Why do girls put so little effort in dating? As a dude you have to do virtually everything

Why do girls put so little effort in dating? As a dude you have to do virtually everything.

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Don't date lazy women. If they're not putting in effort to the relationship, there really isn't a relationship. Just you holding your dick.

Play the game or lose. Complaining isn't going to accomplish anything

t. Dateless virgin

Because you're the one who wants to put your dick inside them. Girls don't look at a dude and think "I want him inside me", so they have no need to initiate.

>Girls don't look at a dude and think "I want him inside me"
Oh please dude.

Because you date girls who don't really want to do you.
I go out of my way for my boyfriend, always had.

I asked him out first, I initiate most of our conversations, I give him gifts, I plan dates, I pay a lot of them, etc.

Its simply Nature at work.

Why do YOU put so much effort into it?

Female libido is reactive while male is reactive

Girls get horny for you once they know you, you're the one who has to convince them they should get horny for you
Hence why their role in dating is passive