouth.

>No-one is born genetically muscular

You're wrong. I started putting on muscle when I hit puberty without any effort at all. Later when I went into the weight room I was lifting well above what a novice normally does from day one.

Admittedly, I am an anomaly. But it's not that uncommon. Look at the typical offensive lineman with a stocky build. Now these guys usually carry a lot of extra weight (fat), but before they put that on many of them are cut. I was one of those guys.

Muscularity is genetic, you just have to se your potential. If you don't have it or don't use it, it's the same. And beauty is objective. Attractivness is not. A guy can be ugly as can be and still attractive due to his wallet. You also don't need to be perfect, but you have to be honest about WHAT you are.

So shut the fuck up, you dense retard.

No it isn't. Stop telling yourself that. If you have an ounce of testosterone in your balls you have potential to build muscle and improve your look. Beta cuck.

>if you have T
Guess why women can't gain muscle as easly. Gues what the reason you are born with a dick and not a cunt. Stop beeing clinically retarded.

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Everyone has T. Everyone can benefit from physically loading the body. Fucking moron.

Are you seriously claiming that the amount of T you can produce isn't genetically decided? The absolute state of retardetion dwelling in Jow Forums.

Just keep it shaved. Don't let it grow out all the time, that'll look stupid.

Make sure you are very muscular and grow a beard if you can grow a nice one. If you can't grow a nice beard, don't grow one.