fuck fuck fuck fuck


we already discussed no kids. now that I came inside her by mistake, she won't take the pill.
what do

Attached: Organic.jpg (400x333, 33K)

Lmaoo, get rekt dipshit.

Srs though, if she’s determined to have the little shit and you’re not willing to skip town, then you should at least get a test so at least you know you’re raising your own spawn.

Stupid faggot have you never seen any MGTOW vids. Women try trapping you you dumbass for the financial support. Who think these bitches want to work? They just want a parasite to leech off of. lel your fault faggot

Nothing. Wait till the next period and hope she gets it, otherwise hope she wants to have an abortion, otherwise hope she wants to give it up for abortion, otherwise prepare to pay 18 years of child support.

You made a mistake, you pay the consequences.

Go with it. Having a kid may be a good thing. How old are you? Do you have a stable job?

What are you going to name the kid, OP?

*they are parasites who want to leech off of you.

Even if the child is put up for adoption you’re still responsible for child support fyi

No, you're not. If the child is adopted you're not responsible for child support. It is not yours anymore legally.

$800 a month
$9,600 a year
$172,800. Until they are 18.

His name will be Adv.

Fight me.

Try not putting your dick inside a girl that doesn't give a shit about you next time.

Way to assume your babies gender before it's even out of the womb you fucking cis scum

Buy the plan B pill and slip it into her drink. It's a shitty thing to do, but less so than forcing you to have a kid you don't want after agreeing not to.

>800 a month
Dear god.

In sweden you pay 1573 kr per month, which is a more modest $ 168.

$800 sounds just outrageous.

Women become rich by having kids?

Maybe you could learn from it? Something like you only have sex with people you are determined to spend rest of your life with?

In america, anything can habben!!1!!1!

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That's the average. Poor fathers might be able to reduce their payments to $500 if they're lucky. It's still bad nonetheless.

You're know aware of the big scam in the US at least, and Canada too I think. The Court and Welfare systems are designed in order to incentivize women to whore around and become single moms. They force the fathers to pay that child support amount, and they give them another $200-300 for nutrition assistance, AND they go to the top of list of government housing assistance. Basically, if a woman wants to be a NEET for the rest of her life, then all she has to do is spread her legs a couple of times (doesn't have to be the same father) and get a couple of kids. The more kids, the more assistance.

This is why you can't take women complaining in the West of a patriarchy seriously. They literally do not have to work a day in their lives, if they play the system correctly. And that's assuming they're stupid or ugly. The pretty/smart women just gold dig rich men outright.

MGTOW is a real thing and it's only getting bigger the more men wake up to how fucked it is right now. Right now, if you don't want to become an indentured servant, you need to do two things: not get married, and not cum in a chick without birth control.

If you feel this way don't have sex, or use adequate protection to prevent pregnancy. Even the pull out method is 99% effective if used correctly.

Some people suck and will fuck you over. This isn't news. This is like getting blanket mad at all men because they're the ones who break into and burgal houses. You are fully aware that would be ridiculous of you.

The only difference is you *actually* have control over this, and can totally date someone long enough to actually make a good accurate assessment over whether or not shell just go ahead and squeeze money out of you before you start firing love rounds into her.

Also of every case you hear paying child support. You have *no* idea how many of those men are actually just worthless useless faggots who got thrown out for good reason and now cry crocodile tears over it because people like you applaud them for it. You cannot get those numbers.

>They do not have to work a day in their lives

Correct. And yet a lot of them are working, and even fighting for more work opportunities. Your views are twisted. Quit being a little bitch.

your life is over

Offer her some parsley.

Why do you need to work when you can make a full salary by just having a couple of kids?

push her down the stairs

How much of a basedboy cuck male are you? Or are you some roastie doing damage control? I've had at least three friends get fucked over by women and their pregnancy traps, two first cousins, and one uncle. All done in by predatory women. For me these statistics aren't just abstract numbers. I've had a front row seat to men I know, get fucked over for the rest of their lives.

Right now, I'm strong deliberating freezing some sperm and getting a vasectomy. Needless to say, I will NEVER marry. You're fucking naive if it's all about fucking the right honorable woman who won't fuck you over in the end. You think that now but all humans change and are capable of revenge and malevolence. Your nice girl of today can become a bitch in 10 years and choose to suck you dry like a vampire. Men can suck. And women can suck. But right now, the court system allows women to fuck over men under the force of law, and there's nothing you can do about it. That is the difference. Learn it and it may save your life.

You're naive if you think it's all about fucking an honorable woman**

Such is murrica

Honestly though 800 a month isnt much to really live on. Even if youre backed by something like EBT theres a lot if pleasantries you miss out on like clothes and toys. And thats not even getting into stuff like rent which rips away a good 80% of that

break it up? or does it dissolve?

what if she takes 2?

How do you keep a child alive on less than 200 bucks a month?
Does mommy state just jump in to help with your mistake or something?

Teach me o wise 1 and good one... its up to the both of you to figura out which comment is for which person

This, sadly. It's less about women being more malevolent than men, more about how the court system is heavily biased towards them so it's easier for them to manipulate it or have an unfair share of things.

It's such a fuck joke. The idea of equality shouldn't allow for something like this yet it happens all the time to such a severe of degree.

The answer is not to be the parasitic wasp that infects it's host.

Damn! That is fucked. I wish I had some advice to give but I don't beside just horrible joke shit like push her down some stairs. That's really fucked on her part. If she gets her period, RUN...FAST!

>How do you keep a child alive on less than 200 bucks a month?
his mother has to work, bro. she can't be a lazy niggress cunt if she wants to keep it.

>does Sweden have social welfare

If she has no job, she gets poorbucks like all other poor people.

Everyone, regardless of rich and poor also a small benefit from having a kid. Like $140 per month, per kid.

Social athorities never denies poorbucks to a woman with kids, if she has no income. ”The well being if the kids come first” and all that shit.

Fucking run

Winner winner chicken dinner!

Option 1
Kill yourself

Option 2
Kill her

Option 3
Fake your own death and flee the country

Why cant we just tie her up and ram a coat hanger up her spidy hole a few times?

Trips give us the solution.


hire someone to push her down the stairs or punch her in the stomach. problem solved

The fun part starts when you start with: "what if they don't know who the father is?" The state just takes over and she gets the money from them.
The state is literally cucked.

I guess you could make her a milkshake with the groundup plan B pill in there maybe. Otherwise break up with her and pray