What makes someone an incel?
is it the Jow Forums attitude or is it pretty much anyone who doesn't get laid even if they don't have bitter feelings about it
What makes someone an incel?
is it the Jow Forums attitude or is it pretty much anyone who doesn't get laid even if they don't have bitter feelings about it
The Jow Forums attitude. They would rather blame an outside force for their internal failings. They have a weird hangup about sex, so they externalize negative emotions toward sex, especially toward the women who "refuse to let them have sex with them".
Women are not objects. They do not owe you anything. If you treat them with respect like all people deserve, eventually you'll meet someone who'll want to tickle your peepee. If you act like an entitled baby and rage-quit the first time a social interaction doesn't go your way, you're not going to get anywhere.
this soooo much
they are the typical "nice guy" who hates women because they can't get laid
As a virgin I'd say an incel is a combination of these
Late life virgin (after 22-23 I'd say)
Hateful towards women
Feels entitled to sex
Extreme self hatred
Obsessed with sex
Lack of ability to introspect, a failure to accept responsibility and a tendency to blame others.
It is the unholy combination of socially retarded and extremely arrogant to the point you cannot blame yourself or change yourself to adapt to your situation.
Depression turns into desperation which turns into hate.
i would say a lack of self discipline, lack of moral code, virtue, and a developed complex because of the trivial means of their existence. so they coax their complex with victimization and their scarred ego painted pretty with pride.
we have consensus
strongest conclusion:
refusal to accept responsibility for failings
This is a partial solution for some of them, but not all
Everyone write your your MP or congressman today! LEGALIZE PROSTITUTION or Face the INCEL rebellion!
lol, but seriously, it would help
>muh incel boogie man
Is incel just the new name for fedora neck beards?
It's only a boogieman because 2 self-proclaimed incels have gone on murder sprees now. 1 is an anomaly, 2 is almost a pattern. So the normies are watching now.
The latest autist mass murdering INCEL would beg to differ
larger population = more crazy people
plus now they can communicate and feed off of each others delusions and hate
Believe it or not Jow Forums mentality overall helps a lot to make incels.
If I had to put it in personality traits I'd say an incel overall is high conscientiousness, high introversion, high narcissism, low empathy, high neuroticism, low openness
The attitude. Us vs them, sex on a pedestal, failure if you don't get laid, Bo confidence, the world is the problem etc etc.
What if you just think you're not good enough
yeah, but Jow Forums isn't the cause it is the outlet and perhaps it exacerbates the problem, but these are socially retarded people... who only have the internet for human interaction. That isn't 4chans fault
Incels will make excuses for not using hookers. Just goes to show you they actually are volcels in denial.
basically this
but I feel with the way media is going on about it the normies are going to be lumping anyone who doesn't get laid as hateful incel who is going to go postal soon.
even good natured keep to themselves dudes like pic related
Depends on your perspective
Do you consider this your fault or the fault of women and society?
While the word just means "someone who can't get laid" if you strip the context, it was popularized by a reddit sub full of bitter virgins which is why people like spaz out whenever you use the word.
You're a depressed fuck like me but people will lump you with the murderous mysoginists the same if you dare say you're sad nobody likes you
Also this
I was really disappointed i the media for how they handled this. They are only going to marginalize more young men who need help and can still move away from the path of a bitter husk of a man that the incels become.
They need help, therapy, guidance, social skills etc.
For the record incels are a plague on Jow Forums and real robots despise them. It's insulting to have their worldview associated with everyone on that board.
I always thought the typical rk9 poster was a 'traditionalist' like that tripfag Literally Hitler
but he could easily be an incel too....
r9k is just a board for sad fucks and people whose lifes are in shambles to socialize
"incel" is short for "involuntarily celibate".
People like to spout the narrative that anyone who can't get laid has a serious personality flaw. That viewpoint couldn't be more toxic for mental health. Some people are asexual, some people are just awkward and take time to find the right person. We shouldn't be labeling them in such a hurtful way and writing them off as bitter non-breeders.
Many incels don't actually feel like they are "entitled to sex". Lots of people remain virgins until later in life, and loneliness is at an all-time high.
We shouldn't be stigmatizing virginity. We don't have to praise it, but at least not insult those who are virgins. I'm not saying they're entitled to sex but a lot of times it's not really their fault if they haven't found the right person yet, or aren't interested in finding a mate. They don't deserve all the hate they get.
Apologies friend, I merely know that's where a large portion of the problem festers. Not all Jow Forums posters are white supremacists, but if someone's trying to convince me hitler literally did nothing wrong, I've got a pretty good idea what board they main, ya dig?
