Taxation is theft

>taxation is theft
Why are lolberts so retarded?

Attached: 37238791_1841995195862401.jpg (960x960, 80K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>flys nazi flag
>lol beets are retards
>I’m so witty and smart with my superior Marxist nationalist hybrid faggot mindset.

>national socialist
Your retard genetics are showing mutt

>socialism isn’t Marxism dur dur durrrrrrr

>your a mutt dur duurrrrr durrrrrrrrrr

its literally not you stupid kike

It literally is you mentally challenged faggot. Redistribution of wealth is Marxism, Marx is the father of socialism. Economic systems don’t stop being what they are just because you put”nationalism” in the title.

marxism is a jewish invention, german socialism isnt dumbass

Happy Hanukah!

Putting the word “german” in the title doesn’t change “socialism” from being socialism.