Can we all agree hes the only person with ideas that are worth thinking about

Can we all agree hes the only person with ideas that are worth thinking about

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Cringed, bluepilled, and wasted digits


I’d rather just read Lacan

No. He is the best of a bad crowd. A communist retard has some redeeming traits of pissing off those around him and wanting to ally with the nationalist right.

Not sure I can agree to that.

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clearly you've never read one of his books

Waste of sperm

Hegelian dialectic for edgelords. Lefty whisperer.

a funny guy, one of the few marxists who are able to talk about ideas without resorting to treachery or anti-logos.
But sadly, both underrated and overrated due to meme status.

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Marxist cross-eyed retard that does the occasional anti-SJW rant to portray himself as different, profound and rebellious...yet (((MSM))) loves to give him exposure.

Didn't he recently say something based and redpilled? I think Eric Striker said so.

He takes a detail and twists it, all the while missing the whole point.

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Like i wrote before, he does the occasional anti-SJW rant but it's all about the typical leftist desire to be "different" that's all. He sees that the other leftists are full on SJW so he has to go the other way to be different/profound/etc.

He is entertaining in his way but that's about it. We all just wanna hear him say "I am ready to shell my mother into shlavery to shee V for Vendetta part two ". No one takes his stuff seriously and he half knows it.


Idk I like his stance on immigration and how its okay to be misanthrope. Hate him for being a literal commie. At least he pisses off SJWs.

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Well he's a fucking white male turning 70 next year, probably not too rich. It shouldn't be a surprise that he sees madness in the most idiotic SJWs.

He's one of the better commies that still have a shred of sanity. Waiting for him to embrace the third position as the only legitimate form of protest against global elites (not those CS players).

Is that kike Enoch?


Bowers btfo that nigga three days after this. He called you out Jow Forums and Saint Robert delivered.

Skip to 47:00 for his argument against the "Alt Right" which is essentially that personal conditions are inextricable from political views ergo your interpretation of FBI stats is colored by your status as a loser/incel. Also Hitler was not wrong merely for his anti-Semitism but the use of anti-Semitism to maintain lies about the movement he created. Good stuff, he's clearly worried about the memes you guys are making.

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Žižek still believes in "the ultimate triumph of communism" in much the same way that the Asians still believe in "Eastern philosophies", or the blacks believe, despite all evidence to the contrary, that they are not inferior. This is the effect of the Western locomotive. Those it doesn't physically obliterate, it freaks out into denial. There is no hope for anyone whose skin is not white, not because we are "racists", but because they are.

Hes a pedo. The only thing I want to hear come out of a pedos mouth are screams of pain


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He'S 70? Thats a pretty decent looking 70

Kyle Odom said a sign of Martian's was that they were always loudly sniffing.

How about you think for once i your life and form you own ideas you brain dead faggot? Or do you have to rely on internet edge lords to do it for you?


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Keep in mind his viewpoint comes from growing up in a privileged household by having parents where were Communist Party functionaries in Tito's Yugoslavia.

he's never wrong because he never advances a falsifiable claim
Peterson-tier cringe

Fuck that communist piece of shit


He is worth the occasional laugh, but my local butcher has more valuable insights on philosophy than this pseudo-intellectual hack.

>live the good life because your parents are inner party elites who control the wealth
>everyone else hates communism and gets rid of it
>suddenly you cant live like a rich kid
>spend the rest of your life failing to convince people communism works

>muh positivism

Now this is pure ideology

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Never heard of him.
Looks like an ugly mutt as well.

he is a hack
he is the intellectual Jordan B. Peterson of the left


He is a massively influential and well cited academic philosopher. He has an entire journal dedicated to researching his work.

>you god damn
>you god damn right

33% of sociology professors identify as marxist
I have no respect for academia

Your point? So does JB Peterson. And citations and journal reviews dont really mean shit these days

Stupid ass Daffy duck sounding motherfucker.
He's a fucking commie and he will hang like the rest of them.

slovenes are worse than jews

He's an autistic fucking moron. To be a social philosopher you have to actually have social experience.

How about a gay slovenian jewish communist, now that's pretty bad.

He said at a university talk that Hitler was right about Jews and the holocaust was made up, which is more redpilled than anything I've heard a conservative say.
But then he goes on to say that the facts don't matter because he's a typical continental philosopher who rejects all empiricism.

people in our ex-yu countries hate, love or dont know who he is
of those who know him most hate him because he is loved by socialists, commies and those in general with a leftist affiliation
also Slovenes are by default not liked

Only person
>A very high threshold of evidence
With ideas worth
>You’ve presented us with no ideas of his so far.
Thinking about
>Christ user, even bad ideas are worth thinking about in order to realize that they’re wrong and learn from it.

Everyone knows that. It's just a fact. That's like calling the sky blue. Hold literally no weight with me. Just like CNN anti-white based black man saying Israel is a terrorist state. It's common knowledge, he's still an anti-white monkey man.

fuck you Op and your 1 post

Anti-ideologicalism is in itself an ideology


Sadly, yes. Conservative intellectuals are now extinct.

>Everyone knows that.
You overestimate most people. But even those who know usually don't reveal their power level in public. He's only allowed to get away with it because he's a leftist and supports the anti-white agenda.

can you hear the rotors in the distance already?

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Jesus! Mark Hamill looks like shit!

žižek is based and redpilled

You, westerners, are unable to comprehend because you are compromised.

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