>he could easily be an incel too
Why do you think he has a dump folder of suspect infographics that prove all his points about how sex is gross and evil unless you've commemorated your relationship to judeo-christian god.
>People like to spout the narrative that anyone who can't get laid has a serious personality flaw.
The only ones who unironically think this are the incels themselves. That's the problem, their a self-fulfilling feedback loop of their own shit self-esteem.
They may currently post there in large numbers but lots of people go there who aren't actually like that. It used to be different, it can be again. Perhaps I'm just in denial.
I dig, your opinions are valid. I just bring it up because recently I've responded to other robots who are also fed up with the incel intrusion and are waiting for this fad to fade. I fear it might not.
>There's no such thing as an incel
except that thousands of people on the internet identify as Incel and some of them are murdering people in anger for the 'incel rebellion'
you're fuckin dumb
Jow Forums isn't incels
It's beta orbiter central. An orbiter is someone who has sex maybe once a month, once a year, once every other year; the only important variable is how often their fighterbay hatch creeks open for them to deploy. The defining characteristic of an orbiter is that it is caught in the gravity well of a greater and more important object. This disqualifies you from being alone if this is you.
There's no such thing as an incel; going your entire life without following in the herd's footsteps is a super power. People who follow the herd always act like they're gaining some kind of super powers or profitable return on what they do but history has shown time after time that they do not.
>OP types Jow Forums onto a new Jow Forums thread
I identify as crippled. Gimme gimme gimme sympathy and free shit to go with my misfortune.
>millennials think they're the same as other generations
i'm not a millennial
and all you've proven is that people who identify as Incel and people who identify as crippled when they are not, are both mentally ill.
Incels exist and so do cripples, but they don't have the same kinds of problems
Ease up on the salt bro, hard enough to garden already.
>t. salty incel
That's like accusing someone of being under 18; you're not allowed to go back once you lose certain things. Not sure why OP's thread deserves so much bumping but have a (you)
so you are an incel
cool story brah, i'll watch the news to see how it ends
>I'll watch the news
get a load of this warm season wanderer
Important distinction: posts aren't people, so just because you see large amounts of jibbajabba on a topic does not actually make it popular. Posts don't have feelings and that's why we don't care.
Per capita: one of the great lost relics of functional education.
Everyone makes things a moral issue, when they're evil and they want to steal apparent virtue from good people. That's what Jow Forums often does.
Go fuck yourself and the horse you rode in on.
>is it pretty much anyone who doesn't get laid even if they don't have bitter feelings about it
what a horribly damaging generalization to make
Playing a bit of devil's advocate here there is a stigma around male virginity. Virgin is one of the most common insults towards young men, hell it's basically the male version of whore. Most "advice" towards virgins is usually "if you're a virgin it's because you're an awful person or have nothing to offer", and society in general is extremely sex obsessed and paints sex as someone literally everyone is having while offering no real perspective on people who do not have sex.
Also this affects both sexes to a degree, but men more because young men are usually horny as fucking hell and men are supposed to be the aggressors in sex.
Incels are retarded and spout hateful rhetoric and a nonsensical world view. Incels are narcissistic. But in counteracting them we can't pretend there isn't some legitimate pain there.
Sex IS important. Sex is a great motivator for humans in general and finding a partner is a big need for most human beings.
Involuntary Celibate
In Cel
It's just anybody who cannot get laid
Retard alert
The pain is all self-inflicted, normal people don't give a shit who's a virgin and who isn't. It's just the fucking incels and the bullies with nothing better to do than to give them shit for being incels.
Most pain in developed countries is self inflicted, it's why depression keeps skyrocketing. But still it's dishonest to pretend society doesn't care about sex, when sex is fucking everywhere.
Society cares about sex as much as it's ever cared about sex. The incel's are mad about, constantly going on about, physically disgusted because other women don't have their VIRGINITY. This is what they're hung up on.
Just no.
I am a fat 30 year old ex virgin. I had to lose my virginity to an escort who was also my first kiss. However, I have many female friends and a few of those are close friends. Yet, at no point did I ever feel like any woman at any point had any sort of romantic interest in me. They valued me very highly as a friend but never as a romantic partner. Yet, I never turned into an incel despite me literally being involuntarily celibate. My rock bottom self esteem when it came to relationships along with me being a fat nerd kept me out of any sort of relationship.
I don't blame women, I blame myself. If I had valued working out and eating right over video games and pizza then my life might have been drastically different. But, that was not the choice I made. So, I am a man who never got laid (until I paid for it) and who never turned into an incel. How does that happen?
