Why do you fight?

In a few decades, the idea of race will be extinct.

A decade or two after that, the idea that biological gender differences are meaningful at all will be phased out.

The idea that human beings had any soul, difference, or essence at all will be regarded as a curious novelty and children will wonder why past generations were so stupid when they are taught about the Dividers in elementary school.

And that's a good thing. Humankind will push to new technological heights, people will be in a constant state of pleasure, and we shall throw off the shackles and superstitions past generations imposed on us. Why do you want to stop it? Deep down you know your ideas are only holding back progress.

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>I base my political ideals on shit that hasn't happened yet
Into the trash you go.

I tried to come up with a reply, but your OP is so uninteresting and its so obvious you are trolling, I couldn't come up with something.

How was your week?

>and that's a good thing

Nazis did pretty good on tech by being straight and white. We'll descend with niggers.

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The esoteric heart of mankind will be waiting in the forests, caves, and mountains to come out again once the shit hits the fan and humanity has to start over.

I have no mouth and I must scream

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Humankind will drown into its own shit of degeneracy and glutony or poverty. Human life is empty and meaningless as it is in the western world. Better be a relic true to oneself and true to nature, than another faceless piece of the herd.

Medicore book but Great game.

I'm not too fussed about the race thing, honestly. I just want an end to homosexual degeneracy and the general decay of proper social standards of decency.

OP is literally a faggot

None of those things will happen, because people will only believe blatant lies for a few generations.

Oh you yids. Thinking you can stop Nature. Why not learn to live in peace instead?

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>In a few decades, the idea of race will be extinct
maybe in the ruins of the west lmao

So...is diversity good or bad then if the goal is to get rid of diversity? If it's bad because the goal is to eliminate it, then you would agree that diversity in current society shouldn't be pushed as being a good thing, since it's a thing we're trying to get rid of.

So lets get rid of diversity now temporarily and live homogeneously until we can get rid of race all together

>new technological heights

When whites and Asians are the only ones who have historically pushed the technological envelope? Sure buddy.

>In a few decades, the idea of race will be extinct.
No it won't. You being a faggot on the internet will never change that.

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Until the lord returns and brings about the revelations, humanity will always have a reason to dislike another group so long as it’s different or foreign to them. History has shown that there will always be a great other.

>Humankind will push to new technological heights, people will be in a constant state of pleasure, and we shall throw off the shackles and superstitions past generations imposed on us.
fall of the eldar

>In 30 years we'll all be empty headed genderless cultureless raceless goyim with an average IQ of 90 ruled by international financial powers that dictate our lives through the economy and media save for a few gated communities of jews and other groups of people with pride in their ancestry and culture
>and that's a good thing
Sounds good. I'd rather have separate nations for each native people preserving the cultura and the genetic diversity of humanity in all it's beauty personally.
Might take a bit more than 2 generations for your demonic hellscape to take shape though
>Humankind will push to new technological heights
How does this happen when everyone is much less intelligent though? You don't actually believe that genetics isn't related to intelligence do you?
I hope in the future we can throw off the shackles of political correctness and the falsehood of equality lunatics like you impose on us