I will not stand still and let this happen.
We europeans have done great things in the past, i know we can do them again.
Help this become viral, i'm actually shedding tears of anger as i write this
This is it, i will take no more
Advertising and begging is against the global rules. Fuck off
fuck off jidf this is political
EU: "The obvious solution is to ban white people from bringing their white kids to playgrounds. Playgrounds will be designated non-white zones from now on. Also if you complain you will go to jail."
It's ok. We Jews have the financial means to send our kids to private schools and haven't been infected with individualism as you Goyim have. These aren't our problems, there yours. You brought this on yourselves.
Adopt the political philosophy of Bowersism but adapt it to Somalians
>haven't been infected with individualism as you Goyim have
A-ha! I see what you are doing here, Rabbi. Your tricks won't work here.
Then fucking do something you stupid bitch.
>dear diary i am writing to tell you that i am literally shaking and crying
DO SOMETHING THEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Your tricks won't work here.
Are you kidding? We killed 80 million of you guys less than a century ago. What makes you think Jow Forums is so special? Every one of you is addicted to porn, you're the people we want representing our enemies hahahagagag