>Most pain in developed countries is self inflicted
That's not true; that's the same line of thinking that XYZ shithole country "deserves" their poverty because they have a fucked up government. The misconception is that people choose things knowingly; the reality is that you decide whatever you want and get the same outcome (if USA spends decades at a time like this then how is the 3rd world to do better?) You could be born in a wealthier per-capita country than USA but still have a drug-addicted father and a broken safety net local government. Your family of birth can be like getting dealt a winning hand in a bad place or a losing hand in a good one - some Mexican families do pretty damn well for themselves and wouldn't be caught dead sneaking into Commiefornia. Long story short it's none of your good or bad luck what sits a hundred miles away from you. Privilege is a fat wallet and plenty of time to think about how you'll use it.
People who aren't highly experienced have no way of knowing. Grandparents will know better than anyone who is still dating. Marriage is the ultimate kinder surprise.
If shitty people can't get laid then why do shitty germs keep spreading?
Male virginity is stigmatized because master key and broken lock are real. Back before life turned fake in the developed world, pregnancy out of wedlock was a disaster. Success as a woman meant controlling sex tightly while success as a man simply meant sex. Teevee promotes female sexuality tirelessly because it's the only way they can avoid looking like hypocrites over the products and adverts they fling at young men.
>How does that happen?
25 khhv here
Yet i dont go out and kill people
I work on self improvement and i want to be in long term relationship in future with someone that loves me.
I rejected sex before because i wasnt attracted to girl, qnd i have been rejected
Probably have too high standards.
not going to risk std for short term fun.
>Back before life turned fake in the developed world, pregnancy out of wedlock was a disaster
And yet it happened all the time. Almost like it's an arbitrary religious restriction which holds no real meaning in a properly equal society where a woman could raise a child without relying on a man for anything.
Fuck off grandpa.
>Yet i dont go out and kill people
Uncountable swarms of people are held in legally-enforced chattel slavery around the world in the 21st century, and they don't kill their masters. Killing is for high energy people who want something. Cowardly dramatic killing is for people who want attention (99% of civilian spree killings.) USA has it not because it's the only country with guns (it isn't) but because it's the world mecca of attention whoring.
>And yet it happened all the time. Almost like it's an arbitrary religious restriction which holds no real meaning in a properly equal society where a woman could raise a child without relying on a man for anything.
This is just moralizing with a different coat of paint. Moralizing is just playing with alphabet soup to try and change your own identity.
Normally? For all intents and purposes I should be a bitter raging man who's mad at all women for not one of them wanting to fuck me.
When you say it happened all the time, you ignore that it happened all the time with immense human suffering. What came before the Dickens period of London with its brutal workhouses? Leaving newborns to die in fake daycares.
I restate: master key and broken lock are real. I'm not saying I enjoy this fact or root for the master key or that the broken lock already needs more grief than she already earned for herself. I'm just saying that's what human civilization looks like when you're not applying trillions of dollars worth of makeup to deceive people.
Except, despite having their own faggy little club, incel's are actually a minority dude. Well adjusted people don't sperg out over their virginity.
I came dangerously close to being an InCel, but in my defence it was largely down to forced chronic social isolation and vastly underestimating myself. While I'm not Chad Thundercock, my newer, more positive and light-hearted personality seems to be much more successful in terms of getting laid. I went from being a fat bitter loser living with his parents to a guy with his own place who cooks advanced food for fun and games a lot less than before. Avoiding the InCel trap requires a good kicking by life, not in the 'everyone hates me' way, but the 'no one likes you because you're a fucking retard that causes drama' way.
>Normally? For all intents and purposes I should be a bitter raging man who's mad at all women for not one of them wanting to fuck me.
phone rings
dude picks up
whiny voice on the other end
"I'm sorry"
more whining
more whining
"I will"
This goes on in a loop for over an hour, routinely.
People don't realize this, but today's virgins are running away more than they're being fenced-out. These hypothetical barriers to sex don't line up with the reality of tens of millions of abortions, ticking population bomb where abortion isn't in place, unanswerable disease riddles for the frighteningly near future, and ugly ugly children everywhere you look.
No, you're stitching together random nonsense and making no point at all.
In an ideal (read: equal) society, which hopefully we're actually working toward if we can stop raping women and paying them a pittance for the same fucking work, the lock and key metaphor doesn't apply. The lock and key metaphor only works in a society where women are valued only for their sex and not their actual worth as a person.
Literally the same as the supreme gentleman. It's just a new name for an old thing, not some unique menace.
