How do I stop losing friends on the topic of gun control?

How do I stop losing friends on the topic of gun control?

It's not like I throw them out over politics, but I do treat them differently and eventually they get sick of asking how boots taste and being called a commie.
Should I instantly pop the gun control question before I meet anyone new, just so I can know if their friendship is actually worth it or not? I don't want dirty, close minded bootlickers busting my balls later on because they find out my hobby fully utilizes freedom and human rights provided to me by the Constitution.
Also inb4 "just don't ever bring it up", nowadays it's brought up all the time, and I feel the fires of liberty and rebellion a burning in my chest whenever I hear a traitor who I thought was close to me state their agreement of violating my rights and freedoms as an American and a human being.
Maybe I should wear autistic 2a apparel everywhere so people know? Like MOAN ABE etc.? That way I wont make acquaintances or friends with freedom stealing dirty red commie bastards and whores?
Advice appreciated. So far I've lost 1 close friend and 2 or 3 acquaintances.

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it's over.

we can't have nice things. we can't have freinds, we can't have happiness, gf's, stability, goodness, we can't fit in, we can't have status.

it's over

Believe it or not, gun-control advocates want, at the end of the day, their families and neighbors to be safe too. They're willing to risk tyranny to protect themselves, and you're willing to risk a couple dozen lives a year in mass shootings. That's it, and whether you value the moderate risk of a few lives vs. a minute risk of very many is the difference. You don't have to hate someone for that

Gun owner here and avid shooter. You sound like an insufferable faggot. I mean I wouldn't be your friend based on that fact alone. It's just the way you're acting that makes you insufferable and you're probably like this over everything...

I do hope this is bait though. It scares me that people like you own guns but then again I know how easy it is to own a gun... and how many stupid people there are out there.

His post made it pretty clear he's a knuckle dragging retard and won't be able to grasp this

But they're taking away MY rights and MY freedoms all for their false sense of safety.

>inb4 "just don't ever bring it up", nowadays it's brought up all the time
Honestly I just stay out of those conversations. Yes, it's a lot of conversations right now. I'm very much in the same boat as you OP; I have a fuckton of liberal friends from undergrad and law school.

At the same time, I have a fair contingent of sensible friends with whom I can unwind and voice my opinions a little better. Part of being able to handle it, in my case, has to do with having well-developed views (e.g., knowing why 2A would be a legitimate thing even if it were provable that an armed populace results in more violent crime).

Yes, we're in a turbulent time in terms of how public opinion is being manipulated. Fact of the matter is SCOTUS has said we have an individual right to bear arms and that's not changing anytime soon, if ever. Look at the outcome of Caetano, which reaffirmed Heller and McDonald: Unanimous.

Fear and panic is how the left will defeat us. Calmness and understanding, while remaining firm and resolute, will guarantee our survival. And remember, remaining quiet and in the background is how we won in 2016.

You sound like a Fudd who owns not much more than a .22

You've provided literally zero reasons as to your stance and made no attempts at giving advice, your post is absolutely pointless minging and the thread, no, even the board could have done without it

Don't you have .22 LR to hoard, Bubba?

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And your rights and your freedoms resulted in well over a hundred "preventable" deaths last year. They had families as well that miss them very much. Believe me, I'm a gun advocate but you don't make any progress by demonizing your enemies. Both arguments are logical AND emotional

Good advice, but problems arise in my case.
Firstly I don't have a big enough socially group to have people to frequently vent to about firearms, so I end up opening up whenever it's discussed. Not to mention that since my group of friends is so small, finding out one of my few friends wishes to depose me of my rights really sparks an emotional reaction.
Secondly, my State recently declared that the AR15 isn't protected by the Constitution. Not to mention POTUS and the NRA's stance on bump stocks as of late being entirely unconstitutional. We should be working back the Hugh's Amendment, not strengthening it.

