Anti-Semitism is a smokescreen for the real {{{enemy}}}. I am of course, talking about the Irish. Jimmy Kimmel, John Kerry, the Kennedys, all part of the emerald cabal.
"Begorrah, the know. Shut it down, Seamus!"
Anti-Semitism is a smokescreen for the real {{{enemy}}}. I am of course, talking about the Irish. Jimmy Kimmel, John Kerry, the Kennedys, all part of the emerald cabal.
"Begorrah, the know. Shut it down, Seamus!"
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kys anglo
Irish having been fucking up this country for a long time.
I love the Irish
And Bill Clinton
vid related:
Im 25% irish, im cool with them leading the nwo.
Have you seen the state of Ireland? I don't think people (Americans particularly) know how cucked it is
It feels good knowing I'm going to die as a true American.