About to have an affair with a coworker.
I'm not seeing anyone. She's married with a two year old.
No moralfags, any advice?
About to have an affair with a coworker.
I'm not seeing anyone. She's married with a two year old.
No moralfags, any advice?
>any advice?
Jump off a cliff.
What's the age difference between you two? Could you fight her husband once he finds out? How at risk are you of unemployment?
What advice are you looking for? Did she marry a two year old?
We're the same age. Her husband is smaller than me.
I don't care if I got fired.
Don't make it personal unless you wanna play second fiddle to the kid. Also, you don't know what daddy's like. Don't wanna get you into that situation like those two dudes who got buttraped for a week. Yikeserooni my guy.
In general, the more casual it is the better, the less you see her outside of the context of the affair, the better.
Not trying to be moral or anything, it takes two to tango has been my life motto and I've been on both sides of an affair and in a cheaty-cheat (she and I were both taken... solid sexual history between us two) or whatever the fuck.
But, these are the kinds of situations that inspire violence out of otherwise reasonable people. You know-- it's exactly the kind of event that is the straw that broke the camel's back. It's also exactly the kind of thread we get on Jow Forums which comes with droves of replies fueling ideas for revenge both petty and potentially dangerous. It's also the kind of scenario where someone could play a bad setup card.
Good tips,
>subtle language is best. never be using direct words/definitions so as to never implicate any party
>ask her for his schedule and know when it's safe to text her; try to keep apprised of where he's going to be; don't let yourself become a presence in his mind. out of sight, out of mind, as it were
>keep someone close to you, a good friend or some solid confidant, know of the situation; therefore if it goes south you have a lead out
Fun fact, laws are stepping forward to consider the use of text conversations in evidence and court proceedings.
>don't get emotional about it
I'm going to keep is discrete. I'm not going to text or email things to each. It all be done in person
Call the fucking cops you're about to have an affair with a pedophile
Then you're beyond our advice, haha. You're way more astride of this than you think.
no real reason to not go with it aside from the immorality of it
Wear condom
I don't know if there's anything else I might not know until I jump into it. My concerns is what kind of excuses should she give husband on why she's out all the time?
>no moralfags
You might as well blow a war horn sounding the alarm for all the moralfags.
>Her husband is smaller than me.
Really? You're retarded.
1. Anyone is dangerous with a gun
2. The amount of rage induced by said cheating is usually enough for a dude to snap and grab a gun
3. Even without a gun there's a chance he could still kick your ass. Size matters, but it ain't everything especially in a street fight.
Just don't, find a girl you actually love and be with her instead. You're just an object being used when you cheat or help someone cheat. Honestly not worth it.
>About to have an affair with a coworker.
>She's married with a two year old.
>any advice?
"Don't" is the initial advice.
Don't use work emails or anything to message on another.
Be prepared for everyone you work with to know about it, everyone gossips.
Be prepared for it to affect your working relationship with her if it goes sour.
Be prepared for other people to be funny about you meeting their partners.
Fucking colleagues is a HR nightmare from your perspective, she can claim any number of things of you and they be investigated.
Be prepared for the husband to be ready to kick your head in, saying he is smaller than you doesn't mean he can't kick the shit out of you for taking his family from him.
Be prepared to lose your job over it and explain it to your next employer in an interview.
If a guy snaps like that then he probably deserves getting cheat on and get the kids taken away for their safety
At that point your life will be ended and his ruined. You are right that he deserves the consequences of his actions. but by then it will be too late for you.
theres really only one way this can end, OP, and you know it.
I think I might just pretend I had no idea she was married or something
>she's married with a two year old
>I don't care if I get fired
I'm not OP I'm just saying that if you kill your significant other or the guy that she or he cheated with, you were definitely a danger to society way before the cheating
Sometimes people get pushed too far and they snap. I am not sure if what you say is necessarily true. Everyone has their limit. It's easy to act like a badass when things are going well. Everyone has their breaking point.
If you can't handle stress well, don't fucking do it.
Currently in an affair with a coworker.
We're both cheating.
Can't seem to get away from our spouses. It's eating me inside. I started caring too much. So try not to care? Please kill me.
No matter how discreet you are, it will eventually be exposed. Probably by her because she'll either feel guilty or want to hurt you.
Even if you take all the discreet measures: no phone contact, no credit cards while together, no gifts, not going to regular haunts.
Make sure you are both STD free first.
Could you disarm her husband if he attacked you with a knife or evade fire if he shot at you?
gopher it lmao the dumbass coworker made the decision to cheat with you
literally nothing wrong here, moralfags. all the husband on the other side is doing is keeping the whore on a leash. she's just gonna cheat on another dude if OP doesn't make a move
are moralfags this retarded?