Incels are those who fail at being normal and also fail at being wizards.
That makes no sense but it's also a perfect descriptor for the mythical incel.
There's a difference between trying and failing, and failing to try. People called incels are (100% voluntarily) isolating themselves from all available prospects. Incel just makes it sound like something happened to him rather than something being done by the person himself deliberately, year after year in a flawless streak despite the rarity of this.
I have tried and failed. But I agree that the main fight is between you and your brain, and it's a fight I've lost so many times it's tiring by now.
That's not what trying means.
>I tried to karate
>I tried to homebuilder
>I tried to stockmarket
>I tried to write
These are the behaviors of have-nots.
truly incelubrious
I don't know how as a virgin I would NOT be bitter about it at least in a vague general sense
I also don't see how you can say every concept regarding gender dynamics on r9k is completely wrong or isn't worth getting angry over
Not him but please explain this.
>literally combination of involuntary celibacy
How is that not straight forward? If you want to get laid but can’t, that’s incel.
Why exactly did these guys go on killing sprees ?
Was it because they just couldn't get laid ?
If yes, then they could've just hired some escort and get it over with.
Those guys could've also received LONG TERM help from a shrink/therapist and they would've been just fine.
A bit off topic but I'll ask anyway. I'm starting to be a bit skeptical of this whole black pill and incel stuff.
I am watching on youtube these "gurus" that claim that if a man is not extremely hot, without a 6 figures income and an high position of power he should either commit suicide or become a monk. I'm saying this because it doesn't reflect the reality that I see everyday, I hang out usually with a group of average joes, nobody is a Brad Pitt nor a deformed ogre, yet we all had our decent amount of sexual experiences with girls ranging from decent to pretty hot. If these Incel Gurus were correct then that would mean that 80% or more of the male population of my country aging from 15 to 40 is made of perpetually of single men. I even watched these Incel guys doing their vlogs regarding their pitiful situation, some of them even go to dates and get matches on tinder, yet when they have to report about the date they talk like somebody with ptsd, one guy refused to go on a second date with a girl because he was "scared". maybe instead of keep ranting about how they are doomed, while swallowing this blackpill garbage they could try to get their shit together and visit a coach psychologist.
Can't we just admit that human are extremely complex and generalize is just stupid?
>If you want to get laid but can't
Literally a contradiction in terms.
Well it's my fault. There's always room for improvement.
someone who can’t get laid even if they wanted to. incels will often claim not to be incel: “I could get laid by an average person if I wanted to!”
Yeah, not if youre alcoholic and don’t leave your bedroom.
>Respect women
>Women are not objects
I just throatfucked and smashed a 19 yr old pussy 30 minutes after I met her randomly for 3.5 hours. She screamed, I put my fingers in her ass. Fucked her in all positions. Shoved my finger and my cock in her throat till she choked. Slapped my cock all over her face and took pictures. Choked her and pulled her hair andsmacked her ass. Bought her taco Bell. Left her at the hotel room.
Told her I'd text her. Never did.
She was pretty hot too. Looked way younger than 19. Never bothered to check her I.D. before I supplied alcohol or fucked her
Fuck respecting women.
congratulations on being a piece of shit and a halfassed troll? not sure what kind of validation youre looking for. go waste your mothers time instead.
This is a blue board you retarded faggot
Bragging about fucking inebriated average sluts like anyone gives a shit
Blue as in SFW
How are you this retarded?
I'm technically an incel because I don't have a healthy sex life (read: few to zero times per year)
But I don't hate women; I just don't get out much or approach any, and tend to reject those that approach me for whatever reasons.
In this case I think there needs to be a distinction between 'weaponised' incels (i.e the former community or r/incels, r9k, etc) and 'involuntary celibate' in the most basic, literal meaning of the term.
you literally have no idea what contradiction means
reminder that having a Facebook account which shows an active social life and gf will be a requirement to apply for jobs
Anyone who goes around in the world and sees all the men in relationships could tell you that the incel doomsaying is bullshit, but in their opinion since the women those men are with aren't virgin 10/10s then it doesn't count.
That's because they're selling that reality, not viewing it
That reality profits them and their shitty self-help books of "just b ursefl bro," because anyone with half a brain to ask the question of 'what's in here that I can't find out for free?' has steered way clear of these self-helpists and their bullshit shilling.
We know humans are complex and generalizations are moronic. But people are also moronic, and morons make generalizations over complexities.
You're not allowed to feel sad, OP. Women are the only ones who deserve love and affection, not you. Now go kill yourself.