I am so lost, Anons. I'm a femanon, 27, last year splet up with my bf of 4,5 years (it was a mutual decision, we were both exhaused, we're still friends).
I feel like there's nothing left for me love-wise. I'm like this sad modern woman stereotype, complete with wine and a tiny apartament. I have a fun job in an industry I love, I get to travel a lot, I recently fell into the shithole of one night stands on industry parties, but I can't fill this hole in my heart. I'm not bad looking, I'm smart, I cook, I work with games, but it seems like there's nothing left for me on the market.
Will I die alone, Jow Forums?
I am so lost, Anons. I'm a femanon, 27, last year splet up with my bf of 4,5 years (it was a mutual decision...
Other urls found in this thread:
Why can't you find a new partner? Are men of quality really that hard to find in your area? You even mention that you get to travel a lot. That expands your dating pool a great lot. Based on what you're telling us, you should have plenty of suitors lining up. Hell, I'd like to be one of them.
Is there something you're not telling us? Are you not ready for love again? Afraid to get hurt? I suggest to stop doing the one night stands. Research shows that the more promiscuous a person is, the less likely they will end up in a healthy long term relationship. Don't use men like vibrators, or before long that's all you'll use them for.
It's time to form a family with kids, you fugn slag
I'm super tall and men are usually not into that so that limits my pool a great deal, haha.
I guess after a relationship like that just fizzling out I am not sure if relationships even make sense in the long run, but I try not to think about it. I do miss the closeness, the feeling of connection, just having someone who's important to me and being important to someone... Eh. I don't know. There are men who are interested in me, obviously, but nothing that could turn into a relationship I guess. I imagine I give off a shitty vibe...? Dunno.
Have you ever read my post
>Have you ever read my post
"I'm like this sad modern woman stereotype"
You need no teenager love, you need some kids and family.
grow up, you womanchild
You being tall shouldn't matter. How tall are you? If you have trouble getting men maybe it's your personality. I'll take you on a date and then we can see, okay?
You need to really think about what YOU want and not what you were TOLD you want by others. Men and women need different things to be fulfilled and even within those groups there are variations.
Look inside yourself, find what you actually want. Pursue that and you'll find someone eventually. Or just wallow in misery trying to convince yourself that you should be happy living the "modern woman" lifestyle.
You have one or two more chances max to have a successul long term meaningful relationship. You fell for the "you have plenty of time, live it up." meme. You still have 2 more good tries though but that's two more fuck ups and you're already filling the time you have now by going into a downward spiral of coping with your dissatisfaction, which is self evident.
Doesn't matter to me what you do so I'm not trying to push any sexist agenda on you but this is the cold reality of life.
Teenager dateless virgin: the post.
The wall is justice.
>tfw OP left without leaving contact info
>I recently fell into the shithole of one night stands
So you are a whore and ask us where the decent men are? They will never take you.
Life is not a sitcom.
damn straight
find someone you love?
This. Its hard to love someone when you've loved everyone.
She will never be accepted by an autistic neckbeard virgin neet. Oh, the horror.
What you are looking for is called being single and chaste for few months / years. Despite society conditioning, it is okay and viable strategy to be single for a while.
Or do you expect a prince to arrive and save you while you spread legs for anybody around you? Get a teddy bear for cuddling and be patient.
Women like guys taller than they are. Short guys will not approach you because of that. Unless you reach out.
You need to think about what do you want in a guy. What shared goals and ideas? What do you want from life? Consider how you want a life partner who is your best friend, but you skip considering male friends.
Once you have a clearer idea of what you want you can start looking for that. You are 27, Young. No need to worry until 37. Do things you like and look for the right guy and don't worry about it- ask the guys out if they may be the right stuff.
Ignore the repressed religious twats who want you to conform to their religious bullshit. It is work to find a satisfying relationship - and don't forget to look at your own issues. Why was the last relationship "exhausting?" I can get a "no click", "different people", but exhausting is a weird word except if it was high drama. Then it really is about why.
Fix your Mommy and daddy issues. Be healthy mentally.
Hey guys, sorry, went off to play Overwatch and lost track of time.
Nearly 6'1 / 185 cm.
I am not that happy here, if I were happy would I write this post? It's more of a "how did I end up here" kind of situation.
I don't think you're being sexist, I'm actually painfully aware of this too.
A man that thinks that a one night stand is a dealbreaker is not a decent man for me. I mean I'm not saying this is inherently a bad opinion, just not exactly the one I identify myself with.