My stance? Obviously I'm pro 2nd Amendment if I own guns. My advice was you sound like a faggot see that's literally how people view you when you spout dumb shit about muh rights in a very aggressive manner. You're literally just as bad as extreme SJW's.

I own an H&K VP9, a Rock Island 1911, Glock 17, and Sig P226. I go to the range almost every weekend.

>Obviously I'm pro 2nd Amendment if I own guns
This is false and shows your general ignorance on gun culture and politics.
You can own .22s but think that an AR15 is "unfit for hunting" or believe that the 2a only protects hunting and target shooting.
Supporting 10 round mag limits is anti-2a, for example.
It's called being a Fudd, which I assume you are given your general attitude and ownership of both a Glock and 1911.

You sound like a proud patriot, nothing wrong with that, user.
I had the same issue happen with me but with some girls talking about "Toxic Masculinity" being a problem with men's self-image. I let my opinion out on discord through just the LA Noire "Doubt" image macro (that was all I said) and they fucking deleted it.
In short, I'll just say let the fires fuel you

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>shows your general ignorance
You aren't wrong about that. As you get older you'll find that ignorance can be bliss. You could argue that I'm a part of the problem because I choose to stay on the side lines but I'll let you in on a secret. There aren't going to be any drastic measures in your lifetime that are going to adversely effect your life. I'm still not wrong in the fact that you come across as incredibly militant and I'll guarantee it's how you carry yourself in most matters, and that's why you don't have friends because you're an insufferable faggot.

>Firstly I don't have a big enough socially group to have people to frequently vent to about firearms, so I end up opening up whenever it's discussed. Not to mention that since my group of friends is so small, finding out one of my few friends wishes to depose me of my rights really sparks an emotional reaction.
Do it on Jow Forums or Jow Forums then. I supplement a lot of my friendventing with doing it there. I cannot overstate how critically important it is to constructively vent your frustrations, rather than going off on people you know will disagree with you.

>Secondly, my State recently declared that the AR15 isn't protected by the Constitution. Not to mention POTUS and the NRA's stance on bump stocks as of late being entirely unconstitutional. We should be working back the Hugh's Amendment, not strengthening it.
Actually I don't agree with you on bump stocks (I also believe the 86 machine gun ban is unconstitutional, however), but I think being able to disagree civilly on nuances is a beautiful thing.

Our rights aren't going anywhere fast. The dimensions of them may shift here and there, but that's completely normal and has occurred with every truly critical right in the history of our great nation (including most of the bill of rights amendments).

I look at it this way: We have had an amazing run in the last 20-odd years when it comes to gun rights. Remember McDonald? Chicago's handgun ban is gone now, and on top of that, the state of Illinois has since enacted a CCW law AND prohibited local governments from restricting handguns and CCW holders. The state has also prohibited local AWBs (except ones grandfathered in, and there's a major case cooking about that right now).

In just 20 years the entire firearms world has changed dramatically, and the underlying decisions are likely to stand for another 20 years without serious protection (Heller is not going away in that time). You do not need to shoot your mouth off man. Leave it to the experts.

>There aren't going to be any drastic measures in your lifetime that are going to adversely effect your life
Too late, buddy. As said, my State put a ban on nearly every semi-auto detachable magazine fed rifle chambered in anything above .22 LR

Vote with your feet. It's what I plan on doing soon. If you're in Cali, go Nevada or Arizona. If you're in NY/Mass, try PA, VT, NH. If you're in IL, try IN, WI, KY.

While I agree that you shouldn't have to make that choice, particularly when 2A should be inviolable, the fact of the matter is that some infringements are happening and will continue to happen, and not just to 2A but to everything else. This is just part of life.

Sort of this but many of them are legitimately stupid and are just further dividing America by pushing for dumb shit like another assualt weapons ban that has a zero percent chance of ending the push for more control and solving anything in a way people will care about.

>Do it on Jow Forums or Jow Forums then.
I find the communities on those boards to be insufferable. Probably one of the worst parts of nu-Jow Forums is you aren't discussing different hobbies with the same people anymore, each board has a different community. Jow Forums is so drastically different now from how it was in '08 it's like night and day.