Killing is not something people do when they "snap" yeah they can shout, throw things I get that but killing or beating someone up for cheating? Nah stop justifying toxic behavior
it doesn't count unless the sex is done at work
Lol. Your just mad that you can't fuck Stacey because Chad would push your shit in and send you a into an early grave of your own doing.
The honey is bitter above a dragon's bed.
>About to have an affair with a coworker.
Why is it already "having an affair"? An affair goes on for some time. At this point you're just planning to nail her. After that you should probably make yourself a little scarce, unless you like 2 year olds and would like to help raise one.
Lmao, you think someone cheating on you gives you the right to end someone's life or physically assault them? kill yourself you literal piece of shit you are even worse than them
Any reason why she decided to do that? Did she say anything about her husband? Maybe his penis size? Please reply.
Stop looking for attention and/or validation and just do it. No one cares.
Fantastic discussion you two.
What kind of cuck bullshit is this? Adulterers deserve death, no exceptions. Explain how people who shit all over the idea of stable, trusting families (cheaters) are the ones who somehow represent society? Their deaths improve the lot of society, you twat, and apologists like you can join them in the ditch.
>cheating with an infant child
Such whores deserve death, only cucks think otherwise.
>toxic behavior
You have to go back.
>That old lady is just going to waste her money on lotto tickets anyways! There is nothing wrong with me taking it from her!
>splitting up his marriage that he spent years building up
>going to lose his house that he spend years saving up for
>will be an indentured servant to his wife for the rest of his wife
>will no longer be able to see his kid anymore despite having to pay for him
Gee, I wonder why someone would get mad about that? hmmmm.
>Adulterers deserve death, no exceptions.
You sound like a lunatic, you know that, right?
An excellent argument, care to explain why adulterers are such a valuable demographic?
It's hardly an uncommon sentiment, the only place it's stopped being normal is in the degenerate west over the past few decades. Go back a little further than that, and in many places it was either legal or brought heavily reduced penalties to kill an adulterous spouse or whatever goober they were with.
Don't do it bruning more than its worth
Deciding who we keep alive based on whether or not they are valuable sounds a lot like eugenics. I'd argue that it's perfectly possible for a contributing adult to do whatever they want sexually as long as it doesn't constitute a sexual assualt on another being, without that making them "useless" to society. I'm sure you believe that the only value people have to society is in breeding out more kids, but the only way you could possibly ignore overpopulation as an issue is from an ethnonationalistic point of view (which, I'd think is likely coming from your tripname...which actually, that's a sign of narcissism, needing an identity on an anonymous discussion board, are you sure you wouldn't be rounded up?). I guess you can confirm or deny my guess about that.
I suppose it depends on whether or not you believe in human rights, doesn't it? There are roughly speaking only two views on the sanctity of human life - that it should be protected at all costs, or that there are things worth sacrificing for it.
Given we disagree that basically (we've both made it clear how we feel), I don't see us reaching an agreement at all.
The reason I said he was a lunatic was his black and white thinking. Absolutionism/Extremism very quickly tends to run into problems. For instance, I know a woman who was abused rather awfully by her husband. She fled the situation, and started the divorce proceedings. Before the papers were finalised (that can take a long time), she started a relationship with her new guy. Her husband tried to claim that was adultery. I don't think she should have been executed, nor do I think her second partner should have been shot dead either.
But then, you unironically used the term "degenerate", so I'm sure I'm wrong entirely in your eyes, and I wasted my time typing all of this didn't I?
I'll give you credit for your civilized response. I'll reciprocate as best I can.
>Deciding who we keep alive based on whether or not they are valuable sounds a lot like eugenics.
Eugenics in itself isn't wrong, it depends on the metric. Even you have to concede that there are limits, that some people truly are too horrid to keep alive. Obviously you won't see adulterers that way, but would you really oppose killing, say, a guy who likes to rape and mutilate toddlers? Not the same thing, I know, but I'm pointing this out to show that the act itself, of killing defectives, isn't at issue. The definition of "defective" is.
>I'm sure you believe that the only value people have to society is in breeding out more kids
I don't blame you for assuming this, but I never bought into the "shit out 10 huwhite kids" meme. There are already to many people, I care about preserving the integrity of my group, but that's a matter of proportion rather than absolute numbers. I'd rather there be 300 million of each race than 1 billion more whites.
The tripfag thing is a combination of factors, although not really relevant to the discussion.
>Absolutionism/Extremism very quickly tends to run into problems.