Legs or not, no princes in sight.
Thanks, that's probably a very sound idea. Truth be told, I always thought that I wanted to have an adventure partner. Cause life is an adventure, right? I think that's why me and my frevious bf didn't work out, he liked video games and I was crazy attracted to him, we shared similar worldviews, but he wasn't really interested in doing anything with me or with his life, didn't like concerts, didn't like traveling, wasn't interested in actually changing a job he hated. While I got a dream job in gamedev and had some successess he seemed to care less and less about anything. His idea of fun activity was eating pizza or going to a mall. I'm not saying it's bad. We just wanted different lifestyles and despite all the love I had for him - this wasn't the life I wanted for myself. I guess. Maybe I'm just looking for something that's way out of my league. Or maybe I'm too demanding and can't be happy with simple things. Dunno.
Stop-- and I do mean s t o p
looking for sex.
Remember when sex was important? When the idea of someone pushing that envelope was scary? When the idea of one-night stands seemed somehow 'improper' or like we would carry ourselves to be less than we are?
You've lost the sense of things.
I swear it, we all fucked up the moment we started taking sex brain out of the bedroom. We need horny people in exactly two places on earth, brothels and bedrooms.
>women want to be just as competitive as men
>lives of competition aren't actually fun
What's worse is the wall is coming in 3 years for you. Might as well get a cat now because so many saw this coming and no one wanted to listen
And brothels are for... non horny people...? Like is it just me or it's a tad of a hypocrisy?
So if I have done things differently I'd SOMEHOW MAGICALLY find a man I'd love?
Adventurer here. I just came back from a trip to SEA. Want to go together with me for my next trip to wherever? I've been to over 50 countries.
>185 cm
May I ask your body type? Slender or big? If slender, assuming you're a chestlet too?
No, has nothing to do with you. Makes me think of this quote that goes, "women are going backwards 'going forward'"
If you weren't washed into the idea that being independent makes you a viable candidate for being codependent, none of this would be happening to all these young, 25-35 yr old post college women, the same thing that happened to women 25 years before them. Got a bunch of 50+ divorced or single woman trying to live with their children and find jobs at the same time across the country because they fell for the same shit.
Guys, maybe I'm missing something but can you explain to me how "being independent" connects with "finding a partner"? Because yeah, I love my life. I love traveling, I'm basically the only person in my company that doesn't whine when I have to do 4 countries in 2 weeks. I love being active, I love going to concerts, theatres, I love, LOVE my job, gamedev is an amazing industry to be in and what I do is very satysfying.
I don't want to change my life just to find someone. I want to find someone to share this life with. To participate in their exciting life! To learn amazing stuff I haven't heard of and tell them amazing stuff I know. Someone to hold me when I fuck up at work, someone who will need me to hold them when they feel down.
I didn't fall for an "independent woman" meme. I don't think depending on someone is anything bad. Everyone needs to depend on someone every now and then......
Does my life make me unlovable?
You sound like we would get along just fine. I love my life, love traveling, have a good job, and am not going to stop doing any of this just for the sake of getting into a relationship.
I'm a bit older than you, hopefully that doesn't bother you.
career women can't have it both. you made your decision
Why? Career men have it both often enough. Who made that rule?
>tfw OP is probably in Europe like me and sounds like my type of girl but probably left the thread for good
it's over for manlets
it's over for beta males
it's over for ugly males
it's over for poorfags(male)
It's over for unsocialized males
it's over for genetically cucked males
It's over for mentally ill males
it's over!!!!
I'm im Poland, the wonderful land of vodka and car thievery.
Stop trying to pick up lonely chicks on fourchan
What a coincidence, I live in the neighbor country you steal cars from.
You could post on /soc/ you know. For example they have 25+ threads that sound perfect for you, finding others like you.
>Will I die alone, Jow Forums?
You're 27. You have 3 good years to give to a guy in exchange for him comitting to you. After 30 you can still get that, but you won't be able to be picky.
I mean my gf is 24 and said she'd date a guy uo to 34. Why would a 34 year old guy settle for a 30+ woman if he can get a 24 year old?
I would suggest to begin the path of self improvement.
Watch Minimalism and read marie kondo for starters.
Becase your gf is insane and a bunch of drama and stress.
She's the complete opposite.
Are you Jokiblue? Just by offchance
Insanity is not restricted to his gf, let me tell you.
So you're leading a perfect life. Whats your complain again? Long-term relationships are cancer.
Lol i know, kinda why i assumed his gf is insane. Sounds like he doesnt know it yet. He will learn.
