where should i go to meet women,most dating sites are trash from what ive seen(im probably just ugly) so where should i go to meet women in real life?
I'm not of drinking age so bars are out of the question
Where to meet women
I want to know too. I'm 21 and good looking but I dont want a fucking roastie. How do I meet introvert girls?
well meeting introvert girls is a little hard because by definition they don't like to go out
Go for the locker note. Sounds like a nice surprise for her.
some dating apps are very good. the attitude that it's all trash won't get you very far.
you probably don't deserve one, hence you don't have one
like i said i might just be ugly
you'd have to be
a. pretty damned ugly
b. using a dating site with low female:male ratio
for that to matter.
so what matters the most is
1. what app you're using
2. how good your profile is
Hence why I am asking here.....jesus
>don't deserve one, hence you don't have one
lmao not how the world works buddy
deserve is a matter of opinion. if you're being a shitty frog on Jow Forums instead of going out and accomplishing any of your goals, I'd say you aren't deserving.
there's people who try and fail, so why should you who doesn't even try succeed?
well what dating apps would you recommend?
tinder is shit and i never got anyone on okupid
nigger i answered your question you just didnt like the answer
I'm ready to try - I just want to gather opinions on the best method of approach. Asking for advice, if you will...
that's assbackwards as fuck. tinder works best for people who use it properly and don't throw their arms up like "it's shit"
>How do I meet introvert girls?
You never answered my question.
its not that i haven't tried to use tinder its just anytime i do i don't get matches at all and when i do they dont message back?
i really dont understand what i could be doing wrong
i said its hard
your best bet would be someplace like the library or a bookstore the problem is trying to flirt or get a number in those places is hard without coming off as creepy
even the person who gets a date every week on the app can be seen as "doing something wrong". it's like marketing, you optimize your profile as best as you possible can. the profiles of guys who don't at least 75% optimize their profiles are glaringly obvious and it's more likely to attract gay users than females.
yeah, some people are just so healthy, wealthy, and attractive looking that they can take a half-assed selfie and get dates, but the majority of men ought to market themselves well.
also, superficial aspects like your clothing, and to an extent your fitness, matter more on a dating site than real life. obviously, this is because all they have to go off is a picture of you, and a short glimpse into your mind a la how you arrange your profile.
then there are other psychological aspects. if you took a picture of yourself in your kitchen with poor lighting by yourself, that's not so attractive. if you took a picture of yourself skydiving, people might figure you have it *too* together and won't have time for them.
i can see the logic there i suppose
i guess i could give tinder another shot although i would like to meet people in real life
>I could give it another shot
okay. just remember what I said about how the quality of your profile is important. you're probably less normal than the average person and therefore you might come off wrong in your profile (schizo, low energy). compare your profile to other profiles where the men are coming off really well, and adjust yours accordingly.
it's a brutal catch 22 in life because if you have friends then you're shining and people can see it, but if you have no friends then you're sulking and people don't want to befriend you. it's harsh.
>real life
meetup is a mixed bag but in a hip area I found there was a singles meetup with a lot of hot nordic guys and slavic girls.
oh, my point about shining is that you exhibit how happy and healthy you are. adults (not so sure about teens and younger) are attuned to how healthy and benevolent a person is. they can tell just by looking.
given that im a dumb cunt on 4chans adv board
your probably right about me being less normal
you're not a dumb cunt. you're a clever guy who can score a date if he becomes more social and plays his cards right.
Bars, concerts, and clubs.
Introverted girls want boyfriends too. You can find them out in the wild if you know how to spot them.
That's why I find the best way to meet them is to break into their houses. Makes for an unforgettable first impression.