Whole family "told" (coerced) me (nicely) that it would be a great idea to study in Germany, sure why not. Arrive in Germany with my hopes up, sign up for a German course... My whole class is filled with 40 yo's and pajeets. Live a year like this and make 0 friends; only social interactions are my parents,my then gf, and some friends. After that I applied for a couple of unis, got into one in the middle of buttfuck nowhere Germany, But have to live with 7 akbars in one house because housing in Germany is outrageously expensive.4 months later I get bummed out because I've lost contact with most of my buddies, whole family is across the ocean, stopped talking with an 8/10 qt3.14 due to some bs she tried to pull off, and most importantly, I only had one happy memory made here in this shithole of a country. Had a big test in February, had no reason to study. After failing the test my whole family berates me about how ungrateful I am. I was actually relieved I could go home, nope, they force me to apply in a village that for some reason has a university, and reapply where I'm at to stay here. I feel like I'm some sort of investment that they just won't let go off, they want me to graduate here even though I've told them that I don't want to. What do?
You need therapy.
Where are you in germany?
Franken, I know it's not as bad as the eastern par of germany but I pretty much live in a town that's 20 of thuringen so, it's pretty bad.
Where are you from and how bad are youe social skills that you end up in a WG with 8 muslims?
Mexico, my social skills are fine, I can talk with pretty much anyone here, I just can't find people that I have common interests with (lifting, poetry, piano, aviation, vidya, anime), most people I meet are twice my age. About the wg, it was the only wg in town that would take me in such short notice, I was staying in an airbnb and I had only 2 days left to find one. I moved out in January though.
Too far. Im in the south west.
Dam that sucks, though Baden is dope, I went to konstanz with some budies once.
What do you study or apply to?
I want to study aerospace, or electrical engineering. But in Germany non europeans have to go through 2 extra semesters of german. So I'm trying to get back and deal with those 2 semesters.
Good stuff. Say bye to free time. Where are you applying to? South germany best germany. No worries bout the sandniggers they wont follow you to unis. The curries might.
So your parents paid everything? And you don't have the decency to study for a fucking test. Yeah your parents are right.
You racist dickhole.
Just make friends with the Muslims. Make friends with everyone you cant afford to be picky. Besides German girls are huge sluts. In to weird kinky shit too.
Why the fuck would anyone make friends with t*rks and poo-in-loos?
And that little factoid about German girls sure would be helpful IF THERE WERE ANY IN HIS CLASSES.
Because this shit skin has no choice. Hes as good as an immigrant in a country fed up with immigration.
What are you 12? You don't meet girls in class. You meet them in underground fetish/industrial dance/electronic clubs all over Berlin. Eventually he'll find a coalburner
I don't really care about my free time, as long as I can lift and watch anime with a skinny chick it's all good. I know, most sandniggers go to berufschulen instead.
I live here and what you say is now invalid. Because i said so.
We have good and bad turks here. Same with the Curry. Most people i those courses are trash. The good ones finish them quickly to get a job. What remains in those courses for years is trash.
I'm not a shitskin you fucking retard, not all mexicans come from indian families. Most of my family is of spanish and italian decent. For fucks sake most people think I'm italian because of my name. Most people are surprised when I tell them where I'm from.
If you are a manly man, go for the eastern girls. They dig southern or latino hunks.
As I said toI'm not a shitskin.
>not a shitskin
The fuck dude? Latinos and south eu is shitskin now?
According to Yes
Nice superiority complex Pablo :^)
I don't know how you live with so little planning. You arrive in a country before you decide what course you're going to study? You apply to a couple of universities but you don't visit them or know where they are? You didn't plan good housing for yourself so you got something really cheap with people you don't know.
This isn't Bangladesh. In first world countries you've got to plan if you're going to live well.
You almost got it Hans, and it's not a superiority complex when you're 1.85 87kg 15%bf and white. Pic related my grampa is on the right
I didn't plan on it, as far as I was concerned this was going to be an off year for me before I went to college in Mexico. I had no tell in any of the decisions that were made. And about planning I do plan most of the things I do, from lifting, meals all the way up to vacations, it was just this that I goofed up with.
My parents are divorced, it was my aunt and my grandma who paid for it. Here's the thing, I didn't want any of this.
>forced me
Grow the fuck up, they talked you into doing something you didn't want to do and you caved because you're a invertebrate. You need to listen because they have more experience but don't let them ruin your life because of their fantasies. You have to take the initiative.
>You racist...
Stopped reading, you're garbage, everything you say us useless.
I agree, 15 year old me thought it was a swell idea to come here. I'll talk to my aunt about it, she's the one who came up with this.