You live in the same house with your aunt and close family.
Your aunt is a 7/10.
You're a 7/10 18y/o hugless kissless virgin.
You never had a girlfriend.
She offers you casual sex whenever you two are alone.
Nobody will find out
Would you do it? Explain your choice.
Pic unrelated
Answer me this
Do it.
Show us a pic of your aunt
if my family would kick me out, no. if my family would't kick me out, absolutely 100%
because I'm kind of antisocial and, at the same time, I don't think fucking your aunt really hurts anyone in the immediate sense.
sex is a nice thing, especially if you're mentally ready and it's with someone you trust. did your aunt offer to have sex with you, or is this some kind of roleplay fantasy thread?
Save yourself for your wife. I know that temptation is huge but in the end, the final prize is greater than anything else.
Not gonna happen.
Already did, 5 months ago. Just wondering what the rest of the world would do.
We'd both get kicked out probably. She offered it. 10 years older than me.
Also, you are risking emberassing yourself, because she's probalby not be serious.
It's kinda impossible to save yourself for marriage in this time and age, don't you think?
Seems like you regret it and seek validation now.
I don't think so, no. It's difficult but so is life.
Not really, as I said, just wondering what other people would've done.
first off, you're eighteen? the world is yours. girls are horny too, just go out and find one, I'll give you a huge tip, most guys in their early 20s hang out in huge groups of like 6 - 10 dudes and absolutely never get fucked. go out by yourself and make new friends
secondly wtf? I already havea hard time looking myself in the mirror all the stupid stuff I've done in my life and the stupid shit I continue to do but at least I never fucked the family tree.
>what if not blood related?
its still fucked, you are fucking with things that people have to live iwth for the rest of their lives
also anyone who is 20-30 years older than you can't be a 7/10
I don't believe you, and deep down, neither are you.
Thanks for your opinion, she's 29 btw.
Doesn't matter if you believe me or not, I'm asking what you would've done.
Well you know my opinion already. On the second though, it might be good to record evidence against her, as media makes me belive that her kind might want to take revange on you if refused.
You're retarded. Imagine he follows your sickly advice and joins the legion of middle-aged kissless virgins that haunt this shithole. Good fucking deed done, right?
This is my fetish, so yes.
Grow up. Life isn't all about pleasures, more like striving for great achievments, mastery of skills, etc. Something that others will recognize you for. If you settle for simple pleasures you will never be able to even think of something great because why bother? You only need your sugar and sex, to be happy, right?
Being a virgin sure does make me less experience in sex, but i'm not sure it's affecting me as you're trying to imply!
>Having sex somehow gets in the way of striving for great achievements, mastering skills
This line of reasoning could only come from an incel who has significant trouble getting sex. Sex isn't some magical quest that takes up your entire life. I put my life goals and education before anything else, and still enjoy casual sex. You might as well say "hurr stop eating delicious food, it will only get in the way". I can do both because I'm not some pretentious faggot like you
It does though. Especailly if you are all about that from early age. How can you focus on piano when you spend all your energy on tindersluts? That what is wrong with you, westerners.
Also the fact that you treat sex as nothing, which shows by making it equal to delicious food. Of course if you do something en masse it's going to turn to shit.
Not if you are a healthy, socially well-adjusted individual --- HAHAHA almost forgot, this is Jow Forums where 50% incels pretending they're better than you because they can't get sex and 50% chasing fat girls.
Really tho, it takes hardly any energy expenditure, that's the part you don't understand. Sex is as normal as eating and drinking. Of course you can have some mind-blowing sex with the love of your life on occasion, but why does that devalue casual sex? More food analogy, that's like saying if your meal isn't the best 5-star dining experience in the world you might as well not eat.
But sure, keep convincing yourself that you're too busy "achieving great things" to have sex (but apparently you're not too busy to shitpost on Jow Forums)
The part you don't understand is how much time you need to achieve mastery Jow Forums browsing retard. You can't comperhand what I'm saying because you are broken already. You are wired to do degenerate things like "casual sex". I like shitposting to clear my thoughts, if you think low of me because of that, what makes it you then?
Related by blood, no. Step-aunt, sure why not.
>you are broken already. You are wired to do degenerate things like "casual sex"
>being a normal human being now means "broken"
Of course degenerate shit seems normal to a degenerate.
Appriciate keeping me company though.
Any level headed guy with a healthy sex drive would, let's be honest here. If sexy aunts fucking their nephews was a more commonplace thing, the world would be a better place.