George H. W. Bush (the old one) died!

George H. W. Bush (the old one) died!
S or F?

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This is some kind of allegory surely



41st President of the United States George H.W. Bush has died.

>After Bush's promotion to lieutenant (junior grade) on August 1, 1944, San Jacinto commenced operations against the Japanese in the Bonin Islands. Bush piloted one of four Grumman TBM Avengers of VT-51 that attacked the Japanese installations on Chichijima.[7] His crew for the mission, which occurred on September 2, 1944, included Radioman Second Class John Delaney and Lt.(jg) William White.[4] During their attack, the Avengers encountered intense anti-a fire; Bush's aircraft was hit by flak and his engine caught fire. Despite the fire in his aircraft, Bush completed his attack and released bombs over his target, scoring several damaging hits.[4] With his engine ablaze, Bush flew several miles from the island, where he and one other crew member of the TBM bailed out;[8] the other man's parachute did not open.[4] Bush waited for four hours in an inflated raft, while several fighters circled protectively overhead, until he was rescued by the submarine USS Finback, on lifeguard duty.[4] For the next month, he remained in Finback and participated in the rescue of other aviators. Several of those shot down during the attack were executed, and their livers were eaten by their captors.[9] This experience shaped Bush profoundly, leading him to ask, "Why had I been spared and what did God have for me?"[10]

what did he mean by this?

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Goodnight sweet prince

Well you know his name in Skull and Bones is from the book of revelations I believe.

Never trusted Bush The Elder. CIA boss, Reagan getting shot by Bush family friend. JFK and other weird happenings. My condolences nonetheless.