>For instance, I know a woman who was abused rather awfully by her husband. She fled the situation, and started the divorce proceedings. Before the papers were finalised (that can take a long time), she started a relationship with her new guy.
There are mitigating circumstances which apply. In this case, though, she still succumbed to weakness and broke an obligation. Is it anywhere near as bad as adultery out of pure lust and self-absorption? No, of course not. And that would be taken into account. It's still wrong, though.
This same idea is exactly what was used to 'allow' the killing of adulterers--murder was hardly legalized back then, but it was seen as far more justifiable if you were killing an adulterous spouse or their so-called lover.
Fuck her in front of her child so that the child becomes a whore in future
Cum inside.
OP please reply
>Eugenics in itself isn't wrong, it depends on the metric
I absolutely can't agree with this. Yes, I too am a fellow non paedophile and paedophile non-sympathiser, and I'm sure that if I discovered one in the act of abusing a kid, especially a kid I was related to I would kill the person then and there if I was capable, and that is partly my point. The disgust reaction of the individual is a volatile thing, and has to be tempered by society.
You see, you could just as easily say "if I walked in on my son and another man I'd kill them both", and that's the same reaction. In my mind, it's actually irrelevant whether or not you see the distinction between these two things. Hot blooded passion is a really bad way to judge who does and doesn't die.
Ignoring this though, I'm not in favour of execution at all, just life imprisonment. I know you'll bring up the cost argument, so allow me to pre-empt you. It costs so much to still do death row in America with all the appeals and checks and everything of that nature. It's cheaper just to keep them alive and contained with the bare minimum. Unless you want to go the Phillipines route, and just round up "undesirables" and shoot them (which will inevitably end in dead innocents), it is expensive to be sure enough to lethally inject someone.
Of course, I once spoke to an ethnonationalist who said "I'd be happy with a 10% failure rate as long as we were killing child abusers and rapists on a slaughterhouse conveyer belt type system. The men (interesting she assumed her gender wouldn't be persecuted, women do rape kids too) who die would be martyrs and go to heaven."
That way of looking at reality is empowering, but ultimately delusional. If you see things that way, again no ground can be made.
I think you're arguing from ill faith, offering up the worst humanity has to offer as a slippery slope justification as to why we should also allow you or people like you to kill others. As someone who would have been rounded up for more than one reason myself, I don't particularly want absolutist black and white thinkers worried about the "integrity" of an honestly nebulous group having any authority over who's allowed to intake oxegyn. No matter what the intentions are (and they're never morally sound, but unsound is a spectrum), it always, always ends in a bad place historically.
I also don't care which of two honestly unlikely racial distribution patterns you would like humanity to adopt in the future. You have no personal control and can't effect said changes, so why even worry about it?
The fact that you accept mitigating circumstances are a thing shows you are more reasonable than the man I originally replied to, which is why you're getting paragraphs and I called him a lunatic. Because he either is, or he's tricking everyone into thinking he is.
I don't see what she did as weakness. I see trying to move on with her life as strength. But then again, I don't believe in magic and every single time I've had sex no rings were involved, so we just reach a deadlock on that again, because of your absolutionist thinking that you can't slide your penis in a woman without approval from God.
>coming to adv when youve already made up your mind and only want to argue
mods, ban this fuck.
>believing the term toxic behavior came from reddit
You too must go back, but not to redddit but rather to school. Neck yourself you uneducated retard.
Don't you have friends or family or someone out there that will answer this question for you? Seeing that your post states that you're planning on having sex with a man's wife, you probably have someone else in your life who will answer this question instead of anons on Jow Forums. I think you're just fishing for angry (You)'s.
Now, let's say you're telling the truth, well two can play it that game. You're stupid.. To think you're actually considering destroying a marriage, and the stability in a two year old's future. If you act on your selfish desires, you will then suffer the consequences, and I would promise you that it wouldn't be me who would allow it to happen.
>The disgust reaction of the individual is a volatile thing, and has to be tempered by society.
You just said that you'd do it regardless. We're talking about deserving death, and the pedo would deserve it.
>I know you'll bring up the cost argument
No. This country is a steaming pile of shit, and any "solution" to some issue within this mess would just be consumed and forgotten among all the other problems out there. But generally, I would prefer life imprisonment if there was no concrete proof involved, while instant execution would be for those who are known to have done something. And with regard to killing someone yourself, you'd obviously do it after seeing the act.
A small failure rate is inevitable, but as a balance, the effect is clear and positive. Currently, about 40% of adults admit to cheating on a partner. I don't think you can tell me with a straight face the number of people, admitting or simply doing, was anywhere near this when you took your life into your hands.
