Get ready to blast deep state glow in the dark globalists in the fucking face to preserve our god given constitutional rights.
THIS IS NOT A DRILL! the foot is in the door! Deep state glow in the dark globalists will come to your door at 5 a.m. and confiscate your guns because of your political opinions mentioned at Thanksgiving dinner! If you resist, you will be murdered.
These kike traitors are calling it the "Protect our communities and rights act". I will show these rat clawed yiddish fucks what my rights are.
> Introduced 09/07/2018 Symbolic. No way they are going to fast track that through by December 12.
Colton Smith
the proof that american gun owners claim they will shoot police officers following the law, because they are going to take their guns away, proves gun owning americans are crazy!
Bill is dead as shit. Won't see the light of day, and Dems know it. Hell, they DON'T WANT IT TO.
SCOTUS is hearing gun rights issues for the first time in years, and even milk-toast ones like interstate purchases... they would jump for this to role through.
With Kava-naw and Big Gursk there, it's now a 7 pro, 2 anti, 1 swing court, and Ginsburg is on death's door. Say hello to 8/1/1
Supreme court is now Jow Forums's best hope at the federal level.
these billwriters have names and addresses and have to sleep sometime
Joseph Campbell
T. Jewish golem
David Sanders
You're not fooling anyone head back to redd*t
Nicholas Sanchez
leave now faggot
Adam Taylor
There are acceptable infringements. Reasonable compromises that do not hurt the people the second amendment was intended to ensure the security of and in fact work to protect them. Background checks. Minimum age to purchase to keep weapons out of the hands of children. Hell, I would support serving search warrants to fresh felons and wife beaters to confiscate their guns before they walk out of the courthouse instead of giving them an opportunity to go on one last boating trip. Fuck murderers, wife beaters, and kiddy diddlers. Take away their right to vote while you're at it.
Then there are unacceptable infringements, like outright bans of the guns the second amendment strongly implies are the most important (those being of utility to a militia) aka the point of the whole thing, and confiscating property based on hearsay with no actual crime committed, which would enable the state to take every gun in "enemy" hands if it went rogue and prevent an uprising. But mostly it would just let them harass people for being politically incorrect and set dangerous precedents while violating three amendments at the same time.
Let me level with you here. The second amendment states "the right of the people"
Children aren't part of the people yet and have few other rights. The fact that we let them receive, possess, and use arms is enough. Criminals of a certain degree aren't people anymore. The fact that we let them vote is abhorrent.
I wouldn't be opposed to setting the minimum IQ score to own a firearm at 95 either and make them exempt from other rights like voting. Maybe classify them as fauna.
t. non-person
Connor Rivera
Your mother has become a sucker of my dick
Lucas Young
get fucked comie
Joshua Bailey
>Let's give guns to children >Let's give guns to nefarious criminals with a history of being irresponsible Ya, no. That's DEFINITELY a "yikes" from me.
>drug dealers blasting each other at a school's parking lot at 3am is a "school shooting" >the chances of dying in a school shooting are still comparable to those of being struck by lightning either way >B-BUT MUH CHILLUNZ, GIVE UP YOUR RIGHTS NOW are you niggers even trying
Evan Johnson
>hey aren't school shootings bad? >yeah, how could we stop them? >school shooter: everyone told me i was worthless because i hadn't had sex yet at 14. they said everyone on TV had done it, and they had done it, and that i had something wrong with me. they never stopped. so i stopped them. >other school shooter: i felt so alone, i had no friends. nothing in common with anyone else. and they all treated me like shit because i didn't like their vapid TV shows and rap music. >hmmm, bring back Christianity in schools? >nah, ban rifles and take guns away from ornery old men. Christianity is fucking fascist like do you know bible thumpers criticize scientific theories that have no bearing on daily life and have the gall to say that we shouldn't bend over backwards and accept and encourage every deviant that asks? nutcases. Ban rifles. >two weeks later >*draws two glock 17s* >OH YOU THINK IM GAY BECAUSE IM A 12 YEAR OLD VIRGIN HUH BITCHES >WELL JUST SO YOU KNOW WHILE YOU WERE HAVING SEX I WAS PLAYING FORTNITE AND I GOT REALLY GOOD AT IT
Owen Stewart
Ill be honest. If those kids I bullied in school were packing a glock I mightve not kicked them in the nuts so much.
You think guns stop bullying? Clearly you had the pleasure of going to a non-segregated school. The African youths at my school were constantly beating the shit out of each other and tormenting the rest of the class with "hornets" or throwing paper balls, erasers, and crayons.
