Born in Western Europe

> Born in Western Europe
> Have the best infrastructure in the world. (School, Hospitals, trains, airports)
> Literally the most beautiful women in the world
> The highest wages in the world
> The fastest internet connection in the world
> The most beautiful architectures of the world
> Have a passport that opens the doors of the whole world
> Have the best libraries and philosophers of the world

> Muhhh, you bring nothing to France.
My father is a banker and I am a student.

> Muhhhh you are not white, you do not have your place in France.
My father is Algerian-German and my mother is a white Frenchwoman.

> Muuuuhhh you're Muslim, it's incompatible with France.
I am atheist.

Now knowing this, why do the fascists want me to return to shitholeland (Algeria) ?

And you, what shithole do you live in ? Are you jealous of me ?


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You make this thread daily, it is not genuine.

Your neck will learn the weight of your ass by a length of rope, goatfucker.

You're a fucking parasite and that attitudr will turn France into another retarded Algeria.
Kill yourself.


>My father is Algerian-German
So you admit being a nigger. Cool.

My father is a green eyed Tajik
But if I could, I would get rid of all the other Afghans and all other foreigners in this country.
Afghanistan is such a shithole, and the problem is that they the Afghans that migrated here, believe that this subhuman islamic system has any place here.

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go burn some cars instead of creating this same thread everyday

>My father is Algerian-German and my mother is a white Frenchwoman.
So, 25% rotten and 75% white? It's okay, according to the nazis if you marry a white your kids will be white.


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