
Just how do you guys cope up with debilitating depression? Lost my job, my closest friends don't want to come near me and I'm always feeling down whenever I'm alone or by myself. I do have a girlfriend I can relate to and a family by my side but it hurts to be like this when I haven't done anything wrong. I've been browsing Jow Forums as a means of outlet but at the end of the day, you just reflect that you've wasted your time doing nothing. What do you guys do to battle such things as depression and degeneracy of the world at the same time? Feels hopeless.

>inb4 an hero
>inb4 kill urself

I'm not at that stage yet. Not even taking meds because they should be taken as a last resort when you're about to lose your mind.

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just fucking do it pussy. you wont

Do what?

by posting on /b/ or Jow Forums and not shitting up Jow Forums w blog threads faggot. kys. saged.

Take comfort in the fact that, whatever happens, you will die eventually. On a geological timescale we are all going to die really soon. So no need to anhero. Just take physical risks and dangerous jobs. Maybe you will be lucky and get killed at work, then they can't say it was suicide. I tried this and did not die, so it doesn't always work. Either way I accept God wants me to stick around, but I will die and be off this faggot earth eventually. Just got to be patient and do what you can in the meantime.

There's no way i know other than trying to improve yourself, doing something useful with your free time. Maybe go to gym, practice some sport, something like that. Something that'll make you feel proud of yourself. If your close friends don't want to be near you, then they weren't really your friends in the first place, the solution is to find and make other friends, meet new people.

When i was younger and had depression, i started going out with friends, meeting new people, trying to learn new stuff such as learning how to play musical instruments etc. At the end of the day, my mind was busy enough to not think about being sad.

I cope with Nationalist politics

Resist the urge to isolate and hunker down at home.
I get into some bad funks and always feel better after a day of work or at least getting out and going for a long walk inna woods. God built nature to sooth us in a mysterious way. I believe there is restorative value in the color green.
My faith helps me a lot as I review scripture that reminds me that A) God adores us, and B) We aren't supposed to be entirely content and happy here- the world has been corrupted and life sucks equally for everyone from time-to-time. You aren't being singled out to get a shittier deal that the rest of the population. Challenge those thoughts that counter points A and B above. Fake it til you make it, as they say. There's wisdom in that. Lead your body and brain into a different way of looking at your circumstances, and your reality will follow.
Expose yourself to more oxygen and the color green.
Best wishes user. This too shall pass.

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I had terrible bipolar disorder and devastating depression. I saw a doctor and got on medicine and I am now healthy and happy.
It’s not normal to have crippling depression, it’s a medical problem.

Get a Fleshlight.

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When it hits especially hard I isolate myself as much as I can. Don't know it this can be helped.

>I'm not at that stage yet. Not even taking meds because they should be taken as a last resort when you're about to lose your mind.
What the fuck I've seen this post before.

lol i have hereditary major depressive disorder
its so bad i cant even experience most emotions
I had sex a week ago & although I got hard I literally felt nothing
I ate some top quality food today & legitimately could not even taste it
I recently hit a massive PR at the gym and felt absolutely zero elation afterwards. I was a blank canvas emotionally
my brain is literally fucking broken, mate
and you know what? I still function
I put in the effort to find a purpose in my life, and I now pursue that venture relentlessly
if you feel literally anything, and somehow manage to let those emotions get the best of you, then there's no way to put it.
You're a bitch.
Man up, and do what needs to be done
If there's nothing that needs to be done, then make something up.
There's always something that needs to be done.

Take effective action, and be stronger.

It isn't impossible, just hard.

But, when you're elderly, and laying on your deathbed, you'll be proud that you took action while you still could.

Be stronger than your emotions, and utilise your days to the fullest.
Your "depression" (aka: bitch-made melancholy) will disappear, and you'll become a new man.


I am depressed because I have vitiligo and it makes me want to kill myself.

Stop consuming media that tells you: feel this way or that. Men aren't supposed to feel very much, and definitely not supposed to think about how we feel we are supposed to act.

Just keep busy, at literally anything at all. You'll find you that nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.

Serious question, desu- did you do a lot of X back in the day? I know a few people who have feels like yours and they have a history of using a lot of that type of drug and they appear to have burned out the part of their brain that can experience pleasure and/or joy.

At least you have a family and a girlfriend. Rejoice, many don’t have that privilege and are drowning in alcohol and drugs in addition.

Want to stop being depressed?
1. Cut all junk from your diet and eat healthy
2. Start getting exercise (even simply walking for 20 minutes can improve your mental health)
3. Don't masturbate all the time
4. Don't do drugs (yes that includes alcohol)
5. Think positive
6. Get off the internet unless you're using it to learn or for work

Jokes on you, I never had any friend.
We can be frens.

Cold and flu tablets, when you're feeling like shit, cold and flu tablets, the good ones you have to hand over ure drivers license for, not the shit herbal crap.
Try it, you'll see it does work.. Feels like someone just gave you a vacation from the fucking depression.
Only take the amount you are supposed to take for a cold.

You should see a doctor about it. I hit rock bottom (lost job, lost girlfriend, became recluse, stopped exercising and started drinking) before I finally admitted I needed help, always telling myself that I'd snap out of it, but never could and just saw the days go by and that made me feel worse and worse.

So the doctor asked a bunch of questions and did some tests then recommended I go on meds and make some changes to go with them. The way he explained it is that my brain chemistry got out of whack and the meds are helping to recalibrate it.

Medication has to be backed by other things though and those are forcing myself to exercise, watching and reading comedy and lastly dietary change - I'm on a ketogenic diet, which assists with the production of neurotransmitter chemicals.

My biggest regret is that I took so long to seek help. That's time I'll never get back.

what do cold and flu tablets do?

Doing something productive
Not eating garbage

Until you have all the above sorted out, stop looking for other solutions like drugs, (((prescription drugs))), orgies, crime, sex changes, joining the circus, an hero, Beta Uprising etc.

after you’ve really tried all the above and you’re still fucked, time to worry