Jackson Bailey
Well, at least you're consistent with your grabber idiocy, the only point I'd support you on is minors. The truth is that very few people on Jow Forums supports ANY form of disarmament because they view the ability to defend yourself as a natural, ie non state given right as the founders envisaged. I personally find it very troubling that people are OK with denying a sane person who has reached the age of majority one of the most basic rights you can imagine. In addition the idea of the perpetual punishment of someone who has supposedly paid their debt to society with a prison sentence is also extremely distasteful and seems cruel and unusual to me; it makes very little sense to not restore someone's rights at the end of their sentence. My personal view is that as long as you keep your nose clean, the past is the past and there is no reason you shouldn't be armed barring mental deficiencies.
You can have your rights restored through another legal process. So and so years without further transgression, expunged records. Except in the case of extreme mental defectives - cold blooded killers and pedophiles. But so long as you are marked as a dangerous and immoral man, you should be a second class citizen.
And I hold true in saying that people who score less than 95 on the WAIS V should not classify as human beings except in extreme circumstances like a life without any form of education.
Logan Walker
>My personal view is that as long as you keep your nose clean, the past is the past and there is no reason you shouldn't be armed barring mental deficiencies. Criminal scum are not normal people. They continue to fuck up and can't be trusted. It's just statistics.
Jaxon Nelson
that's why you wait a while before saying "okay, it's clear you just fucked up, maybe a friend talked you into it, you're free again"
five years minimum and if you commit another offense that would invalidate your right to bear arms in the next 10, you don't get it back again. if you think this is unfair and communism consider the severity of the crimes you have to commit to lose your gun rights. those criminals are the first people to support actual marxism too.
Not him, but it really depends on the crime. For example, domestic calls will almost always result in an arrest even if nobody hit each other. Yet the guy will be charged and prohibited from owning firearms. Another one being marijuana charges. Maybe at some point someone got caught with weed and now he's prohibited over having had a fucking plant. In reality the only charges that should warrant not being able to purchase firearms should be felony violence charges and distribution of hard drugs.
Dominic Martinez
this. I was 8 when I got to fire my first firearm. my grandpa drilled firearm safety into me before I could even shoot a .22. By 13 I had a .22 revolver, a Ruger 10/22 and a 20 gauge shotgun. Not every kid is an autistic fortnite dancing queer
Wyatt Martin
>women with feminist "all men are rapist" tendencies stop finding willing dates >people are even more afraid of even trying weed
Jaxson Mitchell
>implying mentally unhinged people should have unfettered access to firearms
Joseph Diaz
>You can have your rights restored through another legal process. Shouldn't be necessary, you've either paid your debt to society or you haven't. They should be restored on the day you finish paying that debt, which in this case would be the day you leave prison.
>immoral man Morality has absolutely nothing to do with law. There are many immoral acts that are completely legal and acting in a moral manner can be illegal. The law takes no stance on your personal moral code.
>you should be a second class citizen No, you shouldn't be. yet once again, you've either paid your debt or you haven't. This perpetual punishment and denial of natural rights is fucked up.
>Criminal scum are not normal people. Oh man! Are we bringing back slavery too? Do felons only count as 3/5 of a person now? This is a fucked up way to look at the world and is why the prison recidivism rates are sky fucking high, these people are utterly unable to reintegrate into society due to views like these and inevitably fall back into their old ways because of this kind of shit. Also, what about people that have never committed a violent offense? we have an enormous number of felon that have a criminal record simply for non-violent drug possession, why shouldn't they have gun right? they've never done anything that shows them to be violent.
>They continue to fuck up and can't be trusted. It's just statistics. The way we handle felons and make them social pariahs for life has a lot to do with this, I saw it firsthand with my uncle. It's very easy to find yourself back in a jail cell when you have no prospects and no support network. It's simple, either someone can be rehabilitated and released or they can't, and if released they should be treated as such.
Daniel Moore
Nobody here is a genuine commie take your shitty rebbit memes out of the one site on the internet that doesnt want it
Hudson Edwards
Good, fuck the Alt-Righters.
The faster we get rid of those shitstains the faster we get rid of a gun control boogieman.
Andrew Morales
Everyone chill out. And tell me what the probability is of this shit actually becoming law. It shouldnt, r-right?
Nicholas Jones
>you believe you should be able to have an Adolfs Revenge 15 million assault rifle??? Youre clearly unhinged!!! >quick, red flag him so we can circumvent the courts of law and just take away his guns >for the chilluns, of course
>someone has depression but isn't suicidal at all >anti-gun family member doesn't like that he/she has guns >calls in saying she is afraid he is going to hurt himself and others >depressed guy is anally fucked by the Atf and has all his guns taken from him or worse Never let the government make clauses on mental health and firearm ownership. >bulemia >adhd >add >depression >anxiety >spd All mental health conditions with no relation to violence or loss of competency, yet the government would most definitely ban people with them from owning firearms.
