Tell me user. I'd appreciate it

Tell me user. I'd appreciate it.

Attached: BLACKED.png (1195x1080, 639K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Become racist?

Pushups, sit ups, and lots of juice.

White guilt is a choice

Spend time among non-whites and become racist as a result. Like this guy:

by realizing that the black man is the epitome of masculinity

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>How can I cure my white guilt?
Hang out here for a week sugar buns.. we'll get you sorted right out.

Only way to cure white guilt is not to have it. Be proud of who you are. The other races should be thankful we kept them around.

Focus on the work in front of you, it will help

Oh God what the fuck am I looking at

This is how

Attached: 44678721.jpg (1200x900, 126K)

More testosterone.

The best cure for white guilt is seeing shitskins for what they really are.
Open your eyes and witness the savage nature of the shitskin.
Realise that they hate you with a passion so fierce that they want nothing more than to see you dead.

the epitome of masculinity

Attached: 1black-fat.jpg (540x540, 22K)

This makes me vomit, not because of the idea of black baby inside of white womb, but because someone made the conscious decision that this is how to present pregnancy to the French public.

Accept Jesus.

Realize it's manufactured by the media.

Attached: fakenose.jpg (188x268, 7K)

Sounds like you want to suck some shit skin cocks faggot. Good goy.

>"How can I cure my white guild?"

kill yourself, that's what (((they))) really want

Uh huh sure

White guys are super cool.
Watch this military action.
Sandpeople cant compete

Get some white pride, that'll do the trick.

what do you feel guilty about?

I thought that was to become super saiyan?

Concentrated juice.

This guys got the right idea, user. Notice the defeated, deflated look in his eyes. Its almost as if he know its bullshit.

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and this is just the average black man, how could you ever compete?

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the white man has completely lost control

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Happy Hanukkah

Lol i dont celebrate hanukah matata but asswipes like you make me consider it. Nigger

I honestly don't understand how you can feel guilty for the actions of another person. If it was your kid maybe, but people you've never met who are long gone, how does this work?

So, you’ve basically been spiritually subverted by the post-Enlightenment successor to Christianity, in terms of universalist imperialism.

The cure is understanding that this is trash philosophy and replacing what spoiled food is offered to you, with a vibrant and healthy meal, instead.

Unchain yourself. Read pagam philosophers, read Nietzsche, read Mein Kampf, read and understand and realize this is simply the latest attempt in an eternal spiritual war to enslave and castrates the world. A world of free Men, vigorous, dangerous and ungovernable, or a world of slaves, weak, self-hating and helpless. That is our Struggle.

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Herpes stays with you forever.

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I literally threw up in my mouth a little.

>Tell me user.

Not for long. Give it two years or so before the next recession kicks in.

>not because of the idea of black baby inside of white womb
Then you aren't redpilled enough.

Attached: jews blacked media race mixing ads germany.png (848x1200, 31K)

Just realize how useless non-whites are.

You wouldn’t even know what this means you probably use your bare hand like some halfwit monkey

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That shirt should be edited.

are sick of

Attached: white guilt jew media white genocide holocaust industry SORRY-ASS-WHITES.jpg (660x750, 201K)

>How can I cure my White Guilt
Spend 2 weeks in London, Atlanta, Cologne or Paris and you will find pure, untapped, infinite, racism for the subhuman non-white masses and extreme love for your own kind.

You will go through all stages of intellectual racism, starting from 1. Xenophobia to 7. Enlightened Ethnocentrism which will give birth to 8. Social-Democratic Ethnostatism.

>kunta kinte asks greta if she speaks german

This was a funny one.

Attached: white guilt vs North Korea.png (374x492, 441K)

It would be a shame if someone... SHUT IT THE FUCK DOWWWNNN!

So this is the vision of the free, peaceful and united Europe?

Stop letting those around you control your life and your thoughts. Your regrets should be of your own making, not what others force you to endure.

It's funny to look back on these old memes after redpilling, realizing that about 99% of the people in them are actually leftist Jews and their comrades promoting hatred of whites.

Attached: white guilt hello fellow white people.jpg (500x500, 58K)

looks more like...

Anyone surprised?

Attached: nytimes white genocide steve almond shapeshift news jews fellow 1534372153455.jpg (857x857, 135K)

honeypot with dykes thx

Attached: nytimes jews white genocide white guilt.png (698x964, 464K)

White guilt is a spook lmao.
It's not real, nigga.
It's a Jewish baiting to trick dumb whites into serving shitskins instead of looking after their own interests.

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Fuck a black chick.

The other co-author in that is probably part of or married to the "tribal philosophy".

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>feeling guilty for your superiority
Why? It isn't your fault they are inferior.

looks like the ideal (((redpill)))


Quit being a bitch.


With Milk and Cookies. Then go with your frens and burn some sandniggers or kikes or so. The more happy days you have made, you can rember Jow Forums.

Attached: Wehr-Chan.png (417x500, 230K)

notice how the less you do the more "they" complain
do something worthy of the guilt
become the bug bear

Attached: Deathwish.jpg (1050x700, 175K)

Thousands of these redpills to go around. The last 100 years of (((global madness))) really adds up.

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It's better to let them complain. Complaining redpills. It's a cycle they will lose because they're fighting truth in the age of memes.

Being surround be millions of angry shitskins is hardly a privilege.

Embrace it.
No shame in what you can't control right?

>being surrounded by all those brown people

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The respect of what colored people do we need? They're nearly as irrelevant on the world stage as they were back then.

It's not the colored man that is the enemy of the "white" man, it's the Jew. All of these movements and destructive forces are spearheaded by Jews.

Yea but you have a pool

Like when I piss myself in public?

>h h hey there fellow white people

i see you pepe!

>h h hey there fellow goyim

The white man is what kills the white man. Sadly.

*Unless something changes

The Jew is what kills the white man, what's unfortunate is that the white man can't seem to figure that out.

Why isn't black guilt a thing? Why are they not guilty for being dregs on society, violent criminals and sub 80 IQ's? That's stuff to feel guilty about.

>The (((white))) man is what kills the white man. Sadly.

Get fit, read books, don't fap.

Have you considered killing yourself and another white person? How about Angela Merkel? Certainly it's time for Germany to have its first muslim chancellor.

Both fair. I just don't like making excuses. We see it happening, let's prevent it.

Non-whites are a lot like women. They're shit testing you for not accepting your role as their superior. Invasion, rape, murder, it's all them just doing literally everything they can to make you pissed off enough to want to take action and put them in their place. They are mad at you for allowing jewish subversion into your society, therefore wrecking the natural hierarchy. Non-whites worship us. Why do you think they want to live in our countries and dye their hair blond? You can appease them by being honest about your genocidal intentions for them.

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Always agree with POC basically

What a sad state of affairs.


Said the triggered reich winger for the 6.000.000th time in history. I wish Oswald Spengler lived to se the end of WW2, it wasn't the cabaret trannies who almost obliterated western civilization. The destruction of a whole nation was happening in the heart of Europe carried out by his side.


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Just don't have it and take care of yourself, seing yourself as the main-character in the movie about you. Just like everyone else.
