In 2100, about 80% of the world's population will either be african, asian, or sand nigger

In 2100, about 80% of the world's population will either be african, asian, or sand nigger.

Is the human species doomed?

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Too many Germans.

yes and that's a good thing

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It just means the few not over-populated countries will become all the more desirable to live in.

p.s. travel Africa while you still can it'll be totally destroyed in coming decades

lmao buddy, there will be at least 1 global scale war and 3 genocides from now till 2100

No WW3 will sort it out. It was our turn to be culled last time around......

I’ve been to Africa, destruction would be an improvement

Also Uganda having more people than Russia. Hard to picture.

genocides against whom?

Source of pic?

why are they breeding so much

I don't care, let the world burn. This reality is a shitty joke anyway.

reminder that conservatives are against abortion

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This is what happens when you send out aid to third world shitholes. DEPENDENT POPULATIONS. Same reason why they tell you not to feed the animals at the zoo.

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Since there is no realistic way to increase the birth rates, i'm ok with smaller population if we close borders.
Africa and Asia birthrates are going to stabilize at a certain point so who cares we just need to close the borders

also the font size of italy or the graph are wrong since it's going to have a 2% increment at best.

great example of The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Africa - 30.7 million km2 - 4bn people
Asia - 44.5 million km2 - 5bn people
Europe - 10.2 milliom km2 - 1bn people
Americas - 42.5 million km2 - 1bn people

Seems to me except for the Americas, all continent will have about the same population density.

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There wont be enoug resources to sustain that kind of population growth. Many will perish from it.

They always fucked a lot. Now more of the children survive to do the same.

Eutelegenesis can turn the tide because sperm is so abundant and replenishing.
people want smart kids and so they will select smart sperm.

harvard will begin editing sperm soon, and so perhaps sperm could be altered to add intelligence boosting genes as well.

that's because most of North America has a colder climate which is a disavantage for a large population

also there won't be enough of newborns later on to take care of the older generations.
i have no idea how will china deal with it.

Uhm what else is new ?

Don't worry, the food aid systems sustaining these goblins will collapse long before then setting in a famine worldwide.

Genuinely concerned. What do you mean 2100? It already is factually 92% african asian or shitskin. What the fuck are you on about.

Chinese CRISPR ubermensch will dominate

pretty sure Europe is smaller than all the temperate parts of America put together.

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99% of people have never even heard of these top-projected-cities in 2100.

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>88 million in Lagos by 2100
I somehow doubt this but should it come to pass I can only imagine that being the logistical African clusterfuck to end all logistical clusterfucks.

Lagos is conceivable since it's already huge. But cities on there like Lilongwe and Blantyre are small places today, and are supposed to grow by 20 to 40 times??? I really don't see how that happens, even with Asian levels of organization (which Malawi certainly doesn't have)

Theres little question that asia india and Africa need massive birth control.

Educate women world wide. Establish family planning clinics. Raise their standard of living....

Holy shit I went so far right Im now a hard leftist. What the fuck?

I am so happy I was born and lived during the zenith of western civilization