What's the IQ of your average flat earther? 27?
And why are they always American?
What's the IQ of your average flat earther? 27?
And why are they always American?
last three numbers is flat earther IQ
the sad part is that OP doesn't know the truth either. safely accepting the socially accepted truth of how our universe works, while never witnessing it with his own eyes.
you're like that monkey that was trained by previous generations, not to touch that red button.
Spheretards BTFO
Flat earth was a joke but the CIA adopted it as a means to discredit nationalists.
CIA spooks here, please confirm
Know some germans that are flat earther, but most that I know that believe are muslims/arabs
the bulk are bullshitting to farm sweet, sweet (you)s
t.flat earther when i see shitty threads like this
145 iq
Earth is flat
God is real
And op is a kyke
The problem here is that you know muslims/arabs.