White is a concept borne in the americas so it doesnt transfer easily to europen over all white is not a useful term for discussion or a meaningful label for what people consider "white people". When the term is pulled out in conversation you can rightly assume the person youre talking with has a very basic grasp of history and of the complex ethnicities present in europe. I honestly have this feeling that white was promoted as a label in america to push certian ethnic groups to be seen as the same by the outgroup.
Brody Johnson
Yes, it helped with cohesion when Anglos, French, Irish and Germans mixed and decreased feelings of being in an outgroup.
Josiah Morris
Oh specially the irish, right? It was not so long ago they were frowned upon in the US
Liam Johnson
I would say yes, I am mostly Spanish, white as a motherfucker, blue eyes, average height, red beard for some odd reason. There is some moor in some Spaniards, El Califato de Cordoba was a terrible time for Spain.
Ian Baker
spend a couple hundred years living among nigs and youll come to understand why we care about white vs nonwhite
Levi Barnes
>A few spaniards believe they're a white race If you're asking to be allowed into the ethnostate I would say yes.
Apart from the Irish, I would say that the Spanish have the most fun culture. Except for that running of the bulls nonsense. That's nigger-tier.
Carson Gomez
>spend a couple hundred years You mean seconds right?
Mason Lewis
>White is a concept borne in the americas When will this stupid fucking myth die
“I am apt to suspect the Negroes, and in general all other species of men to be naturally inferior to the whites. There never was any civilized nation of any other complection than white, nor even any individual eminent in action or speculation.” - David Hume
Eli Reed
We should stop using "white". And start using "European"
Personally, yes Spanish are white. But most importantly Spanish are European. And we belong to a European family. That's what matters