>Actually I don't agree with you on bump stocks
That's fine, but it adds to a growing fear when an all Republican senate is looking into taking away guns right, of which I supported, utilized and enjoyed.

>Our rights aren't going anywhere fast
In my State they are

>Chicago's handgun ban is gone now, and on top of that, the state of Illinois has since enacted a CCW law AND prohibited local governments from restricting handguns and CCW holders. The state has also prohibited local AWBs (except ones grandfathered in, and there's a major case cooking about that right now)
I suppose I could benefit from seeing the glass half full as opposed to empty.

>I find the communities on those boards to be insufferable.
There's usually at least one sensible thread with a few sensible posters. At least on Jow Forums you can just filter the annoying posters when they enter the thread. I know the communities themselves can be shit, but there's usually a big enough corner to argue in.

>I suppose I could benefit from seeing the glass half full as opposed to empty.
That's what I'm getting at. We're having some short-term setbacks, and a LOT of it is pure shilling and information warfare that the left tried to use to put Hillary in the WH in '16. It's literally the same dirty tricks as before.

That said, I share your concerns about republicans backing down on bump stocks foreshadowing even more backing down. But... on a few levels I don't think bump stocks themselves are a good rallying point, not nearly as important as semi-autos. Bumps were always just for funsies, and have little practical purpose other than getting around the 1986 MG ban and the NFA. I know the way the jurisprudence and regulatory structure functions around the 86 ban and NFA, it's been thought that bumps weren't bannable under existing law. But if you can argue that the 86 ban and NFA are legit, it follows that devices/attachments that make a similar sort of rapid fire trivial to achieve should also be illegal (as I said, I don't think the 86 ban, as it functions, is legit, but for the purposes of this argument I'm assuming it is).

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. The question is how to handle a world where it seems like all your contacts are suddenly terrified of a new boogieman. I've got to say the way I've done it has been through silence and appropriate venting.

Oh no, guns killed less people this year than texting while driving. Quick, somebody burn the constitution.

If youve lost that many friends, I almost guarantee that you are the problem. I've got hard right friends(I am fairly liberal) and there are no problems. It's called agree to disagree, you can be friends with people who have different views than you. But you sounds like you want a echo chamber rather than actual firends. Why can't you just let it go? It's not like you are going to change anyone's mind by being a angry prick, they will just walk away hating you and your stance on guns even more. Grow up and stop acting like a manchild.

>they get sick of asking how boots taste and being called a commie

No one likes to get belittled regularly, especially when they know that your "joke" is a slightly exagerated version of an opinion that you really have about them. Just don't be an asshole and you will be fine, really.

OP I'm pro-gun and don't lose friends over it, I just wait for someone else to bring up the subject of gun control and only give my opinion when asked. Except for at a round table discussion at some Young Democrats meeting I wound up at where I told everybody in the room I was buying a gun for my protection as a gay individual. Now, I'm no expert but this is probably because you are calling your friends communists and whore bootlickers.

PS I'm a communist and we love guns, I'm looking to learn more about firearms in fact. maybe we could be friends if you weren't so partisan.

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Maybe don't go full autism on everyone who disagrees with you and stop acting like a tribalistic monkey person instead of being a respectful citizen around people you have differences toward.

>You sound like an insufferable faggot. I mean I wouldn't be your friend based on that fact alone. It's just the way you're acting that makes you insufferable and you're probably like this over everything...
This. I'm vehemently pro-gun. And there are people I've cut contact with over that or similar things, but that's because THEY were pushy faggots who kept talking about how anyone with my beliefs was a terrible person or something else retarded, usually after they were the ones who brought the topic up themselves (often multiple times to stir shit).

If you're doing that, OP, you're the closed minded one, or best case scenario you're not any better than they are. There's more to someone than one single, solitary political belief. And people who can't see past that typically aren't worth talking to.