Kevin Thompson
Listen most of us agree alt-cucks are retarded but they have nothing to do with the situation, stop using them as a boogeyman. It's as retarded as the wannabe nazis throwing around "muh joos and antifa" at everything
Jose Edwards
Exactly 0%, that bill will be dead come December when the new congress is seated. What you'll have to worry about is what they propose when all the new Democrats are seated and Pelosi starts to try and ram things through.
Jaxon Richardson
You guys are just scared because this will target mentally ill incels which is basically all of you
No, there's basically no chance of this becoming a law. Constitutional challenges aside, it's just not a viable idea.
What it will be however is a thing they'll point at and whine endlessly about how we "won't compromise" and how every evil in the world from now on is because we somehow prevented it from passing.
Anthony Perez
>heh, that will show those pesky alt-righters >now the government can take away anyones guns without due process, nice >t. lenin
Wyatt Watson
>all this antifa shilling coming out of the woodwork Wew, you guys sure are mad that /k never accepted you fags
Jackson Adams
Then how come the ERPO laws at the state level are already resulting in in-home executions of people with no criminal record against whom no charges were filed?
Carter Hall
>protecting our communities and rights >and rights
Hunter Parker
>Maryland Have you ever been to Baltimore? Its not a gun control issue, its a nigger control issue sold as a gun control issue to cuckservatives, boomers, and dems who end up supporting this shit cause they see unending Africa-tier violence in the streets
David Davis
Since antifa is now domestic terror classified, wouldn't these comments from cunts be against US law?
Asher Martin
I know that, you autistic dumb Jow Forums shit. The guy I was replying to is blithely sure the national law won't fly even though it has in a dozen states and has already resulted in at least one death. You fail at reading comprehension, as per usual.
Charles Peterson
Orwellian triplespeak. Literal propaganda
James Jenkins
>mentally unhinged
with the way society is going you don't want any decisions being made off who is and is not "mentally unhinged". autism is threatening to become the next sluggish schizophrenia where political dissidence is a sign of it due to "insufficient empathy" (the state's views are supremely empathetic, disagree and you are heartless) and "poor social conformity" (the state's views are the norm weirdo). enjoy being diagnosed with school shooter syndrome if you don't support the ruling party
>if you had any empathy you would want to accept all those refugees >if you had any empathy you would want to put them out of their misery
There were no mentally ill incels before the sexual revolution. It's not an illness, it's an artifact of culture. All you have to do is stop dehumanizing and constantly bullying people for having less sex, having sex later, and keeping fewer friends. They used to be called virtuous and reserved men instead of incels.
Or you can blame it on them. And while you're at it, go find the nearest black man and get on his case about how he is a dumb ape-faced piece of shit nigger who can't ever be an american because the founding fathers said america is for free white men and he's 3/5s of a person because niggers are dumb fucks who live in mud huts. If he knocks your lights out it wasn't your fault. It was his fault for being a nigger.
Caleb Miller
seething incel
Austin Long
I would assume it's because no cases have worked their way through the courts yet. You'll most likely see these laws shot down in time just due to the fact that they are blatant violations of the 4th and 5th amendment. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when pic related hears the arguments for these laws and grills some fuckers.
stop blaming "muh culture" for why women find you creatures repulsive. The incel problem didn't exist until recently because beta white guys that live with their mother have become so entitled and bitter over the world not revolving around them anymore
and yeah it's the niggers fault in your scenario, just like it's your fault for being a repulsive incel.
Jacob Sanders
See this?
Trolling, insult spamming cunts like this are intentionally breaking board rules.
>incel this >incel that You Redditors sure are intellectual powerhouses... Hence you need to talk about an anonymous person's sexual status instead of the topic at hand.
Ryan Ortiz
t. Butthurt incel
Tyler Foster
Me? I never had that incel problem because I ignored hookup culture instead of pursuing it under the mistaken assumption that it was good and normal. It was pretty fucking easy. There is no such thing as a born incel, it's just a shitty culture that treats people like garbage if they don't tick the right boxes for participating in a prolonged orgy. You can stop being celibate by leaving it. Sadly, it's come to dominate a lot of schools, which just so happen to be where the "incels" - people treated like shit by hookup culture - kill people.
by the way, your hateful language is a big "no shit" red flag. you enjoy verbal beatdowns, probably against children because they can't fight back and definitely aren't going to be engaged or married, and are a professional shooter-smith. your pastime is the manufacture of broken minds.