She will break you inside out.
Someone sounds bitter. Are you still mad that your oneitis is fucking a 35 year old guy?
You should try joining a club or something that interests you. Hobbies are a great way to meet new people.
Wow, didn't think this thread would be still alive in the morning.
Imagine the roleplaying possibilities.
This is probably the best advice in this thread, also it looks like a really interesting watch. I'll check it out.
I already work in an industry connected to my hobby, do art comissions as a side job (hy 2nd hobby), play RPGs with my bunch of weird friends every 2 weeks. Wouldn't say I have too much time for new hobbies.
Probably won't die alone. Got no idea how to help you, though. I'm a 28 year old mechanic and in a similar position. Feel too old for rowdy concerts and bars I used to enjoy, don't know where else to meet people. All my coworkers are dudes too, so there's no industry colleagues to fuck.
At least at your most desperate you can still fuck a guy to feel validated and pretty for a while. I'm jealous of that.
Imagine the possibilities indeed. You end up trying to steal my car but I catch you and in order to not turn you in I blackmail you into becoming my sex toy? Or what were you thinking.
>one night stands on industry parties
>I work with games
You deserve to die alone, Five Guys
Podobno wszystkie ludzkie strachy sprowadzają się do dwóch, najogólniejszych kategorii: strachu przed śmiercią i stachu przed odrzuceniem.
Każdy z nas jest samotny. Zdażają się chwile, w których nie jesteśmy samotni - ale są to krople w morzu samotności.
Trzeba zdać sobie sprawę, że to jest fundamentalny element rzeczywistości. Jest to też powód, dla którego dotykają nas tak dogłębnie piękne historie o miłości. Ukazują świat, w którym "prawdziwe" szczęscie jest osiągalne. Trudno nam się dziwić, że snujemy te opowieści podczas gdy rzeczywistość jest jaka jest.
Nie bój się samotności. Nie chciej być w związku z kimś tylko dlatego, że boisz się być sama. Zapomnij o tym i nie użalaj się nad sobą. Zamiast tego weź się w garść i zajmij się tym, na co masz wpływ - swoim życiem. Rozwijaj się, staraj się być wartościowym człowiekiem, odkrywaj świat i poznawaj ludzi. Walcz ze swoimi słabościami, bądź szczera i odważna. Nie miej na celu znalezienia kogoś. Rób to dla siebie, a gdzieś po drodze spotkasz kogoś podobnego.
Nie trać nadziei na miłość. Może ci się teraz tak nie wydaje, ale jesteś bardzo młoda i masz przed sobą dużo czasu. Owszem, wiele kobiet w twoim wieku wyszło już za mąż i założyło rodzinę. I co z te
go? Wiesz ile z nich podjęło złe decyzje? Wiesz ile z nich się rozwiedzie a ile będzie żyło w nieszczęśliwym związku do końca swojego życia? Jeżeli już, to ciesz się, że nie dokonałaś pochopnych decyzji.
Nie jest za późno. Nie trać nadzei. Walcz.
Nice meme.
>duzo czasu
Poland has even less tolerance for whoring around.
>A man that thinks that a one night stand is a dealbreaker is not a decent man for me. I mean I'm not saying this is inherently a bad opinion, just not exactly the one I identify myself with.
>a one night stand
>a (singular)
Doing a ONS 1 time doesn’t make you a slut. Most men could brush it off as you made a mistake and learned from it. However, you implied that you’ve done this multiple times. Therefor...
Nie wiem co powiedzieć. Nie tego się spodziewałam pisząc na 4chanie mojego marudnego, wieczornego posta podyktowanego szklanką wina.
Masz rację, stuprocentową i chyba nie ma na mój napad frustracji lepszej odpowiedzi.
To, że bolesnie odczuwam samotnosć to chyba znak, że nie wychodzi mi dobrze przebywanie z samą sobą. Może zanim zabiorę się za innych ludzi powinnam sama stać się dla siebie dobrą partnerką...?
Tak czy inaczej, dzięki za ten tekst. Wezmę się w garsć.
Nie mogę oczekiwać, że ktos mnie uszczęsliwi za mnie.
Is OP still around? Would be fun to talk to her.
You should be careful on the internet. You've already told us that you're a game dev and that you live in Poland. Along with what we know about your personal life, if someone wanted to find out who you are they probably could
Oh no, someone will find out I'm sad about not having a ute gamer sweetheart. ;_; ¯\_(ツ)_/¯