I think you misunderstand me. I said (and yes, it's been me all along) adulterers deserve death. Not that they could be killed without consequences (and in most cases 'back in the day', this was the same--that's why it was called a "crime" of passion). The consequences would obviously be reduced because the act was just taking human garbage out of the gene pool, but they would be there nonetheless. And that's perfectly alright.
>You have no personal control and can't effect said changes, so why even worry about it?
You can't affect whether or not killing adulterers becomes the norm, so why care? I don't have much patience or respect for this kind of apathy.
>because of your absolutist thinking that you can't slide your penis in a woman without approval from God.
Can't help but bash religion, huh? I'm agnostic, never attended church.
Yes, I said I would, and then I ventured to suggest that the lizard brain response isn't the best position for society to take as a whole.
That's the thing. When you say concrete proof, that doesn't really exist within in the legal system. Give me a percentage of innocent people you'd be happy to have executed. Mine is zero.
Look, cheating isn't that bad man. I've dated a few girls, and one of them cheated on me. I'll admit I was very upset, but at no point did I want her or the guy she slept with behind my back killed. It's a massive, massive over reaction and one that I can only think comes from a very childish place. I'd hate to sound like a cuck to you, but do you think you own the sole rights to the vaginal canal/s of your girlfriend/s? Only adult thing to do when you feel your personal trust has been broken is to walk away from the situation. And I really do think the numbers would have been give or take the same. I can counter with the fact that "back in the day" there was no reliable way of proving who was the father, and that as we know from looking at islamic societies today, people still have the sex they want to have even if it gets them thrown off of buildings.
Oh, ok, so you say ignorant sounding things, wait until you get a bit then engage your trip? Why?
No, you don't "deserve death" if you sleep with someone who wasn't your partner. Calm down. You don't deserve your partner, and maybe not respect, but death?
Actually, I can. I live in a democracy, and therefore can vote. For my country to reintroduce capital punishment would require a referendum, and I would then vote. You're talking about societal shifts, which are much larger in scope and can't be thought of in the same manner as anything as simple as legislation.
I would also say, in response to you being worried about my "apathy", that it's extremists like you who end up getting people killed, or starting pointless wars. The moment you decide that one position is better than all others is the moment that reasoning with you becomes impossible.
If you don't want me to bash religion, stop sprinkling your posts with religious words. You are aware, of course, that adultery means all sex that isn't between a heterosexual couple married in the eyes of god, right? Can you honestly tell me you aren't an adulterer? I'm a proud adulterer, and I'm not unwilling to marry. But to marry a woman, I must mesh with her sexually, I must work with her in a living enviroment. The girl I got closest to that stage with lived with me for a few months and it was an unmitigated disaster. I'm glad we didn't learn that AFTER the wedding.
Basically, what it seems like has happened here is what always happens when I engage with any of you alt right types. You angrily throw a lot of buzzwords, and then it turns out I understand your own ideology better than you do, and that's the only deciding factor in why one of us believes it and the other doesn't.
Have fun being edgy on the internet I guess. One day you'll hopefully be ashamed of this nonsense.
Killing a woman because she had sex with another man. What a self entitled, unevolved egotistical response. Honestly a pathetic thought to have.
Idc for (you) two or your dumb spouses but I fear for the 2 year olds future knowing that his parents marriage is falling apart
Also dont have a kid op, we dont want another depressed whiny robotâ„¢ with a single mom in 10 years.
Tell me the story of the two dudes that got buttraped for a week
Fuck you.
You could but there's this thing called plausible deniability. If she wears a wedding band at work, has pictures of her family hanging around, has taken her husband to a company party, or if it's generally known that she is married in the workplace you can't play the I didn't know. Especially if you are involved for a while.
But if you don't care about morals, which when it comes to an affair is basically your reputation. And you don't care about your job. Then feel free to proceed. It seems a little short sighted to me, but I guess that my morals, reputation, and source of income mean more than some married women trying to sneak some side dick on her husband.
Of course my advice changes if you actually are in love with this woman. Then you need to confide in a trusted friend who will call you a retarded faggot and punch you square in the face.
Nothing really. He's not all that much better than me. I just made her laughed and listened to some bullshit her husband wouldn't. She think she's in love with me now.
I mean, what's wrong about destroying life of three people out of boredom, right?
What about the right of the children to be brought up in fully functional familly? Who's right's are more important? Who decides that?
what the fuck does this eman
Good advice. I had an affair with a co worker. We're now together officially but had to leave work because of the awkward atmosphere it created, colleages contacting HR etc.