And no, it isn't the black man's fault. It's yours. Talk shit get hit. People should not have to sit there and take it from a fucking nazi, whether your fascism is about race or how many girls you have to fuck to be a real aryan, oh, i mean "chad".
Austin Young
>t. incel Redditor
Hunter Scott
Children arnt people Ex cons arnt people sub 95iq arnt peoplr My my arnt you an edgelord Fuck off you authoritarian cunt
Liam Jackson
>implying it isn't falseflagging incels
Normal people don't use the word "incel" unironically because only incels, people neck deep in shit who aren't aware that you can meet a girl outside of tinder or some other designated hookup function, believe you can be involuntarily celibate as if there are no other options but to make it or give up in a culture based on shallow evaluations and more one night stands than second dates. Only "incels" believe it's a condition. It's actually a movement of stubborn idiots who call themselves incels. Everybody else just calls them assholes and virgins.
Anyone with half a brain can see they're just misplaced in the middle of sodom and clearly weren't raised with the fear of the lord in them.
Caleb Murphy
>Anyone with half a brain can see they're just misplaced in the middle of sodom and clearly weren't raised with the fear of the lord in them. Based and Christpilled
>cant into greentext >cant into spelling >thinks "are not" is contracted down to "arnt" Is that sub 95IQ comment hitting a little close to home, bubby?
>being pushed through! This phrase has always made me wonder. Is it possible for a bill to get written and not be "pushed through" except by dying in committee. Or is it a thing where bills you dislike are "pushed through" (the implication being bad, hasty, and craven) whereas bills you like are gently eased through or something?
Either way, it's not gonna survive the senate. And DRUMPF wouldn't sign it even if it did (or would he, considering his bumpstock ban). Regardless, I wouldn't worry.
Connor Williams
Guys stop low IQ people are people with feelings too. Seriously you dont need to insult them to get your point across
Carson Morgan
It's funny that these conspiracy threads about the intrinsic harmful nature of central government keep going after the immensely deregulating Trump (R) regime.
>immensely deregulated Fresh from your nightly CNN programming session, I see. The Trump administration is "business as usual" for all of the industrialists and politicians in Washington. A bump-stock ban and no wall, yet we found $40B USD to give to Israel. If you think this law is a good thing you're a newfag who doesnt belong here.
Adam Jackson
Anyone else starting to think the neonazi shit is a plant to discredit any conservative movements on Jow Forums?
Nobody thought he was not going to support Israel. It was known from the get go. His family is Jewish.
Nathaniel Cruz
The fact that its a cruel thing to say aside, its not an effective argument, either. Imagine if you were debating the merits of a particular weapon in a particilar role, and the person you were speaking to just called you an idiot the whole time and didnt address any of your points.
Joseph Adams
the only way to counteract it is to make this place more Reddit friendly and hopefully fill the board with new people from there. it really is a great site and it has a lot of things in common with 4channel I spend about 75% of my time there and 25% here
Sebastian Walker
Hey, im all for protecting our wildlife, friendo. Are you actually supporting this proposed bill tho?
Jackson Allen
I'm not worried either but I wouldn't be surprised if Drumpf would somehow sign it in order to appease Democrats.
Grayson Morris
I don't know about the bill. I'd have to read it through. Just commenting on the hysteric style of being scared about a law. Laws by nature can be changed by legislative assemblies and even rolled back.
Nathaniel Morgan
they would have a point if you actually were an idiot
>i demand to speak to your handler
Jonathan Price
>Laws by nature can be changed by legislative assemblies and even rolled back. Yeah, nah. We will never see a repeal of a large amount of gun legislation once it's in place, it's the exception to the rule when it does. There are endless examples of this, but off the top of my head would be the NFA, GCA, and FOPA. We will most likely never get suppressors, short barreled weapons, or automatics freely available again. The government readily takes power but only begrudging gives it back, so the reasonable course of action is to refuse to give it any more.
Cooper Martinez
>fresh felons and wife beaters to confiscate their guns before they walk out of the courthouse If they can't be trusted with a weapon in public they never should have been let out.
Brody Martin
Not a chance man, I used to be like you but you start to hate that community after awhile. Also the upvote system really is bad and the sponsored content is taking over the website.
Robert Scott
Look, i think as a cop, this is a good thing. There’s no reason why we should respond out to a house three times for family disturbances and then it just jumps into a domestic with a gun. We need to identify these people who shouldn’t have guns and take them from them. It makes society safer and our job more safe. No one is trying to take away your hobby, there’s just no need for someone to be exhibiting traits of domestic violence, radicalization or criminality to own guns. I see no reason why I shouldn’t be able to go to a judge as an officer and take weapons away from a dangerous individual.