Marx made a lot of excellent points in his critique of capitalism and society, but he also made some fatally misguided points as well. This is one of them.

OP, flip the script. You owning a weapon among, say, a neighborhood of non-gun owners is in direct conflict with their perceived right to live without that extra layer of paranoia.

>"I need it for protection."
Yeah, so do the criminals who incidentally own guns themselves. It's time to drop your emotional appeal to some outdated piece of legislation that just plainly needs to be reviewed in a modern context.

>If you're doing that, OP, you're the closed minded one
Fair enough. How do I change my attitude to shit I feel strongly on, then? Unlike SJWs and the Left, these are actual rights that are being threatened and not ladeeda muh feels horse shit.

>in direct conflict with their perceived right to live without that extra layer of paranoia
This is not an actual right, it's a delusion.

>Yeah, so do the criminals
Criminals don't use guns for protection, they use them to commit crimes. They also acquire them illegally regardless of how many people's actual rights you violate.

Best advice in this thread, cheers.

who doesn't love guns?

>How do I stop losing friends on the topic of gun control?
Don't respond in a heated way, try to keep things from escalating. Say that you respectfully believe in the 2nd amendment and enjoy guns as a hobby and leave it at that. Don't try to convince someone of your view. If they start arguing, change the subject or say you'll think about their words and reflect, then do nothing. That will at least shut them up and save a friendship.

That said, I think it's insane to give teachers guns to prevent shootings. The answer isn't more guns. Common sense gun laws need to be implemented for public safety. People can still own and use guns, but they need to be highly regulated. It has to be hard to own a gun, with training and licenses and such. I think that still allows for constitutional right to bear arms.

This just comes down to if you like your friendships or your politics more. As you said, never bring it up of your own accord, and if someone else brings it up, just fucking lie. Use your vote wisely on politicians that support your position (there's plenty) as that's all that matters. Dumbass jerkoff political discussions at parties and bars don't change shit in the world so there's no reason to get fired up no matter what your views are.

as a gun-haver i want this too. i know realistically, even if the second amendment is removed guns will still be huge in america. theres a huge market for illegal weaponry in this country.
except now all the criminals will know that ordinary people will always be disarmed so they'll become emboldened and a lot more dangerous.
so please let us keep our guns

My rule is to not discuss gun, gay, or abortion, rights.

You should stop watching tv. Makes life much more easy going.

Lol rock island. Nice jamomattic.

>No feefees from you mister.
I know I'm falling for the bait but....

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You’re the insane one OP.
The entire world regards you as a maniac exept a small strain of rednecks and neonazis living in the southern states.

Everyone else disagree with your beliefs.

So please, try to change yourself instead, because you cannot change everyone else to your liking.

Maybe you're being a douchebag about how you present your argument. Barring something outlandish like saying I fucked babies or animals, I can't imagine having an opinion about something that would cause my friends to fuck off. Do you really want friends who you have to agree with absolutely everything about?

is this because the state has more firepower than the working class can reasonably use against them? Obviously the power of the working class is not in their weapons but the relationship between them and their bosses (the boss needs you but you don't need him), but you're naive to think the transition to socialism won't get violent. And it doesn't even have to go that far. If you think the most gains made by the civil rights movement weren't made by gun-owners then you're delusional.

>criminals are a threat because they have guns
you know who will never lose their guns, no matter how illegal they are? the police. If you're the liberal I think you are you probably recognize the amount of police officers who get away with murder on a regular basis.

But that's unrelated to my gun owership. A twink like me has to worry about any guy who can bench more than a carton of milk who doesn't like the fact I take it in the ass. A firearm throws the natural disadvantage of my supple body (the price to pay for being gorgeous) out the window and multiple dudes will think twice about ganging up on me if they know I'm packing it.

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>Same reason as criminals
>Who uses the gun, not for protection but the ability to force complicity into law-abiding individuals in an offensive manner.

Okay user. Here's your (You) for the day. Don't spend it all at once.

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